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Hey all,


I accidentally put this in the tourney area - been distracted.....sorry to the admins.....


I hate to bring any of my issues to the board but I've been a little stressed out the past week and a half. My 3 year old beagle went missing when I was away in Texas for 4 days. My fiance came to Toronto to get me at the airport and left him with my in-laws. Apparently about a half hour before I got home he snuck out the garage door. I was out until 1 a.m. or so that night driving around calling for him. Checked the local shelters a few times and he hasn't turned up there. Put a sign up at the local convenience store (I live in the middle of nowhere). So far no luck. I worry that something bad has happened but can only hope that he's maybe found a new home with somebody who cares for him.


If anybody has ANY OTHER IDEA's as to how I could find him I'm up for anything. He's hands down my best buddy. My little man - seing as my fiance and I have daughter.


Anyways - I guess I'm more venting than anything else, but I'm pretty bummed out. I know there's many other things that could happen that are worse but he's part of the family to us.


Thanks for your time guys and gals!


Tamias and Me playing hockey in the back - yard this winter.





Tamias and I playing hockey this winter:



Big, bold "Lost - REWARD!" ads in every newspaper that serves the area from your in-laws house to yours. Vet's offices & pet stores, too. Does your local radio/TV station have a lost pet announcement thingy? Who handles "stray dog" calls for your municipality? The dog catcher may not have your dog, but he may have heard about him...or may hear about him in the future.


Years ago, just before our anniversary, I lost my wedding rings. :blink: Total bonehead move...took them off, put them on my watch band for "safekeeping" and then stood up out of the car, forgetting I'd set the watch on my lap for a second. Idiot, idiot, idiot.


Discovered they were missing 45 mins later, and flew back to the restaurant where they'd gone awol. Jeff went in to talk to the staff, who said they hadn't seen/heard anything. Sitting within earshot, listening to him, was the woman who'd found them in the parking lot. You'd think she'd have stood up and introduced herself, but no - she hid them in her purse, and took off to a nearby town with them. :wallbash:


Days later, after the "REWARD!" ads popped up in all the papers, she suddenly became religious. I got a phone call saying that she wanted to "do the Christian thing" and give them back, like she'd "always intended to do." I can't believe she tried to pull that line, after admitting she'd sat there and decided not to talk to Jeff at the restaurant. Guess some people's Jiminy Crickets are coin operated.


Anyway, I really hope you manage to track the little guy down soon. GOOD LUCK!!


I know how you feel. I lost my little dog somewhere between a 3 hour road trip. I didnt know when and where but in reallity lost her on the highway for a ppiss break. I only found out after I got to the lake. looked for her that night and gave up and went fishing. Next day I got stressed out as I figured my wife would divorce me so I went back home. Every red gopher splatter on the road thought it was my dog same size and color. Luckly I decided to stop at a store and saw a FOUND DOG Poster. Yup it was my dog.



Good Luck


Sorry to hear about your dog going missing, some kid is probably trying to convince his mom that he should be able to keep this cute little stray that he found and mom probably doesn't know where to start looking to find the owner. Was he wearing a colar with your name and address or is he micro chipped? Anyway, a call to the local cop shop and ask them if they could keep an eye out for him might help.


Hope you find him soon!


If he got loose in an area he might not be familiar with, leave some of your clothing (unwashed) outside in a few spots, beagles can go for miles and days tracking - but they always come back.



  The Urban Fisherman said:
I know there's many other things that could happen that are worse but he's part of the family to us.


I wouldnt say that..........these guys ARE family members. And this to me is as important as losing any other family member!!! Good choice to post this on here, any effort might bring him back. Glad to see you tryin so hard. I feel for ya man! I know i go out of my way to chase down animals that look like there lost, and check to see if they are tagged so i can return them home. If hes not tagged, like you said, theres a chance that someone will take him in and if they are good enough to take him in, they will probably be the type of person that will post and try and find the owners.........so keep checking the local papers in the FOUND section.


I feel for you brother. I also had a beagle for not enough years. They usually, when in familiar areas return to where they started. My guess he showed up somewhere and is with somebody who has taken him in. Get the word out.

good luck and let us know how you make out.


Contact all the vet's in the area, alot of people will take them to the vet if it is closer than the shelter. Or someone may have taken it there if it was hurt. Just a thought.


I feel for ya buddy. I've lost amimals before and it is the worst feeling. I hope he comes home soon.




Thanks for the idea's and support on this one guys.


My daughter can't pronounce his name properly (not quite 2 yet) but each day she walks around the house saying Tamas, Tamas?!? He's a little sneaky and has gotten out before, but has always come back soon after. He's got tags, both with our contact info, as well as the local registration tags (got those the first time he was away more than just a couple hours) Apparently they didn't help much. He's not a hunting dog by any means. He's a bit of a wus, but loves fishing and is the kindest most gentle dog I've seen when he's with my daughter. I was just really stoked to see how close they were, and a new puppy isn't in the cards so she most likely won't be growing up with one anymore. (if I don't find him).


Anyways - venting again but thanks for the idea's guys!


I'm going to try them all. I'll post on the Long Point Board also Steve Paul - thanks dude.


And Tangled, Ginny (my fiance) lost her engagement ring for a week at the beginning of the month, so don't feel bad! heh.





These are all from when my daughter was just a baby....I don't have any new shots online.....








That is really unfortunate. My only true suggestion is don't give up, from my experience, our dogs wouldn't give up on me, so I surely wouldn't give up on them. I know when my dog went missing it left a pit in my stomach, and a terrible worry, and he was only gone for a few hours.


I really hope you manage to find him, all the suggestions so far are great, keep us posted on the situation and hopefully it turns out for the best.


DUDE! That sucks! If I was close by I'd be out there driving around with ya. Try what all the others have said before my post and hope for the best. As Blaque said,

these guys ARE family members. And this to me is as important as losing any other family member!!!
Our hearts certainly go out to them. Here's hoping for a safe return home.

Man that sucks. same thing happend to me years back with my German short-haired pointer. Addy79, my brother and I combbed the streets just as you have. Never found her, hope your story ends differently. All good suggestions here. Best of luck UF!


was reading today in the paper about a guy in new york city that lost his beagle and 5 yrs later she appeared in Georgia at a vets place, they had had her microchipped and had her returned! Chin up bud, He'll come through! Our beagle went on a walk about and came back no worse for the wear smelling of skunk.




Wish you all the luck in the world and hope he gets home soon. I've had a beagle for 2 years now. Defintiely won my heart over. Who doesn't luv em.


My thoughts


call the regional paper with your story. We read too much of the ugly stuff in the world and they'd be all over trying to help out. Maybe the local news would pick it up.


Just look at the coverage in TO media of an ex board member got for saving a deer on Lake Ontario a couple weeks ago.


Beauty looking dog


Paul and Copper


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