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My Moose hunt NF

Jay T

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Hey everyone

Well I left for my moose hunting trip on sept 15 after the 14 hr drive we arrived at the lake from which we were flying out from. We landed on the lake at 9am unpacked the plane got the food and gear all set up, had a quick bite to eat and a shower and off we go to scout the area for moose sign. After going with the owner to show us the ropes around the lake, we were not impressed with the results of what we found. The water levels were up 3-4 feet from normal levels so the moose are traveling in the bush so not many prints to be found, second a lot of low ground witch is just covered in water, not pleasent to hunt in a foot or more of water for 4 hrs at a time.

The cabin was great and hosts were also, we have been going with this outfitter now for 3 yrs a real stand up guy.

Here is a pic of the cabin from inside.


Well after hunting for a day I confronted my dad and bro and said I am not impressed with this lake at all, just for the fact it was huge and hard to hunt (128 miles shore line) so we all agreed that we would go back to our smaller lake to hunt which had lots of high ground. He called the pilot to come take us in to the other lake. It took a full day to wait and get in to the other lake due to weather, it would not stop raining and the fog was terrible.


Finally get to the other lake get everything set up and went to go scout, we couldn't belive how much water has been put down up in North Western Ontario the water was easy 3.5 feet higher no more beaches for the moose to walk the shore made it very hard to hunt, but you deal with it and come up with a plan to hunt higher ground. Just as we return to camp this is what it looked like.



So we started dinner and had a few beers instead of going out in that.


Next morning was great no wind a little cool just perfect for callling, we all get set up just before light as soon as it comes light I start to call. 4 hrs go by with nothing answering no movement nothing, so we pack up and go back for a coffee and sandwich. After lunch I wanted to do more scouting, we pack up the boats put the fishing gear in and head off the the other lakes attached to this one. Since the water was so high we could go up any little river connecting to the lake I followed this one I always wanted to go up but was so shallow, not this year we head up get 1km up I stop pull into shore cause I noticed an opening, check it out and it is high ground that had been logged years ago. Perfect, I said to my bro and dad. We walked around lots of moose sign around we all agreed to hit this hard the next couple of days. We did and heard and seen nothing but bush chickens.

Me getting frustrated.


Well after trying everything we could, I decided to give one of our spots another try. My bro and I get set up and I start calling for the night, while my dad is up on high ground to get better odds of getting something. At 6:30 I let out a call and no sooner did I finish and a cow moose steps out. Now I am getting pumped she is looking all over the bay for this other cow she hears, then a nice bull steps out behind her and does not move, she walks all the way around the bay 5 yrds from the edge and still the bull will not move. She walks right in front of my bro 15 yrs away, this is his first encounter with a moose that close, I had the binos on him I thought he was going to choke but he didn't he plugged her perfect double lung shot, but she ran right out into the bay to get away but she didn't make it 30yrds and expired. It was a long tow back to the dock to get her on land again but well worth it.

Pic of the Moose.



Well all in all we made the right decision to move, and we came home with some meat and always a great special time when you can enjoy it with your family.


Have a safe hunting season everyone


Now it is time for deer





Not enough room to post all the pics, so I will respond with more during the day.





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Thanks guys


Here are some more pics of some good fish we caught, and I got a new PB 37" pike it was fat I couldn't get my hand around the fish it must have been 15lbs plus. My bro got a good one too 36" all were caught on a minnow and jig, go figure the big ones wern't taking the big spinners.





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I really enjoyed the read. I have tonight set aside - no work, no family stuff, and will be starting to run through packing lists for upcoming moose hunt in Temagami.


Only 11 more sleeps. Talked with a few northern boys and moose just started getting active last couple days. Warmer weather on the way should slow things down a bit and make it perfect for when we get there.


Nothing better than moose in the morning and evening and grouse hunting all day. I've been meaning to take my fishing rod in and maybe this year it will make it.

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