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NF...Thought the government was suppose to help out!


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Sorry guys but this is my rant! Ok I will start with this.....my brother had to abruptly sell all his stuff and up and move his family from Alberta to Ontario. Him and his girl used to live in ontario. Now they are staying in peterborough with my parents temporarely. He wants to live in stoney creek. So he needs to get assistance to help with first and last months rent. By the way this is his first time having to collect assistance. Now he can't get a place to live without money and assistance won't give him any money with out a letter from a landlord. Now how is a person that needs money immediately to shelter his girl and son and feed them supposed to get any money with this loop hole in the system. Now there are hundreds of thousands of people abusing the system and a family in desperate need of money and they are givin this answer. I would help him out financially but I just lost my job right before my 90 day probation. Oh ya and the government should do something about that also so that companies are not allowed to do that to hard working people!

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yup, it seems lots of people know how to work the system and do and abuse it

and that does make it hard for the people who truly need it.


most people move into a motel with a kitchen, they are always willing to give a letter and you get a job and save for a real place

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We just rented on of our apt units to a woman who moved here. She went to "Ontario works" and they are helping her with the required deposits ( yes we had to give her a letter ) and finding a job.

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Just for the record..and I guess my bad

but I don't rent to people on welfare any more..nothing but problems


you know there has to be good ones out there but the bad ones seem to find the road to my place


I called welfare to tell them my tenant didn't pay there rent..they said thanks for the info, they would take care of it..

I said oh so you will send me my money..

they said NO now that we know they didn't use the money allotted for rent, for the rent we will deduct it from their next check


I say well how will they be able to pay me next month if you don't give them the money

their answer..that's not our concern,,we would like to come by to take your statement...

using my heads I said..statement for what?

well for the fact they didn't use the rent money to pay you....


I said..I don't know what you mean, I was asking what if, I didn't say they didn't pay, just what happens if they don't..


well after a bit of yelling at me they gave up

I went to the tenant and made a deal for them to pay extra till the rent was caught up....


so no I don't rent to them anymore.......

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A farmer friend of mine was telling me about how his disability was cut off from his insurance. I asked him how is that. He stated that he had to go to his insurance agents doctor, who of course told him he was able to work because he found no problems with his back despite the pain. Anyways he decides to go to welfare in order to feed his family till he sort things out, but found that he had to complete a four page document. Basically he was told to sell his extra truck, sell his tractor, sell his pigs in the mean time this PERSON walks in and demands social assistance and starts filling a one page document and was told check is in the mail. Now what I know of this farmer is he works with me, but lives forty Kms out, works 12 hours a day for next to nothing. He never did get assistance however his beef was how a habitual welfare recipient who already gets government handouts, IE no tax, free house, cheap cigarettes has no problems or delays getting his claim. I always thought that social assistance was for the person that cannot work due to sickness, injury, and no work in an area with high unemployment. Lets see, I got a brother who's never paid taxes but collects, a sister that popped a kid at 17 and collected and that's just the tip of the ice burg. My old man who was a letter carrier had a lot of stories of these guys waiting for their check in the mean time they are living a comfortable life. I guess he was jealous

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I have a cousin, about 60 years old, who was born into welfare and has been on it her ENTIRE life. She said it was such a good thing, why would she ever give it up.


She's NEVER had a job and has NEVER worked one single day in her life and told me I was a fool for working so hard all those years. She sits at home watching TV & drinking beer all day and waits for the next free handout to arrive in the mail.


She's never been married but has 6 children by 6 different men and is very proud of that fact too, cause more kids meant more $$$$ when they were small.


I knew another couple that rented a waterfront winterized cottage in our trailer park for several years. They were both on welfare for years but it was the same thing, they just didn't feel like working and would rather spend the summers laying on the beach drinking beer all day and getting suntans while their welfare cheques supported a lifestyle that many WORKING people can't afford.



Welfare is a good thing for a TEMPORARY fix when somebody falls on hard times and needs a leg up, but it's so sad when somebody who is desperate for help can't get it, while lazy, useless, no-good people like my cousin can live off the system their entire life and get away with it.


I don't know what your brother's circumstances are Charlie, and it's none of our business either, but I sure hope things work out well for him.

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Lew you said it some times I feel like I should thake summers off well now june till dec (not shure why) and then work for the other 6 months but then again them first 6 would be a lot of long nights trying to get to sleep.


I tried to get assitance when I was around 18 I went out of town for a couple weeks job hunting and ran flat out of money I had a job that I wook time off from to go find better work. When I asked for enough gas money and a couple buck for food they said no I even said I would pay them back but it was stil no because I had been working and not off work long enough I showed them lists of places I had been to it was the same thing but a friend who had her little girl less then two at the time was given money any time she wanted (I must say when she asked it was only when she needed some months she needed it more) the funny part is she would ask for a couple hundred and get 600-700 what the heck were they thinking????????????? it suck and I hope the best for your brother I guess he just needs to get the letter from a land lord there are alot out there.


I guess there is one more thing I know the answer but why dont they just give the land lord the $$$ and the stores around where they live so that they can just go i nand buy the FOOD and HOUSE supplies they need NOT BOOZE and BINGO sorry for getting off topic

Edited by MrEh
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Speaking just on experience in the US now, many welfare recipients and even to some extent unemployment recipients tend to look at these programs not as a short term "helping hand", but as their long- term entitlement. It just kills me when able-bodied folks, who never have paid taxes, feel as though my tax dollars should support them. And it always happens that when someone truly needs and deserves a helping hand they get the 3rd degree. I've been fortunate and never needed to collect a dime of UEC, but there are many in my small town that have made a career out of it. Wonder what they see when they look in the mirror?

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I told my Bro he had nothing to worry about because he has a 1 year old son, and they cannot refuse you if you have children (so I was told ). Now my story about them. I have only collected it once, right out of college looking for a job and of course slim pickings...the usual college story. But anyways it was winter, they told me I had to hand out resumes....they refused to give me money for a bus pass so I had to walk. I did as I was told for 4-5 hours a day in -15. After about 1 week before my second check I get a call and the guy wanted me to come in to the office...mind you it was an 1.5 hour walk...LOL. I get there only for this guy to tell me that they have terminated my assistance because I wasn't putting forward a good enough effort. Now this was 11 years ago I think, and I am not trying to get sympathy from anyone but how can they do this to people when as you guys have said people mooch of the system there whole lives. Guess if I would have just sat at home on my butt it might not have happened...LOL. But who can survive on the $520 a month that they give a single person anyways. Thanks for all your incouragements guys I appreciate them and will pass them on to my Bro. Once he gets settled into a perminant town or city then he can find a job very quick...he has always been lucky that way. Thanks again guys!

Edited by charlied
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Charlied, what does he do? what are his skill sets? surely someone here could lend him a hand if we know his capabilities.. I know I am looking for a labourer @ the moment... but the job is in Toronto... perhaps someone closer is looking for the same..


it may not be marvellous work.. but it is work.



more info!



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they need a letter as proof that he is actually renting a place from someone and not just living with a friend or family trying to collect free money to pocket it. its not very difficult to get a letter so i dont see what the problem is.


the government needs to crack down on people taking advantage of the system. its way too easy to get money from the government...

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