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Sleep Apnea...


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My wife sleeps next to Darth Vader. I've had the CPAP for coming up on 3 years now. It takes a while to get used to but once you do, you'll realize how tired you really were all of the time. You'll wake up in the morning feeling pretty good and not like you went the distance with Ali. Good luck with it.

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They have boxes of 10 and 30...and two sizes Small/Med and Large. Presume you'll need the small/med. If you find they work.. buy them in 30's as it cuts the price by 30% or so. As soon as I stick one on I can feel the increase in air flow capacity.



I bought the "house" brand from Loblaws and they worked fine except sometime during the night it would fall off and I woke up breathing through my mouth...Will give the original brand a try soon...

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Norm even the originals will fall off..or pop on one side. They seem to have a "failure rate" on the glue. Gotta clean your nose well before going to bed and stick it on. I alternate between the small/med and the large each day to move the attach spot back and forth. Otherwise that area seams to swell. Hmm.. wonder if they'd work elsewhere... LOL

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No matter what weight I was, my snoring was always very very loud. So loud that when I was in the armed forces, no one could stand living in the same room as me so I got a room alone. When I go to my brother in law's cottage, a lot of other people don't go if they know I will be there. One time, some of the guys couldn't fall asleep so they slept in their cars. It was well below zero so they kept their vehicules running while they were sleeping.


I only breathe through my nose and it's a real problem when I get nasal congestion. I hate it when only one nostril works....lol.


I'm almost positive that an operation at the back of my throat will do the trick but the doctors do not want to do it. The reason I know that the back of my throat is the problem is due to the fact that every once in a blue moon, when I am in a deep sleep, like after doing a lot of drinking, I wake up with the epiglotte (that thing that dangles in the back of the throat) so swollen that if actually goes deep in the throat and when I swallow, it pulls hard on that dangly thing and my throat hurts bad. I know then that I slept with my mouth open. I do a minimal amount of drinking due to this scary problem....lol.


95% of the people who use the CPAP machine say good things about it. I will have to give it a good try. Since I've got it, I might as well give it a good try. If I still don't like it, I guess I will sell it and buy a small used outboard engine.

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diagnosed when I was 30. started losing 2 hrs sleep/night when was 21... 37 now.

-tried CPAP off and on for several years.. can't use it, won't sleep with it on.

-had the surgery in '03.

-used several oral appliances.


gave up competitve hockey, baseball and powerlifting over the last 15 years because of it.

pretty crappy deal all around!

takes alot out of me but I have always been a very upbeat person, almost to an annoyance.


don't let any of this scare you, as I am a rare case.


I never give up tying to find the solution!


best of luck to you!

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Thanks for all the advice fellas I appreciate it! And thanks to those calling me fat too..


I spoke with my family doctor today as she was given the full report on my test, I also required a new script for my Epipen, and another medication (none of your business) and talked about an action plan to help me quit smoking..


Turns out I have moderate to severe Apnea.. and given my medical History (from birth) Obesity is not the issue here... I will not go into details on my medical history, but I am far from obese... Nor am I considered from her charts to be " overly heavy"... I could stand more exercise however... since the injury to my hand it is something I have been lacking as I can no longer lift weights etc... and am no longer as active at work..


My diet does not need to change as I bet dollars for donuts I eat healthier then 90% on this board... Having a son allergic to everything under the sun does that to a family...


Given my medical history I was more prone to develop this issue it seems.. compared to the as she put it "standard" population...


Anyways she gave me the skinny on what to expect and that relief will come once I feel comfortable with the machine..

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No Connie... they are a pain reliever.. and I use them only when my hand bothers me.. my last script (30 pills) lasted me for almost a year and I still have a few left....


As for the Epipen TB you're correct... but I have coverage... and this year my doctor is giving me a new one.. Twin-something or other... it is supposed to be better.. as the epipen wears off after 20 minutes.. if your not at a hospital in that time there can be a decent chance you'll go into anaphylaxis regardless.... this new emergency device gives you double that time.. she said it gives you two doses but staggered apart...


I have a Bee Allergy



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TB, You're right about this new injector.. wow... different for sure.. I sure hope I dont have to use that huge arse second needle anytime soon!!!


Nice compact case, but warns of Glass... my old Epipen did not have glass...


at any rate.. alot better to carry around with me..



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Gerritt and to the others with apnea, I feel for you with not getting the sleep the body requires.


I was diagnosed with narcolepsy when I was 12. It's not as sever as others and I don't have a lot of sleep attacks but do have cataplexy (loss of muscle control) to some extent, but not falling down like others. More so "noodle" like reaction.


I dream like crazy so that's the coolest part! :sleeping_02::thumbsup_anim::sleeping_02:


but take ritalin to keep me awake during the day.


Although it's not the greatest of prescriptions, I'm fortunate to be taking ritalin to keep me awake.....maybe someday there too will be something for apnea to help.


Good luck.





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