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Fall day on Pigeon


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Hi, went to Pigeon Lake on Saturday with Mikeh to see what was bitin'.

Up nice and early and on the road with light showers. Kept reassuring Mike the rain would hold off till later.


So we launched and headed to a spot for a little walleyes.

Ended up catching a bunch of small walleyes and bluegills down deep (30 ft.)

Could have stayed there all day and caught these as they were biting.




After a bit looked over to the west and saw this coming.


A strong front was coming through with lightening and thunder fast.

We tried to find quick shelter to avoid being struck.

This was about 8:30 am and the rain had started.

It proceeded to rain until 4:00 pm after that with embedded storms scattered.


We decided to troll around structure and weedlines looking for muskies in the rain.

Mike trollled a 10" Jake and i went with Perch SSR.


We trolled and trolled with no luck. So near the end of a run we decided to cross the lake

while trolling, to try another run. We were over about 40 ft. when Mike has a hit.

A few seconds later i get a hit and the fish is on, felt heavy and fought well.

Landed a nice 43" inch musky for submission to Team 9.



Obligatory release shot



Still raining and we kept trolling.

Eventually the rain stopped and it cleared a bit. As soon as the moonset others around us

(not us) started catching muskies. Lots of mishandling and excitement going on.


In the end it ended up being nice fall day, after we sat in the rain for awhile.

Caught some fish and had a great time.






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Great stuff ehg. We learned lots about Moon sets, minors and majors last week. I always thought it was Bull...but never again.


Great to see you stick it out in the weather and have great success. Why I always chuckle with the guys that post...."it's gonna rain tomorrow...should I bother going fishing"

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Thanks for replies.

That was one of of the few open water muskies i've caught.

Usually target muskies according to structure.


I think it hit Mike's lure first then hit mine which was a little further back.


Believe that moon phases dictates feeding to a large extent as well Irishfield.





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Fantastic fish Ehg. Looks as though the Muskies are back. I can remember pulling 5 a day in, and they were biting everything, top waters, spinnerbaits, heck one even bit my thumb, remember me in the BiG H gettin stitches. Well worth it though. Great Job!!!on that beaut!!!

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