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Lakair - Report and thanks


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How do you say thank you too so many people. After last years trip my brother and Dad could not stop talking about the great people, location and yes TJ's fish fry.


Over the winter months a game plan came in too get my Uncle to come and have a family boys weekend. My uncle does not fish often at all and I think his reel was almost as old as me. I think I replaced the original line that came with the reel with some fireline crystal, tested the drag to make sure it still worked added a 50lb leader and handed him a mepps spinner and said this worked last year.


After checking in and doing a quick tour we decided to putt around do a few casts to get warmed up. We were on the water about a hour with only a few little snots to show for it when I said hey Terry cast over there I has some luck last year there.


Not more than 4 seconds later I hear got one, and I hear the drag peel.. Quietly thinking to myself oops must have goofed on the drag its taking it out fast.


Nope my uncle pulls in the biggest pike I have seen in that area, and as you can tell by this picture a fish that will last a lifetime in memory. We worked fast too get it back in the water so we did not get a weight or length but it was over 40" for sure.



The next day we head out early and must of caught over 15 pike.

Saturday comes Tourney day we scout around in the morning but determined that the best place to go was where we went on Friday.


If you ever wanted to see a tortoise and hare experience you should have seen us at the "blast off" for the tourney. My boat was slightly underpowered with 4 people as I almost never fish with 4 people but my max speed was 9.3 knots :) yes you read that right.. Boat after boat from the Lakair fly by waving. We continued on our way chatting and eating lunch.


Rather than head all the way to where we wanted to fish we stopped in the first closest bay to get more fishing in. Then those words from the back off the boat sounded again. I got one!!


30 min to check in and I said we better start heading back we are weighed down even more with the livewell full. Max speed on the drive back 7.5 knots again boat after boat passed us on the way back


The rest of the pic's speak for themselves Terry won the tournament, picked up the grand prize (LOL) with the largest fish and it took forever to wipe the smile of his face.


I can't express my thanks to everyone for making my family feel very welcome, memorable trips like this will be spoken about for years to come.







Edited by Muskiestudd
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Hey Lexx, it was great seeing his smile...you couldn't wipe it off his face!! I asked him if he was having a good time and his reply was that this is the best time he's had in a while, and that he caught his biggest fish ever!


It's a great group of people that makes the trek up there. Hope to see all of you again next year!

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Now that's a great report. It would be mission accomplished for me if I put my uncle onto a fish like that.......must have been a great feeling to see him smile like that!! I'm sure it won't soon be forgotten!



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Great to see you guys again, sorry I didn't get a chance to come by and throw a dart or two. That was a heck of a fish your uncle caught, I didn't know it was his second monster of the weekend! Good on him and I hope the smile never leaves his face! How big was his winning fish? I have a couple of great pics of it.



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Good report Paul!


Although I wasn't able to attend this year's festivities reading all the reports brought back some memories and a smile to my face having experienced this gala event a couple years ago myself.

Always a good time.

Glad your party had fun


Congrats to your uncle :thumbsup_anim:

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