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Took last week off to go moose hunting but the weather sure didn't take the week off. My dad and I and three other hunters headed in last Sunday morning. The sun was shining and all was looking good, even the forecast was saying it was going to be OK.

The trail into the camp sure took a beating over the summer with the wet weather. We ended up cutting around some bottomless mudholes along the way in.


We hunted on Monday morning with no success and then it started to pour rain. Even at this point the weather guy said it would stop by the next morning. So we huddled up in camp and the guys hooked up the beer keg.

Next morning we woke up to this. It sure looks pretty but a real mess in the bush, no way to hunt in this situation. Another day in camp.



Still didn't melt through the day on Tuesday and it still wasn't going to improve for a couple more days. We were planning on coming out on Thursday anyway so we said enough and headed home. It took a lot of chainsawing to remove the fallen trees and branches. We stopped at a nearby camp on the way back out for a break. My ATV looked more like a Ski doo.




One more week of work and it's back to the camp for a week of deer hunting. Hope the weather holds a little better next trip.


I wasn't impressed with the snow last Monday either Bernie... trying to close up camp!


And like Terry says... most guys need the snow to track bullwinkle! lol


It makes it easy to track them alright but the dang snow was so heavy it bent over the trees. No way you could walk through the bush. We did cut a cow track on the way out but no calf. No Bull or cow tags makes for a tougher hunt.


Bernie... send me the full resolution pic? it would look awesome as my desktop background!


regardless of the outcome.. sounds like an adventure was had!


Talk to you soon my friend..



  Terry said:
wow lots of snow


but I hear it makes it easier to track them...LOL

When your bow hunting it does. But with a rifle,it should be a no brainer.

Smart :asshat::blahblah1::lol::lol:


I always prefer to hunt with snow on the ground. Makes for easy looking. Well,if you cant see a moose,then maybe you need my glasses.LOL



I'd like a full res of that pic also Bernie, it is gorgeous.


Sorry to hear the hunting didn't go as planned, I bet you finished the keg tho right? :whistling::lol:




Sorry to hear that your hunt didn't go as plan :(

That type of weather is real hard on refreshments but no where on earth beats a day spent at camp with the boys :DB) and as others mention, the pic of the water and trees just takes my breath away :D

Thanks for sharing



The picture did turn out ok. I really didn't give it much thought until my wife said "wow".

It really was spectacular in person although I have seen it like that several previous times.



Was talking to a fellow worker that was up last week aswell. The snow really put a damper on thier hunt,but they did make the trec for a morning and were rewarded with a young bull.

Deer sightings were unreal he said,but also stated they would be gone when the season opened.LOL


Ha. Brian, it often seems that we see lots of deer in moose season and lots of moose in deer season. :wacko:

Not really disappointed that we didn't get a moose though. Lots of work when you do isn't it? :lol::rolleyes:

Our crew isn't too fortunate to get bull or cow tags. We haven't gotten one for several years.


Yep you got that right. We see moose all the time when were deer hunting. Even had one walk 50ft from me from my rear. Boy was I surprised. The the following friday I thought it was another,but it was a good ol buck I took at 8 yards.


Bernie great pics there wasent many swamp donkies taken here this yr either weather related,off topic are those Mudzillas on your Can Am id love to get a set wondering how they perform

  North East Shark said:
Bernie great pics there wasent many swamp donkies taken here this yr either weather related,off topic are those Mudzillas on your Can Am id love to get a set wondering how they perform


Ya, I hope the weather is a little better next week.

Great tire back there Northeast. Very aggressive with awesome traction. But a little rough riding when running slow and hard trail. I only use that set when I'm back there in the mud. My previous set were Super Swampers. They were a little smoother to run with but made my steering heavy. I also found they were able to crawl out of a rut better than the "Zillas". I get to try out all kinds of tires, they all have their pros and cons. The trick is to get a tire that suits your needs. (and your budget).

Otherwise the original style tire is my main use at home with a set of chains on them for the snowplow.


great thanks, I had the swampers on my last bike and with the front diff locked you start looking like Popeye at the end of your ride,im gonna try tre zillas thanks Bernie better luck with the deer

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