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Dad learned a big lesson this weekend


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Thanks for your comments everyone. Just hope that some day that the little micochip in the back of your brain that stored this story might pop up a red flag for you one day.


Without any intention of being rude,...For those that keep plugging "always wear your PFD that's the rule in our family,etc, etc"...... Don't fool yourself ! Part of why I shared this story is that's the way I've operated since the first kid was born 24 years ago. Long before a PFD was "cool"! We used to slap a life jacket on our son when he was about three years old and tie him to a tree in Kelso Park, in Milton, to fish the reservoir. People used to go by and make rude comments that we were treating the kid like a dog and I used to tell them off and that it was better than a drowning!


I spent most of last night going thru my entire digital picture albums of holidays and all our photo albums and yep....there's not one picture of our son and two daughters in a boat without a lifejacket on. Heck in most I even have one on to set the example.....even the last camping trip at Finlayson PP in 2004 with my daughter and myself both standing on the dock with our days catch wearing out bright yellow PFD's.


Now like anything in this world, drop you kid off somewhere and turn your back. Five 19 to 22 year old young adults out for fun, hot weather and well you know the result.


Thanks and hope I've got you all thinking,



Edited by irishfield
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Hey Wayne, glad everything turned out ok, and I trust Leah's heart is beating again along with yours. That sure was one heck of a wake up call for the kids...likely wont do that again.


Hope you guys have been enjoying your time up north otherwise.



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Glad things worked out Wayne ... I have had a few 'experiences' and cant agree more about the communications aspect ... the thing is ... today at C.T you can pick up a pair or radios with 26km reach for under $100 bucks ... they work off of rechargeable AA batteries ... I always carry 4 of them to distribute to the gang ... and YES they can be life svers (literally) ... a little tip ... I tie each one up in a plastic (sandwich) baggie so even if they get wet they still work ... and float ... and the sound works just fine right through the baggie ...


Just make sure every one knows what channel to key in on ....

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Glad to hear ya made it out. Even if it was by the skin of your teeth.


I know that feeling when you you see those big waves. All of a sudden it ain't fun anymore. Well, like you said, Satellite phones might make a lot of difference in the outcome.

Edited by Clamp-It
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Thank heavens everyone made out OK Wayne. Temagami Lake has always been a bad mistress. Although you folks have only been up there a short time, the lake has already shown its dark side a coupla times. Always have a backup plan pending weather. Never have to be somewhere, 'weather be darned'. You're a smart man and boatsman. Good job Wayne on gettin' the job done! :clapping:


NEVER let that place lull you into a state of complacency. All the stories I've been told from guides/trappers/hunters/MNR about that place leads to the conclusion that Temagami Lake is within a wilderness region that can be a real killer on occasion.


Take care bud.

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Wayne, I was away for awhile and missed this thread, and just found it today while catching up on old news.


Wow, that's a scary story, but fortunately it had a happy and safe ending to it, but it sure could have gone the other way if you, and everybody else involved, hadn't done everything just right. Sorta makes you think somebody really IS looking over our shoulder sometimes, and steering us in the right direction, doesn't it ??


I enjoy fishing alone, and often it's in very nasty weather and very often it's after dark, but I NEVER wear a PFD.....until this year. I was fishing the West Arm of Nippissing alone last month in extremely rough water and decided maybe I should wear a PFD, and instantely felt safer and more comfortable, and since then I always wear it when things get nasty.


Just last Friday I crossed all of Stoney Lake, then ran the entire length of Clear Lake alone in 50 - 60 KPH winds and 3-4' waves, and the 1st thing I did was don my PFD


Thanks for the reminder Wayne, and maybe now, more of us will think smarter too after reading your post.


From one Dad to another, I know how you felt.

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