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glad to see somebody still gouging in tough times


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"The Leafs, who will miss the playoffs for a fourth consecutive season"


callin her quits a little early there buddy



" The Leafs are consistently ranked as the National Hockey League’s most profitable franchise, worth more than $400 million US by Forbes Magazine, a claim often disputed by MLSEL"


that's it?, we need mooooooore money




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habs could be in last place, and i'd still cheer them on


that's the difference between a fan and a wagon jumper



ur right kickingfrog, i'm a fan that likes to go to games regardless of who's playing, but like u said leafsland is not for the fans of the game, the last few games i've been to have been in ottawa, would love to go to mtl. more but it's a little too far


anyways point of the post was i thought it was a little ironic that they make so much money but feel they need to raise prices because they haven't in awhie, gimme a break

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I spend my $$ else ware.


If more people spent their money elsewhere the Leafs wouldn't be in the spot they are in now.

Why bother spending the money to put a good team on the ice when people are still getting leaf tattoos and naming their babies Wendall and Dougie?

If people in the GTA alone (never mind all of Leaf nation) boycotted the Leaf broadcasts on Hockey Night in Canada, Sportsnet, and TSN for six months, you would have a contending team by the next season.

Winston Churchill said it best: "Never in the field of human conflict, have generations of people been stupid enough to buy the same dross year after bloody year" At least I think that is what he said.


Edited by Radnine
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habs could be in last place, and i'd still cheer them on


that's the difference between a fan and a wagon jumper

ur right kickingfrog, i'm a fan that likes to go to games regardless of who's playing, but like u said leafsland is not for the fans of the game, the last few games i've been to have been in ottawa, would love to go to mtl. more but it's a little too far


anyways point of the post was i thought it was a little ironic that they make so much money but feel they need to raise prices because they haven't in awhie, gimme a break


Geez WJ, aren't you tired of contributing to the same old lackluster Hockey from the Habs. Maybe if people stop buying tickets to a Piiss poor excuse for a team, they might actually bring out a product that plays Hockey instead of the crap I witnessed at their last (Western) Road trip. They wasted a draft Pick for Snider. Lets resurrect Robinson, Harper and Ted Harris eh. Go Habs Go. Ha Losers

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i've spent more of my money supporting the sens and leafs, simply cause they were closer to me distance wise, loyalty costs me nothing, entertainment does, at least schneider is producing a little(for now lol), for a team "trying" to do something now rather than later ya gotta let some draft picks go, that's the way hockey works, i do agree with you, not my choice but sometimes small changes can make a difference, hopefully they can unload kovalev for some consistent talent


holdfast, i've probably missed something in most of your posts (picking a team in your infinite hockey wisdom) instead of a block of them "the west",(last i checked mtl. had more pts. than 2/3 of the west), or the "anybody but the habs" theory, anybody can do what you do and predict one non winner in a group of thirty, odds of probability, btw real clever on how n every one of your hockey posts you all of a sudden cant spell when it comes to mtl. players names, a la don cherry, you have issues there


by the few comments posted on the actuall subject i guess most would be fine if grocery stores sky rocketed their prices just because they know ppl. are going to buy anyways, guess the point was missed, my bad

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The main reason the Leafs sell out is because most of the tickets are sold to Corporations. It's all about business, the bottom line. They don't care about the real fans who make an average income and can no longer afford to bring their kid to a Leaf game.


A team as wealthy as the Toronto Maple Leafs has always had the financial power to wheel and deal for key players to help them win the Stanley Cup. Why dish out the big bucks if the seats are still full and those who can't afford the seats are still buying Leaf sweaters, T-shirts, hats, etc, etc.


A great hockey town like Toronto hasn't come close to winning a Stanley Cup since 1967. That's a crying shame. It boggles the mind that in all those years the powers that be at "Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment" didn't see fit to invest some of their mega profits in key players to make Toronto a serious contender for the cup. Doesn't anyone in the organization have any pride.


Stop buying the bull that their slowly building the team. They've been building it since 1967. Empires have been built in less time.


Let's see if this latest glimmer of hope ( new manager & coach ) can finally bring some pride back to Toronto.... O.K. they've got the manager and coach, but they still don't have any great players. It could take 5 yrs. or more but what the heck, we've waited this long ( since 1967 ). In the meantime you gotta love those corporate seats. Did you know it's cheaper to drive to Buffalo when the Leafs are playing the Sabres than to watch a game here. Go figure!




BigGuy :blahblah1:

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i've spent more of my money supporting the sens and leafs, simply cause they were closer to me distance wise, loyalty costs me nothing, entertainment does, at least schneider is producing a little(for now lol), for a team "trying" to do something now rather than later ya gotta let some draft picks go, that's the way hockey works, i do agree with you, not my choice but sometimes small changes can make a difference, hopefully they can unload kovalev for some consistent talent


holdfast, i've probably missed something in most of your posts (picking a team in your infinite hockey wisdom) instead of a block of them "the west",(last i checked mtl. had more pts. than 2/3 of the west), or the "anybody but the habs" theory, anybody can do what you do and predict one non winner in a group of thirty, odds of probability, btw real clever on how n every one of your hockey posts you all of a sudden cant spell when it comes to mtl. players names, a la don cherry, you have issues there


by the few comments posted on the actuall subject i guess most would be fine if grocery stores sky rocketed their prices just because they know ppl. are going to buy anyways, guess the point was missed, my bad


They may have more points but look who they are Playing, Ottawa, Leafs? for example and they are getting stronger. I think the Habs Played 8 Western teams and won one. Ahhh that tells me something. I watched a couple of games and they were Timmies. West has the Eastern teams by 40 Wins at last count when playing each other. Two Totally different Leagues. Oh heres one to Ponder since you love your present day Canadians?



Ha Ha Ha Ha HA Ha HA


Don't say Carrie Price because if you think he is more worthy than Luongo or Thomas you better get your head checked with the rest of the Loser Hab Fans that picked out half the Allstar team.

Edited by holdfast
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It makes perfect sense to me...


You sell out at lets say an average of $75 a seat ( I have no idea of what it actually is) and you make approx. 1.425 M

Or you raise prices and STILL sell out at an average of $80 a seat ............................. and you make approx. 1.520 M


almost a hundred grand in the pocket of MLSE from a small $5 price raise that likely would not stop anyone from buying a seat...why not?



Yes, its ridiculous that we pay 200 bucks to see a hockey game (and probably a terrible one at that) BUT from a business standpoint what not raise prices.


Im sure lots of you here run your own shows, if you could raise your prices and make a 7% increase in profits without losing any customers you would do it no questions asked.

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NHL hockey was, and always will be a business. No profits no team. IF you don't like their prices or business practices, take your money elsewhere.


In Canada folks like to complain about prices but still do nothing about it. Hoping some one will listen and do something. Businesses listen to the jingle of coins.


I grew up watching the Leafs religiously every Weds and Sat. Watched every Black Label, RedCap and Molden Golsen ad. Sat in the nosebleed seats every chance I could get at the Gardens. Finally gave up on the circus. They aren't worth the money. Spend your money on some good hockey and watch the juniors play. These boys still have to play their heart out every game. They don't have fat cushy contracts yet.

Edited by bigugli
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I grew up watching the Leafs religiously every Weds and Sat. Watched every Black Label, RedCap and Molden Golsen ad. Sat in the nosebleed seats every chance I could get at the Gardens. Finally gave up on the circus. They aren't worth the money. Spend your money on some good hockey and watch the juniors play. These boys still have to play their heart out every game. They don't have fat cushy contracts yet.





me and dad have had seasons tickets for the oshawa generals for the last 12 years.


Each year two seats is about equal to two leafs game complete with beer and snacks.


Not to mention you get to watch kids that care, and some of the names that have gone though in our time are pretty solid NHL players.


Stalls (however many there are), clutterbuck, ty garner, repnev, demidov, archer, ranger, horton, tavares, del zotto (watch for him next year), and wicked players that just never made it like mike sellen, gauverau, ralph, etc etc


good hockey, better price

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The state of the Maple Leafs has been a bit of a joke for quite a while now. Fortunately it does seem like we are finally making a bit of progress. Sure many don't like Burke, but he is a proven hockey mind, and a no nonsense guy. He is aware of what needs to be done, and that means we will get worse (or at least not any better) for probably a couple years yet. Of course in the sports business there are no guarantees, but at least its something new, a different approach.


As for ticket prices, they are getting out of hand. Especially in Toronto. I find if very sad when watching games to see very few jerseys in the lower bowl, with the exception of a few brand new sparkly ones bought right before the game. The true fans just can't afford it anymore in Toronto. I've been to many NHL games in Ottawa, Montreal, Detroit and Vancouver, but only one in TO and thats when a ticket was given to me. Furthermore I payed $9 a seat for games in Detroit last year (only a 4 hour drive from TO) and the games featured some high quality opponents in the ducks and Sharks.


As for Holdfast, your arguments really don't hold all that much wieght. Sure the Western conference may have more "total" wins that the East, but that could easily mean the talent in the Eastern conference is more evenly distributed. The West also has its share of push-over opponents like Nashville, Phoenix, St. Louis, and Colorado.


As for the Olympic team, I don't think anyone considered Carey Price to rival Luongo for the starting goalie spot, or even Brodeur or Turco for the backup(or maybe Thomas but I doubt it with his age and lack of experience). I do however see a very realistic possibility of him making the team as the 3rd goalie, depending on how he, and some of the other young goalies play down the stretch. You also fail to consider all the other Olympic teams that will be competing when you analyse the talent on Montreal. They actually have 8 players who will certainly warrant consideration from their home countries.


Halak, Hamrlik, Lang, Pleckanec - Czech

Kovalev, Markov - Russia

Koivu - Finland

Schneider - USA


and you may even consider Tanguay for team Canada, but I doubt it and would be dissapointed to see him there and not a younger star.

Edited by freshwaterfanatic
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They may have more points but look who they are Playing, Ottawa, Leafs? for example and they are getting stronger. I think the Habs Played 8 Western teams and won one. Ahhh that tells me something. I watched a couple of games and they were Timmies. West has the Eastern teams by 40 Wins at last count when playing each other. Two Totally different Leagues. Oh heres one to Ponder since you love your present day Canadians?



Ha Ha Ha Ha HA Ha HA


Don't say Carrie Price because if you think he is more worthy than Luongo or Thomas you better get your head checked with the rest of the Loser Hab Fans that picked out half the Allstar team.


Take a minute and look at western conf. teams on similar eastern trips and they play just as poor. Professional teams crossing timezones struggle for the most part.

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The state of the Maple Leafs has been a bit of a joke for quite a while now. Fortunately it does seem like we are finally making a bit of progress. Sure many don't like Burke, but he is a proven hockey mind, and a no nonsense guy. He is aware of what needs to be done, and that means we will get worse (or at least not any better) for probably a couple years yet. Of course in the sports business there are no guarantees, but at least its something new, a different approach.


As for ticket prices, they are getting out of hand. Especially in Toronto. I find if very sad when watching games to see very few jerseys in the lower bowl, with the exception of a few brand new sparkly ones bought right before the game. The true fans just can't afford it anymore in Toronto. I've been to many NHL games in Ottawa, Montreal, Detroit and Vancouver, but only one in TO and thats when a ticket was given to me. Furthermore I payed $9 a seat for games in Detroit last year (only a 4 hour drive from TO) and the games featured some high quality opponents in the ducks and Sharks.


As for Holdfast, your arguments really don't hold all that much wieght. Sure the Western conference may have more "total" wins that the East, but that could easily mean the talent in the Eastern conference is more evenly distributed. The West also has its share of push-over opponents like Nashville, Phoenix, St. Louis, and Colorado.


As for the Olympic team, I don't think anyone considered Carey Price to rival Luongo for the starting goalie spot, or even Brodeur or Turco for the backup(or maybe Thomas but I doubt it with his age and lack of experience). I do however see a very realistic possibility of him making the team as the 3rd goalie, depending on how he, and some of the other young goalies play down the stretch. You also fail to consider all the other Olympic teams that will be competing when you analyse the talent on Montreal. They actually have 8 players who will certainly warrant consideration from their home countries.


Halak, Hamrlik, Lang, Pleckanec - Czech

Kovalev, Markov - Russia

Koivu - Finland

Schneider - USA


and you may even consider Tanguay for team Canada, but I doubt it and would be dissapointed to see him there and not a younger star.



Like I said


Who from the Mtl CANADIANS IS GOING TO PLAY FOR TEAM CANADA? I dont care about Team Europe. Geeze why do you think the Habs are Timmies. Yea Yea they got Laroque, hes a disaster on the ice. Even my favorite player Komisarek ( Team USA Possibly) is shy playing the Bruins especially with Lucic on the ice. Sorry guys, but there only one place in Canada that wants to Ban fighting. It would suit the Habs nicely. Betcha they would even ban Hitting.

Edited by holdfast
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