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Seeing that most fishing is limited until end of the month, went out looking for snakes and enjoying the outdoors anyways.

My 6 yr. old daughter loves this and is great at finding them.





Couldn't believe how many she spotted. Nice way to start the Easter weekend.

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Garter, ribbon and dekay`s snakes, still waiting to find something different.


We actually found a Dekay's snake today and was surprised at how puny it was.


My daughter loves this outdoor stuff and being able to share her joy with this is the best.

Can't wait for her to cast a spinning reel she is still at the Barbie rod/reel for panfish stage, but i love that too.




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Funny about 6 year olds. When I was 6 I used to catch them by the hundreds. Now I still catch them but I am really hesitant (no reason to be I jsut am). It is funny how we have no fear when we are young.

My 7 year old doesn`t touch them but my 6 year old and my 2 year old love them. Go figure.

I like your pic.

Here is one of my 6 year old with a garter (she was 5 in this pic)


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Last year I caught one down the trail at Bowmanville Creek. My wife loved it as... when I picked it up... it apparently had a bodyguard. Somehow a fire ant got under the shirtsleeve of my t-shirt and began biting me as I picked up the snake!!! Swelled up immediately and hurt like hell. I don't think I will ever live that down.... hahaha

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I used to go for walks by a near by pond when I was younger... My dad would take me and we would go "snake huntin" hahah

I would be divin into bushes and all sorts to get these little guys hahah I would come outta there with my fair share of bumps, bruises, and scrapes..... My best day I caught 11 !!

Snakes are sweet !

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My 2 younger brothers and I were quite the snake hunter/catchers in our childhood!!!


We caught a 5 foot long Black Racer when I was only about 4'-6" tall! You gotta be fast to catch one of those things! It took all 3 of us to chase that thing down and cath it, we chased it for a good half mile up the creek before we tired it out enough to catch it. We kept it as a pet for a couple months before letting it go for the winter. Mom was very cool about it and didn't mind a bit. Mom was working at the Dairy Bar when a lady came in and started telling her about the 3 crazy boys that had a huge Water Moccasin in a gallon jar at the little league game, Mom said "Oh you must be talking about my 3 boys and their pet Black Racer... his name is Rastus!"


I also used to enjoy catching and playing with Hog-Nosed snakes, they can flare their neck out like a Cobra, wiggle their tails like a Rattlesnake... and if all that fails to scare you off the roll over on their backs and play dead!


Thanks for bringing back the memories Erik!!! :thumbsup_anim:



Henry Nguyen Posted Apr 10 2009, 10:57 PM

Dear god she's got more strength then me i be running the other way


Fear of snakes is born out of ignorance!... You aren't that ignorant are you?

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Great pictures...I love snakes sinns & I sometimes go down to a local spot in the summer looking for snakes Sinns is a little wary of the,...There are lots of them....


I remember when i was a wee lass on the farm me and my Aunt who is four months older than i use to catch them and sneak in the house & put them in my mums underwear draw along with frogs.. :D ..lol....


Ahhh the good ole day's..

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My 2 younger brothers and I were quite the snake hunter/catchers in our childhood!!!


We caught a 5 foot long Black Racer when I was only about 4'-6" tall! You gotta be fast to catch one of those things! It took all 3 of us to chase that thing down and cath it, we chased it for a good half mile up the creek before we tired it out enough to catch it. We kept it as a pet for a couple months before letting it go for the winter. Mom was very cool about it and didn't mind a bit. Mom was working at the Dairy Bar when a lady came in and started telling her about the 3 crazy boys that had a huge Water Moccasin in a gallon jar at the little league game, Mom said "Oh you must be talking about my 3 boys and their pet Black Racer... his name is Rastus!"


I also used to enjoy catching and playing with Hog-Nosed snakes, they can flare their neck out like a Cobra, wiggle their tails like a Rattlesnake... and if all that fails to scare you off the roll over on their backs and play dead!


Thanks for bringing back the memories Erik!!! :thumbsup_anim:





Fear of snakes is born out of ignorance!... You aren't that ignorant are you?

Nice little story there GCD! This snake catching is great fun for the kids as long as their not scared.

I did have to handle these snakes first, sometimes these Gartners are a little snippy.

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<_< Don't mind gardner snakes and other harmless ones. But I hate those water snakes that like to crawl into one's boat. Got lots of rattlers up at my cabin. Have to watch where one walks up there .If it wasn't great fishing up there I would be gone. : :Gonefishing:


Just send them GPS to GCB problem solved :lol:

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