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Hey guys, theres been some guitar chatter goin on here and there lately, so i thought id post up a new piece of gear i just picked up this week. The BOSS GT-10 Multi Effects Processor. Aint she sweet!!!!! 200 effect patches, phrase looper with 38 seconds of record time, and just so much to play with.......almost too much. The looper is definitely the most fun, i can record a backing track right to the pedal, play it back and it just loops over and over, and layer a "bass" track on top of that with the fretless Bass Guitar effect (yes, playing fretless bass on my electric guitar lol) so now i have two phrases looping on top of one another, then layer over that some soloing......and just keep going and recording on top of it with simple harmonic fills or whatever, you can just keep layering and recording on top, or just play along with the recorded track you make.......its the coolest thing. I can hook this up thru a USB to my PC and record and add drum tracks and pretty much write my own instrumentals. Im no where near that yet, just playin with it, its a little above me lol, but like fishing gear, I had to have it! LOL I replaced my Digitech Genesis shown at the bottom..... if anyone is interested in it lemme know.





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let me check out the specs on the digitech genesis, which one is it specifically? there are genesis 1, 2, & 3 versions. i can't see your pic if there is one. work has most hosting sites blocked grrrrr.


i am in the market for the line 6 pod x3 but they are pricey

Edited by Raf
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Cool new toy!!!! I was looking at the Bass version, but a Raf says, pretty expensive! I'm on the market for a rack mount compressor, should anyone have one available.

Enjoy that toy Blaque! Should prove to be a fun winter with that being in the house!


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let me check out the specs on the digitech genesis, which one is it specifically? there are genesis 1, 2, & 3 versions. i can't see your pic if there is one. work has most hosting sites blocked grrrrr.


i am in the market for the line 6 pod x3 but they are pricey


Its the Genesis 3 Raf just so you know. I didnt get to play on the POD X3, as my guitar center didnt have one in the store. But have heard good reviews

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Its the Genesis 3 Raf just so you know. I didnt get to play on the POD X3, as my guitar center didnt have one in the store. But have heard good reviews


thanks, I will check it out.


i think you will like the boss. hear good things about it.


the nice thing about the pod x3 is that it also has bass effects as well as vocal pre-amp. perfect if you're running cubase and dont have/want an external mixer. but what really get my juices flowing is the ability to simulate an orange or a jcm 800 in one box. :D

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I hate to be a stick in the mud but I've always found multi-effects processing units to be lacking. True, you get a variety of effects and they are great for home recording, but if I want high gain, I'd rather just get it from the amp itself. If I want delay, I'd rather have a single delay unit dedicated to just that. The same goes for any other effect. I find those units to be 'jack of all effects, master of none!' I've also used the Pod a lot, and using the JCM 800 setting doesn't even touch actually using a JCM 800. They don't move air the way a real amplifier does.


That said, I don't use a whole lot of effects now be it live or in the studio. For my metal band, I have a JCM 2000 and a JCM 900, and I either run one or the other through 2 Marshall 4 x 12 cabinets, or I run both simultaneously using an A/B box. Other than that, all that I use is a Crybaby wah pedal and an Ibanez Tubescreamer for leads. I find the less you have in your signal chain, the easier it is to troubleshoot when something goes awry.


Still, you'll definitely have fun with that unit! Sorry for ranting....

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billy, you're absolutely right it's not the real deal but for a hack like myself, they do nicely. i don't gig or record professionally.


doug, how do you get distortion out of that baby..

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I hate to be a stick in the mud but I've always found multi-effects processing units to be lacking. True, you get a variety of effects and they are great for home recording, but if I want high gain, I'd rather just get it from the amp itself. If I want delay, I'd rather have a single delay unit dedicated to just that. The same goes for any other effect. I find those units to be 'jack of all effects, master of none!' I've also used the Pod a lot, and using the JCM 800 setting doesn't even touch actually using a JCM 800. They don't move air the way a real amplifier does.


That said, I don't use a whole lot of effects now be it live or in the studio. For my metal band, I have a JCM 2000 and a JCM 900, and I either run one or the other through 2 Marshall 4 x 12 cabinets, or I run both simultaneously using an A/B box. Other than that, all that I use is a Crybaby wah pedal and an Ibanez Tubescreamer for leads. I find the less you have in your signal chain, the easier it is to troubleshoot when something goes awry.


Still, you'll definitely have fun with that unit! Sorry for ranting....


I totally understand what your saying , totally. In fact i was sampling the BOSS unit right next to a guy playing a les paul clean thru a marshall stack, dunno what head but regardless.......he had it at very high volumes.........i could barely hear myself which was a pain in the arse seeing as how i was trying to buy something and test its sound, and ive got this guy blaring blues riffs in my ear. But at the same time as i was huffing and puffing that i couldnt hear a thing, i thought.........My god is the tone coming out of that thing absolutely beautiful......and i mean, georgeous........I almost just got up and walked out of the store with nothing, LOL A) i cant play that way lol and B.....i cant afford the tone that this set up was producing. Based on the guitar it was coming out of, the head and the amp as well. Im just not in the market nor am i a professional musician, but it pained me to hear what i want so bad, but know ill never spend the money to get, just cant as a hobbyist, if i had a band, and played out, and was pursuing trying to make a living in this arena, and more than that, i was a better guitar player, i would let that all try and influence me to reconsider lol, but I just play around and do it for fun, I already have an amp, already have a guitar, so i figured this would be something fun to add to the mix. I would prefer to buy one of each single stomp box effect, but id definitely be in the poor house lol, so i dunno, as you said, Its a jack of all trades...all tied up in one neat nice package, which i like..........and its good enough for me playin in my back room lol.


So i def. hear ya, i dont get the amp models on the multi effects units either, I fully doubted that i can get a Vintage Vox amp out of my amp lol

Edited by Blaque
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Hey Billy, I bet you and your sound man have had words!!!! Running two Marshall stacks is stadium level sound and it takes a really good sound man to balance that level of volume coming off the stage, for a proper front of the house mix. Your bass player must be running three to four Ampeg "fridges" to compete with that rig!

Also, with the multi-affect pedals, I have to assume that you ran that through those Marshalls as well or were you comparing the sound through a different amp?

Personally, I find the all in one systems to be much quieter than individual pedals and you also don't have to be concerned with bad patch cables and such.

Oh well to each their own!


ps... Doug, you can put a piezo in that beauty and listen to her squeal!!!

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Hey Billy, I bet you and your sound man have had words!!!! Running two Marshall stacks is stadium level sound and it takes a really good sound man to balance that level of volume coming off the stage, for a proper front of the house mix. Your bass player must be running three to four Ampeg "fridges" to compete with that rig!

Also, with the multi-affect pedals, I have to assume that you ran that through those Marshalls as well or were you comparing the sound through a different amp?

Personally, I find the all in one systems to be much quieter than individual pedals and you also don't have to be concerned with bad patch cables and such.

Oh well to each their own!


ps... Doug, you can put a piezo in that beauty and listen to her squeal!!!


Soundmen in smaller clubs are initially mortified. But I use this set-up sensibly. I never compete with the headroom of any given P.A. and I certainly don't want to drown out the drums. I basically adjust my volume according to the volume of my drummer, who incidentally, pounds those suckers like a savage! I also don't even need to go through the P.A. (and prefer not to) with this rig. It moves plenty of air on it's own. My volume is never louder than 4 on a 100 watt head. It's more for the fullness than excessive volume. One Ampeg SVT Classic through an Ampeg 8x10 is more than enough. Those bad boys are 400 watts! And lastly, any effects that I have tried and/or purchased I either play through an equivalent set-up at the store or else get permission / pay a retainer so I can sample it at our rehearsal space.

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Easy thing right there, Rafal. I just sing along.


Yep,easy to sing along with that one douG. A little Tenny and Cash, heck even some Simon and Garfunk.Dont forget about the man from Orrilla :clapping:


Pretty cool toys though boys.


Forgot to ask,do they make them things fora sqeeze box ? :canadian:

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Yep,easy to sing along with that one douG. A little Tenny and Cash, heck even some Simon and Garfunk.Dont forget about the man from Orrilla :clapping:


Pretty cool toys though boys.


Forgot to ask,do they make them things fora sqeeze box ? :canadian:


You can technically run any electric instrument through one of those units even if they are made specifically for guitar. For acoustic instruments, just play into a microphone and then run that signal through the processor. A good friend of mine is always messing around like that with his fiddle! I don't see why a squeeze box wouldn't be just lovely as well!

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Cool new toy!!!! I was looking at the Bass version, but a Raf says, pretty expensive! I'm on the market for a rack mount compressor, should anyone have one available.

Enjoy that toy Blaque! Should prove to be a fun winter with that being in the house!



I've sent this to my bro. He's got a basement full of the latest stuff for digitizing, recording, and mixing. He had (perhaps) the first Roland guitar synth in Canada. I forget the model name but it was the greatest thing since sliced bread when it came out years ago. Even my son the bass player is impressed with the thing.... today. Little bro could make his Strat sound like Jimi Hendrix's Firebird, even changing individual strings for new effects. Or make the same Strat sound like a Martin acoustic, or his old black round bodied Ovation which he still says was the prettiest sounding 12 string ever. It was pretty damned cool, even to a tin ear like mine.


He's always replacing stuff in his studio and then selling off the old bits. If Matt (my son) hasn't already grabbed the thingy you want, there's every possibility Litlle Bro has one laying around.



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nice toys there, I haven't tried out those models, but have tried other simular models out that friends have had over the years for some fun..you can get some wicked effects for sure...you have to really goof around with them and get the sound you like..then you have to remember all the settings :lol:


Myself, I also like to keep my gear pretty simple...I pretty much keep my effects down to a minimum..heck my amp doesn't even have a dirty channel..it's a 1976 Sunn Stagemaster- 400 watts of @$$ kicking clean..the perfect amp for a solid classic hard rock backbone..even with just my BOSS Turbo Overdrive pedal it sounds awesome..the amp itself has a great EQ system..primitive with lots of knobs to toy with but crisp as anything...my general set-up for jamming is pretty much just the overdrive,a chorus, and a wah.



Have fun figuring out the new toy there Blaque, it will take you a long time to figure some stuff out, and a bonus surprize when you areplaying and stumble upon a whole new cool sound..just remember if you are customizing your own sounds, and come up with somehting really cool.....write the numbers down man..lol

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For years I had just one pedal...the Boss Turbo Overdrive pedal...and it still works today. I bought that one back in 1984. A few years ago, when my old high school band got back together again, I needed more effects. The other guitarist in my band has the Pod effects board, but I couldn't afford that...LOL.


For about half the price, I picked up this Korg board...has served me well....just program what sound you like, name it and save it in one of dozens of banks.



Thought I'd also show a few pics of my current setup in the basement...for digital recording. I use an 800 watt, 8 channel mixer to pre-process vocals and guitars and record straight into the PC. I also have condenser microphones...that use power from the amp. They are much more sensitive and picks up highs and lows better than standard microphones. You'll see a cheap bass guitar I use to lay down bed tracks as well as my Fender semi acoustic. All of my band's music is recorded using this setup.





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Is that a Slammer Cliff!

Nice basement set bud! Hours of fun without leaving the house!!!

I am very impressed by the knowledge and players we have on this fishing board! We should have a jam night!

Let's all meet a cliff's place! We can jam for hours, then hit a river for a nice late evening fish!


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