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Pete Maina reels


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BP is out of stock on maina reels days befor the musky opener. I'm hearing two weeks for re-stock. Anyone here work for bp? Anyone able to contact Pete? If that was my company i would want to know and would be pissed. What a time to run out of stock. Anyone have a cheap set up suggestion? I'm looking for another combo for myself and my buddy. 7-8 foot MH

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I was there the other day and they had the Maina reels in a combo...there were 5 or so there. I think the combo was $150.


My buddy mentioned that he bought one and it was junk - I don't have a recommendation of another reel of comparable price, but if I were in the market I would be considering other options even if BPS had the reel in stock.

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I was there the other day and they had the Maina reels in a combo...there were 5 or so there. I think the combo was $150.


My buddy mentioned that he bought one and it was junk - I don't have a recommendation of another reel of comparable price, but if I were in the market I would be considering other options even if BPS had the reel in stock.


really? i picked up a low profile one last year, and its easily my favourite baitcaster... never had a problem with it..

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really? i picked up a low profile one last year, and its easily my favourite baitcaster... never had a problem with it..



I guess that's why it helps to get lots of different opinions :) Looking at the reviews, it seems more people like it than not, so you aren't alone in your endorsement.


BPS online says it is on clearance. Are you sure they are getting more in?



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Hi All,


Hope OFNER's doing well out there ... and catching fish, and getting ready for the seasons ... muskies upcoming pretty soon.


My buddy Roy alerted me to this issue here (thanks, oh tall one :whistling: ). Seriously, appreciate you letting me know on this friend.


So here's the deal: The current round reels are being discontinued. I found out in early April at a trip to corporate ... it's really about me being a bit persnickity about what my name is on ... the round reels have been tremendous - and still are really, but last year there was a bit of an uptick in complaints and problems, as compared to near none, previously. I reported some of the stuff to corporate, and asked them to look into it. Apparently tooling just getting old and tolerances poorer, were the findings - And, the source not willing to retool; so rather than let things get to the point of lots of troubles, it's cancelled and looking for new round reel (or something more large line capacity) source. There's likely some left in some places, and I'd say grab 'em where you can find 'em ('cuz honestly still think best quality reel out there for the price - no doubt), but for now gonna be low-profile only until we get something I & Bass Pro are comfortable with.


As I see a couple have mentioned here, the low profile reel actually does everything needed for muskie/pike angling. With today's lines, it holds plenty for casting. I mainly use the 80lb. Spiderwire Ultracast and can get plenty on.


Sorry about this, and no real "notice" ... but when left with a choice of having reels that would consistently see more negative quality issues that I'd be using (and with my name on it) - that wasn't an exciting option. Too bad they wouldn't retool; great reels.


Hope this answers the questions, and hope we are able to find a suitable replacement for larger line capacity reel. In the meantime, I expect folks would be happy with the low profile as an option.


Best Fishes!



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Thanks for taking the time Pete! Glad to hear your taking action and have pride in your product. The low profile reels are also out of stock at BP. I ended up taking my buddy to JB'S and outfitted him with a C3 6500 on a StCroix for more $$$ I'm gonna hold out for the Maina low profile combo, hope its in stock soon $199 is a great price. I'll stop in BP on the way up north friday. Love the show! Keep the big girls coming!


Thanks for the help Roy.



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I have two of the round ones and they've been really good....still are. I haven't got a low profile model but I tried one of Marc Thorpe's last season and I was surprised at what it can handle....for the size I mean.


I'm glad you stepped in so quickly Pete.....that's a real good thing . Thank you :thumbsup_anim:

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Hey Pete!! What's shakin'??

Anyways, Pete's rods and reels are fantastic for the money that you spend on them. They really are the greatest bang for the buck. For the price of a Calcutta TE, you can get 2 full outfits (rods/reels) + line and a few bucks to spare on a couple of lures.

The low profile reel is sweet and I'll be adding one to the arsenal at some point but after picking up a trailer and a boat, it ain't happenin' anytime too soon.

Pete if you want to fish Georgian Bay, drop me a line.



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I have two of the round ones and they've been really good....still are. I haven't got a low profile model but I tried one of Marc Thorpe's last season and I was surprised at what it can handle....for the size I mean.


I'm glad you stepped in so quickly Pete.....that's a real good thing . Thank you :thumbsup_anim:



"surprised at what it can handle... for the size I mean."


I was thinking the same thing about you Roy. :o;)



I have a Calcutta TE and Curado D 300 that I love, but I think I'll give the Maina stuff a look see the next time I'm in a store.

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Hey guys,


Thanks again Roy, appreciate you letting me know on this. Thanks Bruce ... and thanks for the invite man. :D


I hear John ... apparently they don't think there are enuf of you lefties (when I ask about that - they say really don't sell enuf) ... how many are you willing to buy :whistling:



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Hey guys,


Thanks again Roy, appreciate you letting me know on this. Thanks Bruce ... and thanks for the invite man. :D


I hear John ... apparently they don't think there are enuf of you lefties (when I ask about that - they say really don't sell enuf) ... how many are you willing to buy :whistling:




Only one, but us Canuckians have always led the way in leftiness. Apparently it's cuz we all grew up playing hockey. Most of us are naturally right handed but hockey, baseball and fishing seem to bring out lefty genes.



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Reeling with your left hand and holding the rod with you right does not make you left-handed. It means you're right handed. Sort of like catching a baseball with your left hand making someone lefthanded.


I don't know why or how baitcast reels used to be only available in a right-hand reel option, but it is one of the few things that benefited me (besides most things in sports) as a lefty.

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For those of you looking for a Pete Maina round reel, I think I've found a supplier. These people are well known in our community and are also advertisers with us. Give them and the Maina reel a try. You won't regret it.

Click HERE

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For those of you looking for a Pete Maina round reel, I think I've found a supplier. These people are well known in our community and are also advertisers with us. Give them and the Maina reel a try. You won't regret it.

Click HERE


You are a good man Roy. Now, if you can find them in a lefty, I will kiss you square on the lips.

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