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NO seriously regulation on boating is a long time coming I support it TOO many idiots out there!


Anyone can memorize the book, but can they actually operate a boat


Cant believe Im going to agree here,but it,s true.


I can understand the cash grab,BUT,A card dose not mean you can handle a boat.

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Ummm lads.. this PROPOSAL, currently going thru the gazette, has nothing to do with the useless boaters card you're supposed to get for your wallet!


They want us to reregister our boats every 10 years ...for free.... so they have something else to catch us for and charge us with when we forget to do so. Next step will be annual stickers for the boat... just like sleds and cars.

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As always these government regulations are free or inexpensive but they grow like cancer. Every three years we pay, and pay through the nose and get nothing in return. Fight this stuff with everything you got. When the government needs money they just increase the fees and or add a surcharge to your boat registration.


We have surcharges now on just about everything including your drivers license, your car registration, your boat registration, your trailer registration, your auto insurance..........it goes on and on. They NEVER have enough money from us.......

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hmm...ok,,,when was the last time you wrote a check to the gov...just to pay a little extra???(because you feel you should pay more) Sorry but i pay enough tax!!!,,,If i pay anymore i will start to bleed!!


Find another way to collect taxes or spend what you get more efficiently is my opinion!

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What sucks is that the Government keeps proposing these lame ideas which tax the Canadian Citizens TILL death. I would really like to see something for my money. I can't even get a garbage man to pick up a few freaking card board boxes unless they are flattened and bundled with twine, I can't get through to an actual person at any government office without doing the automated operator dance, I can't walk my dog without a leash and license, etc...etc! It starts with implementation and it just keeps getting worse! The renewals will go up in price and we will pay more and more and more and where does the money go? More Conservation Officers...Nope...More fish restocking programs...Nope...more services period...Nope! But guess what? We may very well be co-owners of Chrysler! What a freaking joke!


Cool, Your garbage man picks up your Recyclables.


I'm in the wrong province because we have to breakdown the Boxes ourselves and then go down to the Transfer site and the put the flattened Boxes in the Bin. But only if there is room because someone decided to use up all the room in the Bin because they were too lazy or Idle, to break up their boxes as directed on the huge sign as you enter the site. We are paying taxes so others can benefit. The question is, if there are going to be monies for this Licence, WHERE DOES IT GO before everyone here gets too awrnry.




What you stated is not that smart.

Edited by holdfast
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A small fee to re-register or license will be tolarable.


Not to get off topic, but a lot of peeps complained about the Outdoors Card being a money grab and now that it is mandatory, most comply.


Although with the increasing coyote problem and the lack of authoratives handling the problem, it seems like our Game license fees are being squaundered....


I am not against the sticker implimention on a regulated basis, but if they want to move to inspecting of said vessels for water safety, then there will be HUGE complications...Although it is a good idea, I don't see many inspection staions opening up to handle the masses.

But that is a LONG way off...


So to the issue of free follow up registering of a vessel and even stickers on trailer plates, not a big issue, as long as they remember a trailer is not the vehicle that our motor vehicles are so hopefully they will take all that into consideration when calculating the sticker fee....


Heck I remember when a fishing license was $5, now it's $24.95 and the $6.00 fee for an Outdoors Card. So fee increases are a part of the Countries evolution, and can not be stopped or avoided....

At least they warn us of their intentions and introduce it gradually so the norm can adjust...


I will still be proud to be a Canadian and always wake up every morning with a smile, as there are MILIIONS of fellow peeps that have it WAY worse then I can ever imagine.


God Bless and Safe boating!!!!



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The current vessel registration system has a lot of problems.


1) An archaic records system.


2) There is no way to track a small vessel's ownership history.


3) Up til recently you could sell your boat, and the next owner would keep the numbers on the boat. Nobody would have a clue. At least now you have to have a copy of the registration with you.


4) There is no way of knowing how many registered vessels are still afloat. Won't try to discuss seaworthiness.


Vessel registration in Canada is, at best, outdated, more like trying to manage a sampan fleet in the South China Sea.

It really is no different than ensuring ownership of your car is up to date.


Lets look at the simplest value from an updated registry. A boat is reported adrift on L Ontario and the authorities retrieve the boat. What is next? Did the boat break free from a mooring? Are the occupants floating out in the middle of the lake? Was it stolen? Having current and accessible registration information will eliminate some of the guess work.

How many times have the coast guard, and air/sea rescue gone out on a search and found out, much later, that the boat they found had merely gone adrift. I know of a few occasions where the boys have flown out in some hellish conditions for a false alarm.

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I see several problems with your outlook.


First and forth most is there is a huge difference in the government taking your money and losing it at a casino. You don't have a choice once the government starts taxing/fees on something. You don't have to go to the casino but you do have to pay the tax man. TAXES never go DOWN.........only up.....WHY.......I guess there programs aren't working, are they....


Giving away money to welfare/disability recipients that never payed into the program is wrong with a few exceptions. However, it's the norm not the exception that is running you into the most tax country in the world.


Your country and mine have GENERATIONS of these FREE LOADERS living off of government programs and that is also very wrong. I only want to keep what is mine. I will take care of my family and just want to be left alone by the government. Stop telling me I have to pay even more for someone else to live... I didn't have 8 kids because I knew I couldn't afford 8 kids. Instead I had 2 and housed them, feed them, clothes them and sent them to college WITHOUT any government help..... If I can do so can you... Stop looking for a free money give away.


What if we ALL just stopped being productive and waited for the mailman to bring the check. What then ? ? ?




I hate to say this... I really do...


In the US you do NOT have to pay taxes... infact it is against the Constitution.. alot in the US have realized this and are no longer filing tax returns.. there is NO law on the books that states you must pay taxes as it would be against the US Constitution!



But it is truth... most are just too scared to fight the Gov...



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My main concern would be the next steps. Every 10yrs having to re-register seems a little painful but if that is the limit its fine.


I would worry that we would soon have a drive clean for boats. Or every 10yrs it would need to be inspected by a certified boat mechanic. Not that I'm concerned about the result of the inspection I'm more worried about the cost of having it done. Or the time spent as we all know how busy boat mechanics are in during the boating season. And I for one would have to have my inspection done during that time.


I don't get why they just don't classify Seadoos and Jet Ski's into a category and then they can create rules that just apply to them.

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really? filling out some paperwork every TEN YEARS, for FREE, seems a bit painful?


The painful part is trying to remember to do it. Then having to run around once you do figure it out. I get limited time out fishing these days so the last thing I want to do when I get to the cottage if find a place on a SAT or SUN to get my boat papers in order.


In fact if its free I would prefer to do it every couple years. That way I remember.

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I hate to say this... I really do...


In the US you do NOT have to pay taxes... infact it is against the Constitution.. alot in the US have realized this and are no longer filing tax returns.. there is NO law on the books that states you must pay taxes as it would be against the US Constitution!



But it is truth... most are just too scared to fight the Gov...




I only wish what you said was true...... MANY have tried just what you said and now are in Federal Prison. Taxes are are necessary but enough is enough already.


I have read all the other post that support this legislation and believe me, they don't hold water........ When they get older they will see how much the government is in their pockets and telling them it's for their own good.....LOL

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