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I was taught with Young Drivers of Canada back in 1987 that if there was any kind of situation on the right shoulder (could be a tow truck, person changing a tire, or emergency vehicles), to change lanes. If the situation was on the left shoulder then move one lane to the right. Whenever I see a disabled vehicle on the shoulder, I always change lanes...you never know if someone is just about to exit their vehicle.


:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:


Maybe this thread has allowed an emergency worker somewhere the good fortune to return home to his or her family tomorrow safely in one piece. It is a good thread that possibly has opened up some eyes to the danger that drivers impose if this law is not understood correctly.


That law is a good law!!! :thumbsup_anim:


The thing that gets me is the people that get moving violations and piss-n-moan aboot them! DUIs especially!!!... yeah dumbass, you shouldn't have been drinkin and drivin... the same thing with speeding!


although this law makes sense to me, it is a LITTLE KNOWN LAW and as such can be challenged in court if yo uso choose to.

This exact situation was brought up by a talk radio host(cjbk1290 am) here in London a couple of weeks ago and the ticket is being challenged.


Ignorance of the law is not a defence, but when the law is not known by the general population in a reasonable manner, there is a chance that you may get a sympathetic judge and have it thrown out or the officer does not show up to defend the ticket and it will be tossed out.

the money is big, but the points and the hit on your insurance will be even worse.


Think about it and get some local legal advice on it.


Yup a Barrack Room Lawyer. I just hope that somebody takes your advice and trys to fight it. Hopefully the Judge throws the book on him. You see, most of the problem on the road is anybody can get a licence. Just ask the Cops how many times when they stop somebody and all they get is. I dont understand, or I didnt know. Yea just play dumb. This is a good thread as it has reminded me THE LAW


Having read all the posts, thanks for the heads up.


Cash grab pure and simple. Why? If concern was for health of folks on the side of roads there would be several things going on instead or at the same time, like...


1. Police training would be changed so officers deal with drivers from the passenger window side, NOT the drivers side where vehicles are wizzing by grazing the officer with the sideview mirrors. Until this is done police safety is simply a flag the gov't is using to wrap itself in to cover a cash grab.


2. Public education via commercials which are free as public-service announcements on radio and even on TV. Until the public is informed the public finds out the hard way... by fines and demerit points.


3. The law would not be discriminatory. It would also target motorists not changing lanes while you or me are changing a tire on the shoulder. If it is so important to protect police, then why not other members of the public? I don't have flashing red and blue huge lights for motorists to see, but my caution lights should get folks to change lanes like they would for emergency workers. No stats are given re non-emergency people getting hit.... yet I recall several in the news just recently. If so important to save emergency personnel... why not do it for other members of the public who aren't trained to avoid getting hit?


4. Now that the DUI numbers are way down due to police enforcement, they don't want to stop the $$$ flow from it so perhaps they've invented a crisis to justify keeping the flow going. After the DUI numbers went down they started going after seatbelt violations unfit vehicles (sounds like cars ready to carene off the road but in reality amounted to burn-out light bulbs... and now they're after grabbing loot from more moving violations.....


5. A trusted friend in gov't told me a few years ago that all Ontario gov't agencies had been asked to offer any suggestions on how gov't could generate more income. That was when the Liberals got in to realise just how bad the books were. $490 a pop is a good chunk of change for a law that is seldom advertised.


My $.02 on it anyways.


Wouldn't it also make sense to make use of everyones friend...The Nik Antropov of the highways, AKA Orange Pylon?


If they were to disable the lane using lane markers, flares, pylons or even park the vehicle in the lane of traffic with the beacon on the roof aiming cars out of the lane. If it is about safety then do it all the way, if not, charge $500.


I got tagged this morning

it was more a blitz then anything else

i just couldnt get to the center and had some guy behind me bearing down on my backside he got clipped to though

cop was cool explained to him i was trying to get over but couldnt he said he saw my indicator and saw the guy flying in behind me so he knew i couldnt slow right down

he gave me a warning and i went on my way

just point of fact i always pull over to the side or make a wide berth of emergencie crews


I think it is a Law long overdo to be enforced i do not believe it to be a cash grab and anyone that thinks its about anything other then Safety should give their head a shake

just my 2 cents

  Roy said:
It's a shame that it even has to be a law. It's just common sense to not drive past people at those speeds and that close.


What Roy said. I've been moving over all of my driving life, law or not. Common sense.


20% concern for the officer, 80% cash grab!!!


same goes for hidden radar traps etc.

If the real reason was concern for public safety they should have a highly visable marked police car in plain site to slow drivers down, not hide behind bushes in an unmarked car so you can issue a fine.

its a cash grab plain and simple.

  largemouth said:
20% concern for the officer, 80% cash grab!!!


same goes for hidden radar traps etc.

If the real reason was concern for public safety they should have a highly visable marked police car in plain site to slow drivers down, not hide behind bushes in an unmarked car so you can issue a fine.

its a cash grab plain and simple.

:clapping::clapping: AGREED :clapping::clapping: I worked on the highway for years as a grade - layout man I cant tell you the amount of times I had close calls,its a job,it comes with dangers,walk to the passenger side of the car,fines at 480.00 who makes up this ridicilous amount,what about the average joe when where on the side of the road,wheres our protection,alot of you fellas on here must piss sunshine cause ya all preach alot and come off perfect

  2 Tone Z71 said:
:clapping::clapping: AGREED :clapping::clapping: I worked on the highway for years as a grade - layout man I cant tell you the amount of times I had close calls,its a job,it comes with dangers,walk to the passenger side of the car,fines at 480.00 who makes up this ridicilous amount,what about the average joe when where on the side of the road,wheres our protection,alot of you fellas on here must piss sunshine cause ya all preach alot and come off perfect

Well then I guess I'll have to pizz on your parade, cause with your attitude, I suppose they should just give Joe DUI a slap onn the hand or maybe just $0.10 for a fine. What's the difference, follow the rules and nobody will even bother to look at you.

  Fisherman said:
Well then I guess I'll have to pizz on your parade, cause with your attitude, I suppose they should just give Joe DUI a slap onn the hand or maybe just $0.10 for a fine. What's the difference, follow the rules and nobody will even bother to look at you.

10-4 mr perfect citizen man

  Fisherman said:
follow the rules and nobody will even bother to look at you.



Well said, simple as that.



Raf I was talking to Roy last night about the common sense thing, and too bad it's something we can't teach as some people will never get or have it.


Cheer up, there's good news in all of this. Spring will arrive 2 weeks early this year. In the last several years, the traffic/safety rant has shown up here around the 25th. It's only the 11th so.....only 3-4 rants to go and it'll be time to fire up the boats. I don't remember off hand which the next rant is but it should be showing up tonight or tomorrow. Have a great and safe day!

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