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Hit simoce tonight for a few hours after work with woodro....was a awesome night to be on the water. Low winds and the fish were biten pretty well....it didnt take us long to find the fish...Moved around to a couple different spots and two out of four held some nice fish. I ended up landing about 8 smallies in a few hours ,with about half of them being over 4 lbs..also lost a few more nice ones on jumps...no monsters but my biggest was 4.5lbs.

Woodro had a tough night . He lost a nice one and landed one close to 2lbs..we were both using the smae bait and working it the same ...the only difference was I was using 8lb mono and he was using braid with floro lead.....dont get it!!!!! what do you guys think about floro vs braid when jigging for smallies??? Better feel with the braid with floro and have a better hook set so land more fish that bite....but have a tough time hooking big msallies (only in simcoe) on braid with floro....you think it makes the bait fall different??? lol ....anyways heres a few of the nicer ones

It was a great night on the water and might be out again tomorrow night....lol


Thanks for reading and goodluck on the water.











Wow! Those are some great looking smallies. Braid with a flouro leader I don't see why you guys didn't get the same result, maybe leader was too short???

Guest Johnny Bass

I told you mono is better!!!!lol It may also be what he was doing. Sometimes if you don't keep close contact with the bottom, you wont get any fish!You should have switched rods to see if that was it!!!


I've been waiting for a report and its a good one. Great job!!!!


One more week and I will be camping at Sibbald point!! Hopefully I will get into them thick. The weather is certainly picking up for them!!! I will devote at least two days to Smallies. It gets boring targeting the same fish all week, especially if your not eating them!


Yeah dude - longer leader, or just wasn't working it EXACTLY the same. I've been in situations where i've been using the exact rod/reel/line/leader/bait/color etc. and gotten my butt whopped.


Awesome smallies though - great report.




no monsters but my biggest was 4.5lbs.
- gotta love Simcoe :)


Nice fish Snag. I'd agree with the other guys about the slightest difference in technique. Saw it on the grand fishing the same stuff as PatrickG he'd be killing me until I figured out just the right speed and action that he was using bouncing the bottom. Some times the buggers are just finicky. The short leader could be it as well but I'm guessing its the bottom contact/action that was just a bit different.


Also agree with the nice shirt comments - figures it'd be your or JohnnyBass that gets the t-shirt comments :)


Nice fish, nicer t-shirt, lol. I have a theory on the braid v. mono when jigging, which could just well be me blowing smoke out of my :asshat: but anywho. :blahblah1:


Because braid has virtually no strecth and is more sensitive, when you feel a bite you set the hook too early and pop the jig out of the fish's mouth instead of getting in a good hook set. Whereas with mono, the bite felt is delayed by the milliseconds needed for the fish to get a good grip on the bait and the stretch in the mono allows for a more consistant hook set. I notice I get more fish hooked when jigging with mono or a long lead than with straight braid. Just a theory :dunno:


Those are some beauty fish. I've never fished for smallies on Simcoe (only ever fished the Perch Festival), but all these pics are sure making me want too. Nice job. What was your bait of choice?


thanks alot guys...went out yesterday also...the fish were not as active ...still managed a few tho......


kennyman, its all about drop shots and tubes....


looks like a got to buy a new shirt

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