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Ramble you seem to making a very good case for Lundboy about the Dumbing down of america, with the quoting of what they are teaching you in school.


Maybe your teacher should have someone explain climate change to them( if what you say is so about what they are teaching you)


Climate change and the effect humans are having (pollution) are not the same thing


Pollution is man made and controlable ( the debate is still out as to how much effect this is having on temperature, as it is still theory)


Climate change is the work of mother nature ( ever heard of the ice age, ever heard that Dinasaurs used to live in Canada, big reptiles like hot weather, not snow, therefore at some time we lived in the tropics, all provin facts)


So its good to reduce your garbage, this you can change


But resisting mother nature is futile


So when a lemming jumps does it close its eyes or does it watch the ground get closer

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By the sounds of the posts by some people, the lights were not the only things that are DIM.


Nice witty comment 4reel, I was only answering in response. If you were to read my earlier post in regards to this thread I stated that my lights are seldom burning needlessly and to add to that my hydro bill is the lowest of most people I know. I for one don't need to have to follow along with turn your lights off for one hour on a Sat. evening. I don't need to be a lemming following the crowd I have been setting the trend in my own home for years.


This event accomplished nothing. Well OK, maybe something, it proved that some people cannot do without lighting for an hour.

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Wow, how many other posts have generated this much negativity? Why discourage or belittle a large group of people for being positive about something that may make a bit of a positive difference?


Whats next? People posting that others are waisting their time:


-fishing for big fish because they can't be eaten?

-fishing because they probably won't catch anything?

-fishing for "x" species because it is not a real sportfish?



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So a LARGE GROUP is what 8.75% thats the amount of energy that was saved so translate that into accual figures of how many people turned off their lights my guess is less than 1/8 0f 1% and most of them were there for a free concert :unsure:



Forrest you must have missed the threads on global warming if you think this one is even getting any interest at all. lol

Edited by TOM C
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Guest lundboy

Does anyone find it strange that the "Global Warming" moniker has changed to "Climate Change", or is it just me?



Pretty stealthy too I might add. It makes it easier to continue the propaganda when the climate cycles through hot and cold.



Kind of reminds me how past civilizations used to use the "poor harvest" reasoning to justify mass human sacrifices be made to the gods.

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So a LARGE GROUP is what 8.75% thats the amount of energy that was saved so translate that into accual figures of how many people turned off their lights my guess is less than 1/8 0f 1% and most of them were there for a free concert :unsure:

Forrest you must have missed the threads on global warming if you think this one is even getting any interest at all. lol


TC: the problem with your statement is that the calculations of how many people turned their lights off (1/8 of a percent) is that they are based on Bull instead of actual fact or even an educated guess (you are most certainly way off). It makes it sound like your full of Bull and not worth listening to.


Yes, I did not read the threads on global warming, do people here generally care about the environment....I don't know, maybe they do not.


I know that it can be both a naturally occurring thing and a man made thing. I think I am all hung up on this NOT being a climate change thing only. Global warming due to pollution or CO2 emmisions does not worry me so much as a toxic environment created by man.


I do think the tings go hand in hand as far as people are concerned. If people care about one it is not too far to think that they care about the other.




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YOu are right I doubt that the percetage is right, I am sure it is even way lower than that, my point was that very few took part in this.


Funny thing is when a point is made by the side that does buy into the fearmongers crap we are full of Bull, but they can just pull a number out of the air and some people line up to preach their gospal.


Bottom line to my point was that a far greater number on people in Ontario didnt turn off their lights. And its a good thing that corporate Ontario wasnt involved because it would have been even more lopsided.


SO no matter whose Bull you want to believe remember the one thing that was provin without a doubt was that a far greater percentage of Ontario people DO NOT believe in the FEAR MONGERS Bull


And that makes me proud to be a CANADIAN

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I dont know what you guys think happens in post secondary institution science classes. BUT i assure you it's anything but a gov't sponsored agenda. We are taught to THINK objectivly, to search out sources of BIAS in a theory, paper or stand point. Science isnt about mearly presenting facts...it's a way of thinking and presenting those facts such that you EXPLAIN any possible biases so that data stands ON ITS OWN. Those abilities allow scientists to figure out what the data is saying, and where the short commings are. So even though the scienteats sound UNSURE....as far as science goes, all data indicated that we are changing the earths climate. To put a their stand point into context... Graviety is just a theory, and the planets revolving around the sun is STILL just a hypothesis. You need to trust these guys alittle more....THEY are the experts. I'm not saying don't critcize them, but do n't reject what they are saying...if they say something as a COMMUNITY you bet you're bottom dollar they are on to something.





The suggestion that im unaware of the planets warming and cooling trends is frankly wrong. I'm aware of the research on the plants warming/cooling trends since before the pre-cambrian colapse, as well i'm also aware of what the atmosphere was composed of during these times. That information actually supports the Climate Change theory.


As far as the differance between Climate and Weather im well aware of that too. Looking at treads, like the total number of huricans each year, melting premafrost, and sea ice in the arctic, where drought/ hurricans are occuring. How about the fact that accross the north countries there is unified documentation that spring arrives on average 7-10 days earlier then it used too? Or do have i been brain washed into believeing this stuff?


The biggest problem i have found with most people arguing agaisnt climate change they don't understand what the stmptoms are. You know that near-record snow fall in Haliburtan this year... SYMPTOM OF GLOBAL WARMING!!! Huge snow falls in colorado...SYMPTOM!...Increased Floods in eastern US and India...SYMPTOM! Lack of rainfall in western South america SYMPTOM! Increased Melting arctics SYMPTOMS! Increased Droughts in africa SYMPTOM! Increased Hurricans and their severity SYMPTOMS! This long cold winter.....guess what SYMPTOM!!!!!!!!!


IM SURE im about to hear about how YOU AGREE WITH climate change, but it's the causes and the remadies you don't argeee with. All policies begin with baby steps....not agreeing with them because they arn't comprehensive enough is FOOLISH! A small reduction in emissions is better then NO attempt to reduce at all. You only have to look at chemical pollution regulations to see how progess in regulations occurs in small steps...agruing that the Plan needs to be comprehensive or Not at All is totally unproductive. If we used that logic back in the 50's they'd still be driving down our streets fogging with DDT. A comprehensive guide is WHAT we need, but a regulations like that doesnt occur all at once.



This my last post on the suject....i already look like a big enough mook for battling people on a topic like this on a fishing board. If anyone wants to discuss this stuff a little more, we can take it to a pub...



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Bottom line to my point was that a far greater number on people in Ontario didnt turn off their lights. And its a good thing that corporate Ontario wasn't involved because it would have been even more lopsided.


Um....corporate Ontario was involved, didn't your hear or see about lights being turned off in office buildings?





PS:I edited stuff out of this post because "Ramble On" seems to have said it best. Nice Job RO

Edited by forrest
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its funny how its always the guys are on here with such negative views on everything......what i cant understand is why they dont keep their mouth shut...for good.....this is ;was; a noble idea even if it was on a small scale...it raised awareness to the issue at hand.....


but i guess kids will be kids......do us all a favour and you know who you tards are....keep it shut!!

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Guest lundboy

Ramble on still hasn't nor ever will read the Charlotte Iserbyt book, because it will ruin his faith in the educational system. I know if I was a teacher and read that book I would be questioning the whole system, and probably would walk away from teaching.



After reading the book, I could easily see what was going on in school when I was a kid, and now that is amplified to the max with kids in school today.



Sorry Ramble On, I know you think you know the system... but perhaps there is a lot more going on behind the scenes (in teaching) than what a compartmentalized instructor may understand.


And yes you're right, here it is "I don't question the climate change issue". I question the motives behind the people that have hi-jacked the cause for nefarious purposes that even brag about hi-jacking it back in 1991 to further their plans for public micromanagement and ultimately population reduction.

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Pretty mouthy, workwear, for someone that's been around for 2 weeks !


I'm not sure why people get their pants in such a knot over differences of opinion. I have mine, you have yours, Lundguy has his, Forest, Dave and Tomc, etc have theirs. If you don't want that privilege... move to North Korea (they leave their lights out all the time!) !


Now.. has the ice melted on Simcoe yet? :D

Edited by irishfield
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Guest lundboy
its funny how its always the guys are on here with such negative views on everything......what i cant understand is why they dont keep their mouth shut...for good.....this is ;was; a noble idea even if it was on a small scale...it raised awareness to the issue at hand.....


but i guess kids will be kids......do us all a favour and you know who you tards are....keep it shut!!


Wow!! an actual globalist/government shill on the OFC Forums! Who do you work for?


Ever hear of freedom of speech? Everyone including you have a RIGHT to say what you want. Even though here in Canada that right is being eroded day by day by people like you.


Perhaps we should all be tazered and sent to a prison camp in Europe, that would make you happy I bet.


Does this ring a bell?


"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist; And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist; And then they came for the Jews, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew; And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up." Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892 - 1984)

Edited by lundboy
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Will you be bringing the books and data that prove when the earth warmed last time that there was not an increase in hurricanes, that there wasnt greater snowfall in Colorado, or droughts all over the world, or will it just be the same old same old , about theories and what ifs.


And the group you speak of that is enlighting the world with their theories is a big one and growing all the time, but when people see other people making the kind of money Al Gore is pulling in right now it doesnt take much to gather a crowd.


SO as always all we a non believers ask for is to prove your point, dont just keep telling us how silly we are for not believing in WHAT IFS.


But unfortunatlly when a certain group of thinkers in this world cant get the masses to follow them over the cliffs they resort to other tactics.ie: spiking trees to kill loggers, sinking ships to kill fishermen, blowing up buildings to free monkeys,



So yes this debate has 2 sides and as this earth day proved one side still far out numbers one, than the other, so if history has taught us anything one side will push harder,be more agressive, and someone will get hurt

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See thats how it always starts the pro side throws out the name calling, its just a debate and until now the pro side was being well represented by,forrest, Ramble and a few others but for me the thread just proved my point that thats where the pro side always seems to go, and as usual the pro side just lost by default for going out of bounds.

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I must come back to this thread another time...seems to me that there's a person waving franctically on a bridge...anytime I encounter an individual with as much passion about a subject as Lundboy...I tend to give it a bit more of my time and consideration...that in no way means that I will comprehend it all, but for me it's worth a bit of my time. I just don't want to get a headache from it all especially when past experiences have taught me that some waters will never be fully explored and discernment does not come easily.


Is not a one world government Biblical? If so....there is not a thing we can do to change it.

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