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I would say that fat and sugar are 2 of the tastiest substances in the universe!... and some folks get downright testy when you suggest they should deprive themselves of some of it (eh Raf?) ;)


... but we can really live with less than we take in as a whole population on this planet.

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So many answers to this question :) We need to know what goals the OP has before we start to offer advice.


My goal was to be able to dunk the basketball. before I started to work out I could just barley touch the rim and now after about 3 weeks of working out I have gained about 1 inch of vertical so now I am able to grab the rim with the tip of my fingers and pull it down. I am very happy about this but I was wondering if there was any exercises with ankle weights as I am now wearing them to school. Also thanks for the great advise as I am also trying to lose weight. So if anyone else has some ideas please add on to what is already here.

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squats and power cleans (have your football coach teach them to you) both will aid in your ability to dunk. squats for core & lower body strength.. power cleans for that explosive core power.


if you wanna lose weight eat less than what your body burns.

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have a look at the entire site for some excellent information



your basketball coach should know how to properly do them as well. your school has a football program does it not?

Edited by Raf
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have a look at the entire site for some excellent information

your basketball coach should know how to properly do them as well. your school has a football program does it not?


cleans & deadlifts are prolly the 2 best lifts goin.. just make sure you get someone to show you and watch you in person.. two very easy lifts to seriously hurt yourself on..

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bitsmith makes a great point, have someone in the know teach you. also, never sacrifice proper form to move more weight - no matter how tempting it is. you'll likely be learning the clean with an empty bar.. dont be discouraged.


you've the benefit of having a weight room (i am assuming mohawk has one of those), use it!

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Well being 44,I got back into the wieght thing/working out. My goal was to get to 180,Im now at 175,thats a lose of 59 pounds. Time to stop the losing part,as I havent been that since I was 18 yoa. The wieghts have built back the form I was looking for and the squats and sit ups,have tight,n up the calve and stomach just fine.

My routine consits of 1/2 hr on the tread mill or cross trainer and pushing/pulling and curling wieghts that make you want to give up after the 4th or 5th rep for 1.5/2 hours. That was 5 days a week,but now have cut down to mon/wed/friday,with the odd sunday if the weather is crap. Once you been doing it,it gets easier and I got to say,alot of fun.


As for my food intake. Fish/chicken and the odd stirfry,ok more often.LOL. Porage and cream of wheat with some fruit in the morning.

Good luck and dont push to hard til you are comfortable with the wieght your working with.A partner in your work out is a good thing as you can both push each other.

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The best diet for losing fat is not to eat less, for that slows your metabolism, and does not allow your body to get enough nutrients especially if you are weight training. The best way is to raise your metabolism by eating often, a meal every 3 hours your awake is best. The size of the meal depends on your size, muscle mass, and how active of a life style you have. each meal should consist of both lean protien and whole grain carbohydrates or vegetables. You'll have to experiment with portion size to see what is right for you, or make an appointment with a good personal trainer/nutritionalist. You dont have to follow this or any diet exactly, but like anything, you will only get out of it what you put in to it.

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I use to be a hard core body builder and know a little and also played basketball for years and could dunk pretty good at only 6 feet (blew out my knees a few yeras ago).


Whats your goal ? to loose fat or gain muscle ? because you can't do both at the same time like people think, all though if you loose fat and tone up it gives the appearance that you gained muscle.


To gain muscle you have to eat extra calories than normal with tones of protein and lift heavy weights where you can only do 4-5 reps tops, to loose fat you simply do cardio and eat less/better, fast paced workout, play a sport or whatever, if your sweating hard that's a good sign .


Best foods for protein :


Egg whites

Salmon/most fish

Skim milk

Skinless baked chicken


Natural almond butter instead of peanut



Stick to those healthy foods with lots of green veggies and only drink water, you'll see results. It comes down to motivation and dedication and a whole new eating habit for life, not just a little diet here and there.


If your goal is basketball training, loosing wight and cardio is going to help a million times more than adding any muscle but at the same time playing basketball in itself is some of the best exercise and cardio you could ever get, so I say just play more, jump more, run more and it will come. As far as dunking a ball most people just can't, height is the biggest factor really, you can get those jump shoes and training program comes with them, we use to use them at camp not sure how much they helped. Stretching before playing is important, and to dunk you'll need to get at least 5 inches over the rim but it comes down to athleticism and practice so time on the court will be the best help working out will be second but I would just play more, it will come.

Edited by GbayGiant
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Here's a useful website:




It will show you various basic exercises and which muscles are involved. Each exercise has a video along with it to show you how to do it properly.


Plus always stretch everyday (even when you don't work out) to keep loose and to avoid serious injury.


Good luck!

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Don't forget that if you want to see results from proper nutrition and weight lifting, you better be in this for the long run because the body doesn't build muscle quickly.


Focus on putting more weight on the bar for the first 6 months . Start from an empty bar to get your body used to abuse.


Good luck.

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My hight helps me dunk as I am 6'2" but my weight is literally holding me down as I'm 255 lbs. I would love to be able to get another 4 inches on my vert. so I can dunk the ball and not just touch the rim.


Well 6'2" is still short for dunking standards at that height you would still need above average vertical to dunk regulation, but yeah at 255 lbs that's real tough for a big guy, just hit the gym hard do more Z's, play more basketball, run harder and a healthy diet is most important. I think 200lbs would be a perfect basketball weight for you at 6'2" and you'll feel a lot lighter and have less stress on your knees ect, so I wouldn't worry about trying to put on muscle at this point untill you feel really light and than you can add lean muscle later on if you want. If your playing basketball for a couple hours every day and change your diet healthier that alone should be enough to drop the pounds fairly quick, if you do workout do light weights high reps and back to back sets like circuit training, if you have a super slow metabolism than all you can do is work even harder, sweat untill you puke and eventually you won't puke anymore. If you drop some decent pounds I think your vertical will improve and your joints should feel better and you'll have a good shot. So more cardio, healthier diet, play as much as you can, constantly jump at the rim over and over every day and you'll get there.

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