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Hamilton Pike___PB!


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Okay, a little backstory 1st.

I haven't really fished much in the last few years. Too lazy, burnt out, other responsibilities, other hobbies.........take your pick. Other than the fall salmon run which I still hit pretty hard, I hardly wet a line at all nowadays. Haven't caught a bass in two years, yup around 18 months without rigging up a weedless worm at all. Trout opener? I'd rather ride my motorcycle, too much bother to fit waders & float rod on a bike.


But I'm starting to get the itch for a bent rod again, and after all the TO pike reports I was inspired. So instead of tearing around the escarpment annoying locals & providing the local constabulary a chance to fill their monthly quotas early I thought I'd dust off a rod and spend a few hours after work poking around for hungry post-spawn Hamilton pike.


Wasn't expecting much (actually was expecting a skunk, but atleast it was nice out!), but I dug out Ol'Faithful and started casting. Probably my fav stickbait is a doctored Cordell Redfin. No waves, no ripples, no funky tiger colours, heck it might as well be 1986 but I've caught pretty much everything on it. Pike, smallmouth, used to be killer for spring browns by the Burlington Lift Bridge, even caught some chinooks on them in the fall. Good lure.




So I start walking & casting. 1/2 hour in I had just muttered to myself that I'm not going to catch anything when *WHACK*...... Hey was that a weed? Rock? NO, that was a FISH!!!!! Shortstriking IQ challenged tapped it without getting hooked, dang! A few more casts, steady retrieve, long pauses, short pauses....little bugger wasn't getting fooled again.

Okay, let's try something else. Remember when X-Raps first came out a few years ago? Newest, bestest, shiniest new lure. So like any good fisherman I trundled down to the tackle shop and picked up a few. Never caught a darn thing. Well not true, a single 2lb. pickeral two years ago on a spring canoe trip fishing for pike. Packed them away to the forgotten corner of the box and never used again.

Well I dug one out and laid a cast where I was pretty sure there was a hungry pike. JERK...reel, JERK...reel, JERK...reel, can just barely see the lure now, hey let's check out the action, gee sure doesn't look like it wiggles much does it, yeah I don't think these work that gr.......*WHAMMMM!!!* Pike followed the lure in & inhaled it right infront me! A fish, an honest to gawd FISH! YEE HAW, GOT THE BUGGER! Good little scrap for a few minutes and a nice 30" pike came to hand. Took a little delicate surgery to get the Rap out of the back of his throat, quick show for the small throng of rollerbladers that are now stopped and amazed that anything other than carp & bullheads live in Hamilton Bay, and back he goes.

Sorry, forgot to take a pic.


Okay, now I'm jazzed. Ended up bagging three, another around the same size (around 30", bit over 5lb) and one wee hammer handle. All fish came on the same X-Rap. Atleast I remembered some pix. Seeing as how everybody is catching their personal best lately, my personal best fish caught on an X-Rap! :D





Not bad for a few hours after work, ended up parking on a bench for a celebratory stogie watching the sun go down & listening to the birds. Heh, this fishing stuff can be fun.



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Gave it another shot today. Couldn't get a sniff from a pike, but apparently the sheepshead bite is on! :D


Note to self, helpful passersby don't necessary make the best cameraman!




Okay this ones a little better, biggest of the day.









No esox, but anything that pulls is still better than nothing!

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