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Back on the Diet.....

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Well....it's time for a change lol....


When I got married I was able to drop 40lbs and that was through diet and a lot of exercise. After I had gotten married I was okay, about 10lbs heavier than when I got married....now, almost 2 years later i'm 190lbs and going up. I would like to say that it was from my workouts, but i'd be lying.


Anyway, here goes nothing. I'm going back on the diet and increasing my cardio with my workouts....basically, what i was thinking was scary. Gaining 30lbs in 2 years meant that i'd be dangerously overweight by the time my daughter went to school, i wasn't too happy that I was slowly killing myself,




wish me luck, it's gonna be hard

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How tall are you? I weigh 230-240 and I'm comfortable with my weight. There's a few guys that I know from years back that are my age (late 40's) and have had heart attacks in the past few years. But they all sit behind a desk all day. Every one of them. My job is very physical. You have to get your cardio one way or another. Fortunately for me, I get mine at work.

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Well good luck and good health. May 13th 2006 l tipped the scales at 306lbs. and had a heart attack, well it was 2 0f them.

The first one killed me (really) and the second one four hours later put me on the table for and emergency Angelo plast, l know have two steins and a greater respect for the men and women of our fine medical profession.


Well lm now 268 lbs and still dropping l am proud of my accomplishments so far and l still have a ways to go to my prime weight of 225 Which l was when l was a bike courier.


The Doc's want me to be 175- 185 thats what l was at 15 and that would be impossible.


Good luck and everyone your New Years promise should be to book your doctors appointment.


Peace Ken

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Though most people don't believe it works, walk for an hour a day. This is the only thing that has changed for me in the last year and I managed to drop 60 pounds. Well, quitting drinking probably had a factor in it too, but let's not mention that. ;) I walk at least a half hour a day uphill to work, then another half hour home, then usually do some walking downtown afterwards.


Anyway, just a tip that helped me drop a whole lotta weight pretty quick. Good luck!

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I can definetly relate.

April 15, 2007 I tipped the scales at a hefty 330 lbs.

April 16th I decided...ENOUGH.

Here we are in December and I'm proud to say I'm down to 260.

Nice to be able to feel ribs (other than the ones smothered in BBQ sauce) again. :canadian:



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I've been trying to gain weight for a year now..just thought I'd say that to annoy people.



Yeah that ought to do it. :lol:


After about a dozen years of procrastination I decided I owed to myself to get back into weight training with a little cardio for good measure. I was paying for a gym membership that I never used all this time. Cancelling would have meant accepting defeat and if I ever decided to go back, my rates would have more than doubled.


Finally, back in April I went back and am in better shape than when I was 20. Took a few weeks for the habit to form. The benefits are worth it. More energy, sleep better, less stress. The hard part is crawling out of bed at 4:45am and getting out the door


If you can find someone to exercise with it makes it easier to succeed.

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Loosing weight is an awesome job. I just passed my first anniversary as a type 2 diabetic. Thankfully the blood sugar is well under control and the blood pressure is coming down except yesterday. I visited my Dr and everything was screwy BP was up 145 over something blood sugar was over 6 with no food.


I really, I mean REALLY limit my carbs. No more than 20 grams per meal well under 100 per day and I still maintain the same weight (6”0” 220lbs, big frame) I don’t gain weight but I don’t loose it either.


Yes I am “desk bound” and I gotta exercise more, fire up the tread mill


I really gotta get my act together

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You sure its not because of all the donuts your eatin there officer LOL



Hahaha....yes...i've only had 2 donuts since i've started and a couple of timbits but that's it, i've had McDonalds once in the last 8 months but that was because i missed dinner and McD's is the only place open at 3 AM.....


It's more like "I've just worked 12 hours, commuted 2 round trip and i'm too tired to work out" lol....and with a baby it's more like i'm too busy.....


But i've gotta start somewhere and cutting down my calories and the portion size will help!


Thanks for the support guys!

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All I gotta say is good luck. Losing weight...dead easy for me. Ten years ago I lost 50LBS in 4-5 months. At the start of this year I lost 97LBS in 3 months. Like I said losing weight is dead easy.


However the only problem I have is that gaining it ALL BACK... plus some more...seems to be what I am truly gifted at doing.


This time around I have TYPE 2 Diabetes to thank for my motivation, and I'm sure the weight will stay off.Fear is a hellishly powerful motivator.


Again good luck. It's the best gift you can give yourself and everyone who cares about you.

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I've got the ultimate diet, I swear. Give yourself over to me completely for 3 months and I'll have you in better shape than an olympic athlete.


The secret? Paddle and portage for several hundred km's, drink nothing but water and eat a diet comprising almost entirely of fish that you've caught.


1 month and you'll be in the same shape you were in at 20.

2 months and you'll be hard as rock, strong with good stamina.

3 months and you're in olympic calibre shape.


I'd be happy to help anyone out if you'll pay for my time. :D

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1 month and you'll be in the same shape you were in at 20.

2 months and you'll be hard as rock, strong with good stamina.

3 months and you're in olympic calibre shape.


Orrr.....after the first day I'd collapse from exhaustion and when I woke up to you holding the paddle and saying let's go, I'd run screaming from you saying you are a sadistic man who enjoys this kind of torture.


Best of luck with your diet!!!

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I've got the ultimate diet, I swear. Give yourself over to me completely for 3 months and I'll have you in better shape than an olympic athlete.


The secret? Paddle and portage for several hundred km's, drink nothing but water and eat a diet comprising almost entirely of fish that you've caught.


1 month and you'll be in the same shape you were in at 20.

2 months and you'll be hard as rock, strong with good stamina.

3 months and you're in olympic calibre shape.


I'd be happy to help anyone out if you'll pay for my time. :D


Sounds like an easy trip! The hard part would be convincing my wife to let me go!

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Good luck,


I've been on a diet since Oct 24th this year and have lost 20 lbs on a paid diet program. I probably would have lost more if I hadn't cheated on the diet as much or attended so many social functions. All in all I'm half way there but I definitely feel better doing it.


And Mike,


I'd love to go on that diet of yours except it would cause some major financial issues being away for that long. Now if I can only get out and buy a lottery ticket and win something decent, it would make things easier. LOL

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yup I know how you feel. Done it and starting to do it again. After Breaking my leg with screws in it for a year and then doing Kuwait/Iraq for six months I ballooned. Apparently my BMI was 34 and being normal was 27. It was a flawed system but I was ordered to lose weight or get the Boot out of the Army. I had to go see a dietitian and basically was told to lay off the cheese. Anyways I layed off the Cheese, sugar, and coke and went on to a fitness kick. As a matter of fact it was aerobic step ups that shed most of my weight. The great thing about it though, was it made me become a regular in the Gym for years. Now as a truck driver I started running and doing circuit training just recently after a year of slugging. It feels great again. Good luck and keep it up

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Just a bit over 6'0" and weigh 225.... I would love to shed a few pounds... and lower my cholesterol at the same time... I would like to be around the 190-200 range.. my problem is I carry it all in the belly and nowhere else!


I realize diet play a large role... but vegetables dont taste like meat!



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