Pachone Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Im totally behind this.. Ill fish the dock, especially for BASS, if there is NO ONE is sight... I went out with my buddy 3 weeks ago, and he was rolling around swimmers everywhere, and I had to constantly tell him to leave and stop, and be considerate. It ticked me right off to the point where I had to yell and take his rod!!! People were swimming within 12 ft and he had the engine going along with casting !!! I just think of how uncomfortable I would feel if a fisherman was doing that around my land, or while i was in the water.. JUST COMMON SENSE !!
Greencoachdog Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Pachone said: Im totally behind this.. Ill fish the dock, especially for BASS, if there is NO ONE is sight... I went out with my buddy 3 weeks ago, and he was rolling around swimmers everywhere, and I had to constantly tell him to leave and stop, and be considerate. It ticked me right off to the point where I had to yell and take his rod!!! People were swimming within 12 ft and he had the engine going along with casting !!! I just think of how uncomfortable I would feel if a fisherman was doing that around my land, or while i was in the water.. JUST COMMON SENSE !! Your buddy is a nincompoop, how many fish does he think he'll catch around people swimming? Does he think the fish are drawn in from the quieter sections of the lake to feed on the boogers and whizz of child swimmers?
blaque Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Cookslav said: As long as your litteraly willing to swim for its recovery should your line get wrapped up I'd say go for it.But that would make you a better man then most, and I'd applaud you for it. Unfortunatly I'd bet the farm the majority of Guys saying they fish these docks have never thought of the damage a snaged hook can cause to a childs foot....not to be nasty but hopefully they read this and that little cartoon lightbulb went off. I too get a bit defensive when told I can't fish here, or there, and my rights are questioned. But When It sank in that people swim there it changed my oppinion 100% Seriously its not worth it. You wouldn't fish an empty Swimming area at dusk or dawn under the same pretence that people "Swim" there right? (lot of fish there by the way...churned up bottom=baitfish in spades=predetory fish) Why put someone at risk over a fish? I hear ya intent was the same, i dont fish dock areas, nor do i fish largemouth often.........but i was aiming that more toward the guy who isnt going to get the lightbulb from your post and is going to fish dock areas anyway. And there are plenty lol. Just thought the texas rigged suggestion would help reduce the potential for leavin a lure behind for the guy who is going to fish there regardless. Ive had hooks in my flesh, its not fun. Another comparison to this whole thread is the street in front of your house. Its public property, the street........But i consider those two parking spaces mine, lol, for whatever reason. So i get that "Hey, whos car is that in front of the house" feeling when the neighbor parks his car in "my" spot. Not justified as they arent "mine", but i do get that, "whats up with that" thought in my head. So i do understand both views here.......i certainly wouldnt go out and tell him to move however......itsnot that big a deal. I also dont like when theres a group of young punks walkin the street and decide to congregate in the street in front of my house. Cant ask them to move, but if i see them throwin cigarette butts in the street or leaving there cans behind in front of my house, ya can bet im takin a walk to the curb. If they arent disrespecting the area, then theres no problems. If they are breaking bottles and leaving glass behind or something, even though its in the street and not my property.....they wil be approached.
charlesn Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 I think this thread and many other common sense/common courtesy type threads can be summed up as simply as by saying, "some people are jerks". Cottagers, anglers, doesn't matter. Anyone that would endanger someone else or their children is a jerk. That includes throwing objects or casting objects at boats or people or leaving hooks in docks or fishing in an area where people are swimming. Just like in all walks of life, some people are just jerks and will do things to hinder other people's enjoyment. Look at the AR terrorists like PXTA, that seems to be their whole mission statement. To the original person who started this thread. You say there is plenty of shoreline to fish, but by placing a dock on the public water, you have created cover and drawn fish away from other non-descript shoreline areas thereby making your dock a hot spot. Were there no docks or if there were 100s of docks, then the situation would be less so. It's like a single tree lying in the water. Everyone is going to see it because it sticks out like a sore thumb and is easy to find. I would suggest a less belligerent attitude and more tolerance because what you're really asking for is a private oasis and unless you own the entire lake, it's not likely to happen all the time. I'd also say that the more belligerent you are, the more likely that the confrontational types will be drawn back to your dock since some people just get off on that sort of thing. If I was in the area and no kids were swimming, I'd fish the dock for sure because I like catching fish and that's the reason I'm out there. Also the javex jugs might stop the trollers, but for someone on a trolling motor just slowly meandering down the shoreline, a couple javex bottles near a dock is like a HUGE neon sign saying "fish here!" as the fish relate to the rock/weight attached to the jug in addition to the dock. I find that the easy-going people are going to get the most relaxation out of being outdoors. Sometimes cottagers get so uptight about it that they "look" for confrontation or something to get upset about. An example of this is the crazy lady that lives on an island on Sparrow Lake near or in the main lake slow zone. I was fishing about 50 yards off shore, dunking a really nice weedbed that I had caught a 4 lber out of before. I woulda needed a rocket launcher to get a bait near her property. I was so far away it took me a while to figure out that the muffled sounds were coming from the crazy lady on the shore. I thought she was in trouble as her arms were somewhat flailing and moved closer to realize she was yelling at me to stop invading her privacy. lol I didn't even know she was there til she started acting nutso. Now she probably had a bad experience at some point with a jerk, but that does not excuse her psycho behaviour to me. I just got a laugh out of it, but I can see someone not as tolerant as myself fishing her dock and staying in her vicinity even longer just to prove a point or just to annoy her. You are blessed to have a cottage, enjoy it. If it consumes you that people are fishing your dock, take it out of the water, I guarantee they will stop fishing it. Charles
charlesn Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 rickster said: i have read through this post and it seems most are in agreement about not fishing if there are people in or around the is a question for the few that feel they can fish there whether there is someone on the dock or not if you are sitting in a honey hole and catching fish after fish and a couple of boats come over and anchor beside you and start casting around and under your boat and start plucking the fish out from under your boat would you not tell them that its a big lake go find your own spot??? kinda the same thing here isnt it? It would only be the same thing if the boat was the cover the fish were relating to. It's not the dock that is the target, it's the fact that it is cover for the fish. You shouldn't fish a dock that someone else is fishing from simply because the common etiquette in that situation is to allow the angler that was there first to have the spot. Same as you shouldn't horn in on another boat that is fishing an area since they were there first. The cover could be a big fallen tree, a big rock, a beaver dam, etc. People are not fishing near the property to annoy other people, they are simply going to the cover where the fish are at. If this were a big tree that had been knocked over in a storm on your property, it would get fished just as much, but perhaps it would be more tolerated since no money was spent on creating that cover. But the end result is the same, a piece of cover for the fish along the shoreline of a lake is bound to attract fish and hence attract anglers. Charles
lunkerbasshunter Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 i only fish docks that don't have boats tied to it. If i see a cottager is there i do not spend anytime in front of his place. I give them there space. I will however troll by any cottage not to be nosy but to try to catch fish. If people cant handle a boat driving by there dock which lasts all of 10 seconds they should build a private lake cause that is just what happens on the water. Cheers!
Raf Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 i think we should just ban bass fishn. problem solved.
modny Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 i'm gonna fish docks even harder now. frig, i'll anchor my boat 20 yards away and pump tunes and just have a gay ole time for a couple hours if the bite is on
GBW Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Micropterus hole said: i'm gonna fish docks even harder now. frig, i'll anchor my boat 20 yards away and pump tunes and just have a gay ole time for a couple hours if the bite is on why don't you have a few beers while you are at it...
Guest gbfisher Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Easy to see why I don't fish Green Carp. To many docks.... and trolling doesnt count. I quit! on the weekends.... I think Raf has the idea!!
Bernie Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Glad to see most here have respect for others. Some comments I see are somewhat sad. Not sure where society is going anymore. It seems as if we can't tolerate anything that doesn't go the way we want it to.
solopaddler Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Raf said: i think we should just ban bass fishn. problem solved. I agree, bass are oafs.
modny Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 GBW said: why don't you have a few beers while you are at it... oh for sure. i thought that was already an assumption. i fill my livewells with carling black label
PatrickGG Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 I am gonna buy a dock and stick a 100 hp four stroke Merc on the back of it and boot around the lake and watch all the bass boats chase me around.
Blue_Axela Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Micropterus hole said: oh for sure. i thought that was already an assumption. i fill my livewells with carling black label Your an idiot. Its probably people like you that caused the OP to start this thread in the first place.
highdrifter Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 PatrickG said: I am gonna buy a dock and stick a 100 hp four stroke Merc on the back of it and boot around the lakeand watch all the bass boats chase me around. Good one brah! HD
GBW Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Blue_Axela said: Your an idiot. Its probably people like you that caused the OP to start this thread in the first place. Now you know why I asked the beer question. It too was taken hook, line and sinker... Micropterus hole, if you see the OPP it's most likely not a random spot check...
Kirk Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Respectable behaviour...can't get it from someone bankrupt in that area. Most lakes are big enough that you can fish without the risk of leaving hooks where kids and adults swim, and I expect the same courtesy at my dock from other anglers, works 99% of the time. The problem is too many monkey see monkey do types on the water that watch Roland Martin, Jimmy Houston and other professionals on TV fishing docks and they go out on weekends to be the wanabee lookalikes. The pros can usually fish docks with skill, accurate casting etc, not hack thru them with 10 hooks left behind.
highdrifter Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Micropterus hole said: i'm gonna fish docks even harder now. frig, i'll anchor my boat 20 yards away and pump tunes and just have a gay ole time for a couple hours if the bite is on HAHAAH. May I suggest a little Panthera, or Tool??! I'd grove to that if you plucked my dock for an hour.. By the way, catchy name, where'd you get the inspiration for something like that? You got the right dong to fit that yaouge arse? Just goofing around mang. teeheeh HD
Mark Kulik Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Charles brought up a good point-by adding a dock to the water you are changing fish location and behaviour-maybe the real answer is to ban docks altogether, like I said before they are not natural to the lake! cottagers can keep their boats on marine railways on THEIR property-problem solved!
Cudz Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 GBW said: Now you know why I asked the beer question. It too was taken hook, line and sinker... Micropterus hole, if you see the OPP it's most likely not a random spot check... Wow. LOL. I am sure he was kidding. People need to chill out a bit here.
highdrifter Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Cudz said: Wow. LOL. I am sure he was kidding. People need to chill out a bit here. True dat.
addy79 Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Greencoachdog said: Does he think the fish are drawn in from the quieter sections of the lake to feed on the boogers and whizz of child swimmers? LOL !!
modny Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Blue_Axela said: Your an idiot. Its probably people like you that caused the OP to start this thread in the first place. you are right... the kind of person that knows where and how to catch big bass.
GBW Posted August 7, 2008 Report Posted August 7, 2008 Cudz said: Wow. LOL. I am sure he was kidding. People need to chill out a bit here. I'm sure he was, but I bet there is a bit of truth to the reply as well. I am calm, cool and collected about this whole thread. Just proving a point that people don't care. I know someone said it, water on the water, beer on the pier.
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