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hand versus power auger


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a quick once over to bring you up to speed . i'm in my 40's but still in decent shape for my age .

the guys i fish with on a regular basis are all over the place with their age groups.

problem is here,, in shallow water i refuse to use a power auger in my vacinity,, deep holes like simcoe etc.,

give 'er! i enjoy caching fish and put forth a lot of effort to ensure i stand a chance at doing so.

what sucks is that when the boys come out to play in the shallows on my fav. pond ,, i suggest i cut the holes with the hand auger just to keep things on the Q.T.. it sucks 'cause ,, what would you do if you have a power unit and a friend says "no, keep it quiet",, you're goin' to want to cut your holes with gas ,, damn straight . i have one but use it only in certain circumstances.


am i being a bit anal on the noise factor ? do you think that it matters that much? between 6 and 10 ft. is the target depth.

love their company ,,not their practises.


tough bein' me.


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hard to say Bob, the past few days i was fishing wallies in 12-18 FOW and it semed as though the fish bit when there was some noise. whether it was the chainsaw running and knocking down some firewood or simply running round on the ice tossin a football. and also everytime there was a "thud" from the ice cracking a line was goin down, so i dont know exactly to be honest.

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I understand where ur coming from. ur not being anal i dont think. If you dont want noise, you dont want noise. Those gas augers are loud. In shallow water i can definatly make a differnce. What species you are after will make a differance as well. Pan fish i wouldnt worry about too much, unless ur talkin crappie...and even then depends on how much pressure they get.


Offer to cut their holes for them or tell them ahead of time to leave it at home.....however looking at it from their side, if you spend the $$$ on a gas auger you are damn well going to use it. Maybe the comradery out ways the noise factor?



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Makeing the hole with a power auger or hand really does not matter you spooking them either way in shallow water, but once the holes are made keep it quite for a bit and they all come back. I guess you have never tryed fishing for brook trout? just walking out spooks them, but you catch them.



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some days the noise scare them on other days it darws them close to see what is happening

and stll other days they don't react at all


have been fishing perch, the guy 15ft away drills a hole and the perch show no reaction while I am watching them on the underwater camera


so who knows

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Makeing the hole with a power auger or hand really does not matter you spooking them either way in shallow water, but once the holes are made keep it quite for a bit and they all come back. I guess you have never tryed fishing for brook trout? just walking out spooks them, but you catch them.




fished for specks thru to my late teens growin'up,, even walking the banks of small streams on soft water is enough to scatter cagey fish. stealth is the key.

Edited by waterwolf
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Yeah, you're being anal!... and with a little more traing you'll make a fine "Grouchy Anal Ol' lunatic" when you get older!... I could give you lessons if you'd like? ;)


You're correct about the noise! Sound travels thru solids much better than air.


I don't get to ice fish that much, but I've been several times. When there's a bunch of activity on the ice (sleds, atv's, kids running) I haven't caught squat! Nice and quiet is when you catch the fish!!!


I would probably pick up and move to a quieter spot if the people around me were being noisy. (Lesson #1 in being a Grouchy Anal Ol' lunatic)

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6 of 1, 1/2 a dozen of the other!


When I fish for pike, I like to troll right in the prop wash about 1' under the surface and I will guarantee I'll catch a lot more than the guys that are trolling way back so it would seem that the noise and acticity actually get them to bite. I have also heard of (and I still want to learn more about it) of trolling for walleye in the prop wash where as most people I know use planer boards to get out and away from the boat. As for ice fishing, been out lots of times where if a sled went by or anything caused a noise fish would bite. I really think it depends on how hungry they are and a lot of other factors. Personally, I do use a hand auger but just because I know I can always depend on it.

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the noise between a gas and power auger will be the same just one longer in time to go threw the ice what you should do in trhe summer is go under water with mask and snorkel or scuba dive like i do and bang to rocks together , then think of what the noise from the augers make it will be a million times louder, and we still catch fish . if te fish are hungry or predators they will eat or strike

same a s trolloing with boat for fish in summer

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the noise between a gas and power auger will be the same just one longer in time to go threw the ice


Indeed, gas augers don't exhaust under water. The noise and vibration transmitted by either gas or hand augers is the blades cutting through the ice. Gas would likely lessen the noise time as noted by Malcom.


For the record I've never owned a gas auger. :)

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the noise between a gas and power auger will be the same just one longer in time to go threw the ice

I have noticed when using live minnows the noise of an auger or passing sled seems to wake them up and swim a little more usually atracting the attention of bigger fish but there are always limits to what is to much noise.

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when the bite is off i usualy BLAST my GHETTO BLASTER to the max to wake up them sleepy ones!


Or depending on the specie you are fishing.








screeming these words will actually get the mto bite! :thumbsup_anim:

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It's hard to tell, some days the noise will attract them, some days it wil not. fished in 2 feet of water and we turned the ice into swiss cheese with gas auger.. and got plenty of fish, while others were drilling all around us at odd times with gas augers as well.


IMO, if you position yourself strategicaly for the species you are after and your tip ups/flags/jigs are where they should be.. it's a matter of fish feeding or not.


Someone once gave me crap for running over to a tip up that was being bit, because he said the running on the ice makes a lot of noise and vibrations under the water...??? Who knows, but I will not tip toe over I can promise you that.


when fish are not active, and you let your baits sit there quietly they will come up and look at it for ever without biting, and in those circumstances sometimes a bit noise, or a bounce of the bait will make them react and bite.


If anything, when you go into a bay and wish to have peace and quite and jig, then ok a noisy auger can be a bit annoying.

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