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We Freed A Trapped Raccoon


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Came across two raccoon's once sleeping in a hollowed tree. I can tell you those raccoon's won't be bothering the farmers corn field anymore.


I guess you & me look at life differently ......

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Nice to see you tried to save the little critter at least he didn't die in that hole .What a great effort by you going home and getting the tools to release the racoon and spending over an hour getting him out.Most people would not bother.Thanks Lew that was the best story of 2007 .Mike :angel:

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HARK! The self appointed guru / prophet of the Simcoe board expells some of his great knowledge & opinions upon us . . . ? Perhaps he should hook up with Peter & go back to whence he came? And Lew . . . . my hat is off to you for your efforts, and even more for your restraint.

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Lew, Good job on doing your part for helping a suffering animal... you certainly are different then most... alot of people would have just walked the other way not wanting to be bothered Good on yah!


Sorry to hear the little gaffer didn't make though. Perhaps it was for the best, noone wants to see an animal suffering like that.



Vansela, All animals on the face of the earth are here for a reason, it is by design. While you may think that a Raccoon is a meaningless lifeform I assure you there are thousands that will disagree.


Most Fishermen are outdoor lovers and in some way enviromentalists.. People wanting to take care of mother nature and respecting the enviroment.. there are exceptions to every rule however and these people are usually identified quickly. Thank you for putting your hand up in the air.



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reality check.


Ever heard of rabies, healthy coons don't get stuck?

Fungus from coon poop can kill you,


Ontario is infested with racoons.



Well, the way I look at it, not everything we do in life is guaranteed to be safe, and if everyone just stood back and worried about what MIGHT happen some day, I'm afraid alot of things would never get accomplished.


What really pi$$ed me off yesterday was the attitude of a few morons who stopped to see what I was doing, kneeling in the mud, and chopping away at the tree for an hour. As soon as they realised it was "only" a raccoon that was trapped, they just laughed and walked away.


I have absolutely NO idea how anyone could just walk past this animal without at least trying to do something to relieve it's suffering. It took me a grand total of 2 hours outta my life to help it, but at least I know I did something to relieve it's pain, while others somehow found it's pain to be amusing.


I spose I just think more of critters than some other folks do.

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Guest mistyriver1

Lew, as you know I was away for a couple of days and have just signed on.


Nice story with a bad ending, good on you for trying to help.


Ignore some of the peanut gallery.

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Kudo's Lew, I would have done the same thing. Too bad some of us think in such a shallow manner. Wish it had turned out better, but you can gain some solice from the fact that your actions made sure that its' suffering was much reduced......

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