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Toronto airport...passenger drop-off


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Hey guys, my Mrs. is leaving me to shovel the ice & snow for a week while her and her girlfriend jet off to the sunny Carribean tomorrow.


They have to be at terminal 3 at 3:00 AM tomorrow morning and I'm just planning on dropping them off and coming right back home.


At one time, before 911 you could just stop in front of the terminal and unload passengers & baggage on the sidewalk, but I'm wondering if you can still do that now with all the security around the place, or do we have to go into the payed parking area where they charge about $100 / minute.


I haven't been to the airport in 20 years so I'm totally unfamiliar with the current procedure.


Any thoughts ??

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No problem at all Lew, you can even get out and help them with their bags,


As I said Cliff, their leaving me here to shovel snow & ice while they bask in the sun.....they can carry their own darned bags :P

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Thanks for the help, that's what I was hoping to hear :thumbsup_anim:


Make sure you drop 'em at the right terminal. And have one of them carry a cell phone so they can phone you from the terminal when they're deplaned (before immigration etc) so you can wait at a coffeeshop 15 minutes away, then just cruise up to Arrivals and pick them up without ransoming yer vehicle to the Parking Building. Actually the parking charges aren't that bad for short stops.



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not sure which direction you'll be arriving at the airport for the pick-up, but there's a Timmies right on Dixon Road before the left-hand turn into the airport area, a good place to have a coffee and wait for the call. Only a few minutes from the terminals so you can finish your cup before heading out, given the time it usually takes to clear Customs and get your bags.


If your wife is flying out of Terminal 1, give yourself even more time. I fly pretty regularly and the new terminal is the worst for waiting for your bags.



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Well, I'm now officially a bachelor for the next 7 days.


I dropped Diane off at the airport at 3:30 this morning and was home again by 4


hmmmmmm, now what the heck am I gonna do for a week ?? :thumbsup_anim:

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Since your place is available: might I suggest......


Day 1: Musky lure making (followed by steaks and beverages)


Day 2: Take a lady fishing (I'm sure we could find a couple of LADIES that would attend) (followed by fish fry and beverages)


Day 3: How to find the big ones (followed by BBQd ribs and beverages)


Day 4: How to hide all your fishing gear from your wife (followed by "never mind food" and beverages)


Day 5: How to convince your wife to let you buy a new boat (followed by beverages)


Day 6: More beverages and cleanup the mess (followed by steaks and more beverages)


Day 7: Pck up flowers, a nice bottle of your wifes favorite wine and cook a nice dinner for your wifes return and pray you haven't missed cleaning anything up that might get you into trouble!

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Day 7: Pck up flowers, a nice bottle of your wifes favorite wine and cook a nice dinner for your wifes return and pray you haven't missed cleaning anything up that might get you into trouble!


Lotsa great ideas Cliff, and this one was already scheduled ;)

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1. Build a snowman


2. Have a snowball fight with Marv against the neighbors


3. Harvest those Bananas


4. Go ice fishin


Bad day to have a snowball fight up here.....






You can probably attend the boat and fishing show next Friday without any nagging to hurry along....

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