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Spicy curry beef and rice noodles


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Once again here is a simple and quick meal that will warm yer insides.



Hope you enjoy.


Heres the spice and flavors you will need.




Start off with some evoo and one heaping tbls of chopped garlic. I ran out of fresh so had to use the jar stuff. Im not a big fan of it,but works in a pinch.




To this you will add some chunck sliced white onion and beef




Once the beef is half way to being cooked,add in some red and green pepper chuncks and mushrooms and 3 tbles of soya sauce.




Saute til the peppers start to get just a bit tender.


Once again,you throw in those chillie tomatoes




Once you stir that all together,it,s time for the flavor and spice to get going.


One heap tbls of the curry,two tbls of the Hoisin sauce,and two table spoons(be careful you might want less) of the hot chillie sauce.

Stir this all together and let simmer for 20 minutes or so.




While this is all getting happy,start a pot of water for the rice noodles.There are diferent thickness of these noodles. I like the broader ones for this dish.




Once the noodles are done,you just toss it in a bowl,top with the spicy curry beef and here ya go




I like to add some hot sauce to the side of the bowl to dip my beef into aswell.



Hope you enjoy.

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Looks delicious, and pretty adventurous for a b'y off The Rock. That rooster sauce is hot, but the Vietnamese and Thai use it like ketchup. Thanks for another simple and delicious recipe. After all, it's all about the flavour.

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Sure hope yer not saying Im ga,,,,,,,,Oh Heavens no!!!


Some of the best cooks are male.


You remember this guy.He gotthe ladies with his cooking.

I use to watch this guy all the time.




I just thought I'd slip that turkey recipe in for you to use this spring eh!!! :w00t:

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Looks delicious, and pretty adventurous for a b'y off The Rock. That rooster sauce is hot, but the Vietnamese and Thai use it like ketchup. Thanks for another simple and delicious recipe. After all, it's all about the flavour.


Thanks Doug.

It is all about the flavors and the aroma that fills the house.Like an afrdejeac. (sp?)

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Sure hope yer not saying Im ga,,,,,,,,Oh Heavens no!!!


LOL I knew ya werent bud.

I get a laugh from them to by,s.


I know of one member here, that is having his first boiled dinner tonight.

Hope he enjoys that.

Edited by misfish
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good stuff!!


there's a million ways to do it.. i typically make mine 'thai' style. either with coconut milk (green curry) or without. one thing I've learned is using curry paste, not the powder.. mucho better, available at your asian market. instead of soy, i use fish sauce.. soy ain't so good for us boys. add some freshly pounded lemongrass & shallots (if you have a mortar & pestle) too for that authentic taste. yum yum

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Good stuff Brian.Like you,I cook most nights and need to find some new stuff to make.This one looks a bit too spicy for my parents but They are away on a cruise this week so I might just try this one out.It would be cool to have a recipe sectoin here..not a place to post recipes but somewhere to move these posts to so we can refer back to them without searching thru a ton of posts.


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Im getting there Raf.

This 'thai' thing is still new to me. I like the lemaon grass aswell. I have been doing some looking in to the curry paste. The one I use is from Shri Lanka. It,s a dark roasted one. As for the fish sauce,yes it is awesome,but I just got the mrs,s to start eating this, so,baby steps.



Thanks all

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Good stuff Brian.Like you,I cook most nights and need to find some new stuff to make


I am finding the same thing Joe.

Thats why I am trying new and different things. The mrs,s is starting to like alot of the stuff I do,so it,s getting easier for me.


Hell will freeze over before I get the Mrs to try Thai


She was there,but now she cant get enough. Like they say.




Her biggest thing was it looked yukky.

We headed out the other night and had dinner. in all the 29 years together, she would never eat shrimp or crab. Guess what her favorite is now??????????????

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Brian, that is a basic and delicious recipe for noodles, with many great variations.


Consider this: use pesto instead of curry, oregano instead of hoisin, and red wine instead of fish or soy sauce. Add some slivered sundried tomatoes for a slap of flavour. Substitute linguine for the rice noodles, and lose the rooster sauce. Keep the canned tomatoes, evoo and garlic, onions, peppers and mushrooms, but do the same process. Adjust salt and pepper (please grind it fresh).


Add a grating of stinky cheese on top, like parmigiano reggiano, crotonese or piave, and you have another fabulous meal, this one with a more continental appeal. Serve with olives, and a fresh crusty bread. Some chianti goes nice with this one.


For all of my cooking that uses any kind of meat, I always try to flour and fry in evoo (I had to google that, Brian, impressed) because that is how you add meat flavour to your sauce.


As for cooking being woman's work, I would be about 25 lbs lighter if I really believed that. Gentle guidance to SWMBO will continue, as required. *Shhhhhhhhhhh.* I have always enjoyed being able to look after this here self.


I think it is amazing that so many cultures do the same food: ravioli, perogies and potstickers for e.g.

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Brian, that is a basic and delicious recipe for noodles, with many great variations.


Consider this: use pesto instead of curry, oregano instead of hoisin, and red wine instead of fish or soy sauce. Add some slivered sundried tomatoes for a slap of flavour. Substitute linguine for the rice noodles, and lose the rooster sauce. Keep the canned tomatoes, evoo and garlic, onions, peppers and mushrooms, but do the same process. Adjust salt and pepper (please grind it fresh).


Add a grating of stinky cheese on top, like parmigiano reggiano, crotonese or piave, and you have another fabulous meal, this one with a more continental appeal. Serve with olives, and a fresh crusty bread. Some chianti goes nice with this one.


For all of my cooking that uses any kind of meat, I always try to flour and fry in evoo (I had to google that, Brian, impressed) because that is how you add meat flavour to your sauce.


As for cooking being woman's work, I would be about 25 lbs lighter if I really believed that. Gentle guidance to SWMBO will continue, as required. *Shhhhhhhhhhh.* I have always enjoyed being able to look after this here self.


I think it is amazing that so many cultures do the same food: ravioli, perogies and potstickers for e.g.



This is the feed back I was looking for douG.


As for the pasta,I know it,s a carb,bnut we have it once or twice maybe during the week.


Im glad you didnt say Blue cheese.Thats about the only thing I cannot get my nose by.


Keep the canned tomatoes

Like I said before,I make my own. Only when Im in a hurry I use the canned ones.When I do,I simmer them and add more kick. :whistling:


Serve with olives

Oh one of my favs,but that is one that she will not move on. I have tried.


As for cooking being woman's work, I would be about 25 lbs lighter

This why I am 60 pounds lighter.Bettys not complaining either since she has lost 30 pounds. :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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OK, so now you have gone and done it again. First it was the boiled dinner and just for good measure I had my nephew here and he is from the rock so he was able to tell me it was "just like mom use to make" boy was it good and the peas pudding.... never had it before either but loved it.


Now you come up with a dish like this and you know I just have to try it too. Well, got to go to the store now and get some supplies. :clapping:


Big Fat Cliff

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