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Albert Gore Junior wins Nobel Peace Prize


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Guest Johnny Bass
Don't be shy Google is your friend.


here's the court ruling

11 inacurasies of Gore's film


You can also find more info here

ABC news story




Fox news


National Post


Like I said Google is your friend, google Fun Facts Of Carbon Dioxide


I'm done


I can see that the movie was possibly made to be found inaccurate, to make the enviornmentalists look bad, so the Rich continue poluting and raking in the cash. I have seen the elites play both sides and know how they operate.


BUT if you read my post and the points I have raised, they CANNOT be refuted in court.


I also have tons of articles of Scientific proof that Global warming is happening. Would you really want to get into it? I also have articles that state that Exxon Mobile dishes out billions of dollars to pay other scientists to try to discredit their information using mis-information so they can continue to polute.


But most of the professional UN scientists will tell you that the Earth's temperatures are on the rise and we are to blame.


See???Doug and HH were applauding Deano and the thread when it supported their belief but when I discredited his mis-information, they now try to discredit the thread.lol :rolleyes:


Your not Republicans are you?LOL

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Guest Johnny Bass

I really like inaccuracies number 9.Yes tell us again how in fact the ice covers are increasing. :rolleyes:


Oh and number 7 inaccuracies. I have seen scientific research stating that some corals will adapt but many will die. I am not sure if they have already died as a result but scientists were saying there was a good possibility....In the study 23% of 442 species adapted. Although there are over 93,000 species of corals. Still that is alot of dead coral.

Edited by Johnny Bass
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Going back to TG's post.....


Mr. Gore did a smart thing when he founded and chaired Generation Investment Management LLP based out of London in 2004 and founding and chairing the Alliance for Climate Protection. No matter if you believe in the cause of global warming or not you have to respect his direction.


Not all facts in all documentries are true, take a look at most of Michael Moore’s stuff. Everybody tends to bend the info to reach their own goal. I found the documentry Manufacturing Dissent to be a great example of this.


Gore is a very smart business man, and his award winning documentary was a great marketing tool to make him a very rich man. How convenient….


As for winning a Nobel prize for peace. Sure whatever, but I’m sure there are other people out there making just as much or more of a difference in the world than Al. Maybe Mr. Dallaire will win something one of these days for what he tried to do when nobody would listen, kind of doubt it though. Maybe the Dalai Lama should get another one?


Anyway this is a fishing board, turn off your computers for a couple of weeks and stop using all this electricity for useless bickering and maybe Roy will be able to turn his off too. Lord knows if he turned his computer off for just a day the world would be a better place with all the carbon credits he would save.


Maybe now I’ll go read about getting my balls snipped.

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Guest Johnny Bass
Scientific article that states Antarctic ice shelf is in fact getting larger.




Ummmmm. The article is speaking of sea ice..... Isn't that something like a slushie?.LOL


So if the caps are melting it is obvious a larger area of sea ice will result. This has nothing to do with ice covering. Remember what I said about ice in a glass of water?It melts and expands the radius of cold water.


So basically this story supports my position.


Go read up on Sea Ice under Wikipedia.



Edited by Johnny Bass
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Scientific article that states Antarctic ice shelf is in fact getting larger.




Weather will change. What is noteworthy are unique events such as the lowest Arctic ice coverage in history.



There have been a few unique hurricane events also this year.

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Don't be shy Google is your friend.


here's the court ruling

11 inacurasies of Gore's film


You quoted from www.worldnetdaily.com. "A Free Press For A Free People". Below is the headline news for today from worldnetdaily. I only wonder what link of that website brings you to pics of the scantily clad girls. Keep in mind that what you quoted directly from came from this "news" source and it is their interpretation of the news that you shared with us.



WorldNetDaily Exclusive

'Mom' and 'Dad' banished by California

Schwarzenegger signs law banning anything perceived as negative to 'gays'



WorldNetDaily Exclusive

Mother accused of neglect for teaching own kids

Describes litany of harassment, intimidation at public district



WorldNetDaily Exclusive

Christian group apologizes for pro-life message

'We respect the separation educators need to have from the church world'


Teacher advocates 'sex play' among pre-schoolers

Backed by child psychologists, doesn't want to stifle what comes naturally

--Aftenposten, Norway


Contraception proposed for 11-year-olds

Officials say broad program 'totally needed' for middle schoolers

--Portland Press Herald

Edited by scuro
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I know, I got sucked in again, but this


"What is noteworthy are unique events such as the lowest Arctic ice coverage in history."


This is part of the problem, statements like this, especially the last six words in bold.

When you read the article, it clearly states

"The area covered by sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk to its lowest level this week since satellite measurements began nearly 30 years ago"


30 years is not quite the history of earth.

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So how about them leafs? Oh... might be another sore spot for some. Johnny Bass... let's go hug a tree man. Considering some of the other changes earth has gone through in millions of years before the last 100 years of industry by man, is it too much to think that this might be the start of another era for earth? Like I know we made the ice age happen and all the rest of whatever.


I am not going to disagree that humans are playing a part in where the earth is headed, are we 100% responsible? Not a chance. The earth changes, we adapt. Humans are building more efficient everything these days, we are also changing to things that require less fossil fuels. Is all this going to save the earth? Who knows. Whatever is going to happen will happen.


There is nothing we can do to reverse anything that is going on with the climate right now, it's going to change as it is doing.


As for what I do or don't do Johnny Bass... who are you? I make appropriate comments... you put on a good argument, but you sound too much like Greenpeace or P3TA. Stop your crying and go do some fishing or something.

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I know, I got sucked in again, but this


"What is noteworthy are unique events such as the lowest Arctic ice coverage in history."


This is part of the problem, statements like this, especially the last six words in bold.

When you read the article, it clearly states

"The area covered by sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk to its lowest level this week since satellite measurements began nearly 30 years ago"


30 years is not quite the history of earth.


The last time there was no ice over the north pole was 50 million years ago. They are predicting that we will see water over the north pole in our life time. Scientists are simply stunned at the rate of decrease and have had to adjust their models many years forward. This is a unique and noteworthy event no matter what way you cut it.

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Guest Johnny Bass
So how about them leafs? Oh... might be another sore spot for some. Johnny Bass... let's go hug a tree man. Considering some of the other changes earth has gone through in millions of years before the last 100 years of industry by man, is it too much to think that this might be the start of another era for earth? Like I know we made the ice age happen and all the rest of whatever.


I am not going to disagree that humans are playing a part in where the earth is headed, are we 100% responsible? Not a chance. The earth changes, we adapt. Humans are building more efficient everything these days, we are also changing to things that require less fossil fuels. Is all this going to save the earth? Who knows. Whatever is going to happen will happen.


There is nothing we can do to reverse anything that is going on with the climate right now, it's going to change as it is doing.


As for what I do or don't do Johnny Bass... who are you? I make appropriate comments... you put on a good argument, but you sound too much like Greenpeace or P3TA. Stop your crying and go do some fishing or something.



I doubt we made the ice age happen. :rolleyes: Is all this going to save the earth? YES!


I believe there are things that can be done, but no action will take place until people realize that there is a problem. The poluters in the meantime will do and say anything to make you believe all is well when its not. They make too much money poluting.


I personally think your comment was inappropriate and I am someone that likes this site and dont like to see posters discouraged or opinions bashed by name callers.


Hey, I am passionate in what I believe in. And have a right to voice my opinion just like anyone else.

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I doubt we made the ice age happen. :rolleyes: Is all this going to save the earth? YES!


I believe there are things that can be done, but no action will take place until people realize that there is a problem. The poluters in the meantime will do and say anything to make you believe all is well when its not. They make too much money poluting.


I personally think your comment was inappropriate and I am someone that likes this site and dont like to see posters discouraged or opinions bashed by name callers.


Hey, I am passionate in what I believe in. And have a right to voice my opinion just like anyone else.


Passion is great... come to quinte in November and we can blabber while we fish. Arguments stop when the booze comes out though.

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Guest Johnny Bass
Passion is great... come to quinte in November and we can blabber while we fish. Arguments stop when the booze comes out though.


Unfortunately I am a fair weather fisherman. So fishing in November for me is unlikely. Maybe in the spring time. I'm a debater not an arguer, and I can control my beer and wine, but I stay away from hard liquer. :whistling:

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Maybe we should ask the Norwegians, Finns, Swedes and Eastern Americans & Canadians about the acid rain debate....that was suppose to be fear mongering aswell, and its real cause was suppose to be changes in land use that caused acidification. It was given nick name "The Great Acid Rain Flim Flam" by Dr. Krug and was a debated heavily for fifteen years before most governments would agree that it existed.

Not to say that Al gore is on the money with this maybe he is or maybe he isn't. If he is wrong and manages to "fool" people into reducing emissions by saving energy etc....Oh well, at least there would be other environmental benefits that would come of it that I'm sure no one could deny. If he is right and doesn't mange to convince anyone well then that could be a pretty big problem.

I say good on him, IMO its a good thing when the peace prize goes to an environmentalist.

Just a note there are still alot of people who still contest the acid rain theory, and the first observations of acid rain went way back to the late 1800's.

Just my $0.02

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ok now that I have commented on this post it is sure to be locked....


I have read all you're comments/thoughts/opinions (educated and not so much edumacated)...


I think there are good points on either side of the fence... are we killing the planet? Yes to an extent.. we are raping mother earth of her resources...


Are we the sole cause of everything that is wrong on the earth and her atmosphere? absolutely not!



but to all you tree hugging pinko commie Al Gore following, baboons... do your part by clicking here... http://www.blackle.com/


copy and paste your rhetoric to your hearts content... knowing you're ACTUALLY helping the plant in return.. Insert David Suzuki / Green Peace Lovers here.......




Now.. you've done your part for mother nature... sleep well tonight...


and this weekend when you start up your pick-up to tow your boat know that you have "off-set" something-or-friggen-other....


sorry guys but this thread is asinine.. and there is/will be no clear winner.. as everyone has their "opinion" regardless of how distorted is may be..


ok this thread can be locked now LOL



Edited by Gerritt
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