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Best wishes needed


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Rick, You absolutely did the right thing for Jack! It's a shame that veterinary services are so darn expensive but I've done the same thing with my Golden. All I care about is that she's taken care of & I'll worry about the money later.... A person who cares about their dog is a person with a compassionate nature. When Jack is up & around again you'll know that you did your best for him & he'll thank you for it with some big, wet, sloppy kisses I'm sure. I'll send lots of good wishes your way on Thursday!


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My little buddy is only 7 months old right now and i already have grown to be very attached to him as well... can't imagine loosing him either. I worked in animal hospital for five years and i know they treat animals better then we get treated when we go to the hospital.... So don't worry, he'll be fine.



best wishes,




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