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Size really does matter


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Maybe its me, but every time Ive come in contact with a CO they have a poor way of communicating to the public. On back to back weekends in Alberta on 2 different lakes I came across 2 different COs. Never seen one before for at least 15 years. The last time was when I was in BC and got the third degree while fishing for salmon from this well known hard ass CO with a cowboy hat bigger than him. No word of a lie he was about 4 feet but walked around like he was 8 feet. Anyways in Alberta I got a ticket 150 dollars for having filleted a walleye in the boat. I was going to have a shore lunch but rain brought me back to the boat launch where Mr Happy was waiting. No excuses he took my lunch and fined me. Even my military ID didnt give me a break. Then I got a warning ticket for fishing with barbed lures the following week. I got snagged the first month of the first season of the rule change. He was fair I thought (now I always read up to date regulations). So here I am on the way to the Toronto Airport and I stop at Tim Hortins outside of Vaughn on the 400 and I'm reading a map at my car and this CO starts questioning me if I was hunting. Lets see, Tim Hortins parking lot, 4oo highway, Vaughn a city, why pick on me. I'm driving a Sentra. Oh it must of been my sweater with pictures of deer that singled me out. I think that most COs can use some public relation training and not assume everyone purposely breaks the law. Geez show some fairness. So what if your off by an inch. Its not like keeping 3 dozen sport fish. We think that up here, they should get a grip of the freeloaders that are allowed to net. Many of us believe that the government has no Idea on how many so called legal netters are out here. Oh Yea. There is a difference between the fishing in the lakes that are netted and not. I understand where your coming from TG/Connie. Glad they're doing their job, but give some benefit of the doubt


I completely disagree.

We are all our own COs, it's up to us to know the rules and regs. before we setout on a fishing or hunting trip! There shouldn't be any special considerations for military IDs or anything else. No benefits of the doubts for an inch here 2 inches there, one fish over 2 fish over... where does it end? Any CO that would act like that is a poacher himself!


If you're following the rules and regs like they are written, you don't have anything to worry about when you're stopped by a CO. Don't feel singled out by a CO if he stops you because that is his job!


As far as COs attitudes go, if you're smiling when he stops you... chances are good he'll be smiling too, if you're frowning and grumpy... he'll prolly be frowning and grumpy too! Remember, these guys have to put up with whiners and cry babies every day. "Awww c'mon give me a break" doesn't cut it... you knew better and if you didn't... that's your fault too!


I was stopped for the first time ever in Canada this past June at the Lakair G2G while fishin' with Muskiestudd. We were smiling when he pulled his boat up to ours and he was smiling too. He was a very pleasant fellow, it went something like this:

Do you boys have any fish?

Yes sir, we kept one Pike for lunch.

Can you hold it up so I can see it?

Yes sir! (I reach into the cooler and bring out a whole half alive 27" Pike and hold it up for inspection)

That's good! You can put it back now... Do you have your licenses with you?

Yes sir!

Can you take them out so I can see them?

Yes sir! (we take our licenses out and show them to him)

That's good! You boys have a nice day and Good Luck!


We were friendly and showed him the respect he deserved, and he showed us the same respect.


I never have a problem with being stopped by a CO, and am always glad to see them.

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Canadianguy33 .... I make it a point not to argue on the board but I knew some people would take the comments personally. The world is filled with different folks .. some even think poaching is OK. I never said I wouldn't question the rules but this isn't about right and wrong. He was over the size limit and yes it would have been nice to get off with a warning. But then where do you draw the line ... give an inch take a mile.

"Many of my fellow anglers on this board feel that ..." have you looked at how many people are on this board? A few posts are not MANY???


Tommy Douglas, David Suzuki ???? that's a stretch of about a 1/4" LOL


Just goes to show light does travel faster than sound. :wallbash:

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I'm with you on that one Deg!


The CO's job is to enforce these regulations in an attempt to protect these resources, SO, more power to em!


I make a point of familiarizing myself with the regulations of the waters I fish to avoid such confrontations, AND to contribute to healthy fish populations for generations to come.


Whether your over an foot or an inch, YOUR OVER, these reg's are there for our sports protection and I wish I saw more CO's on the waters I regularly fish.


just my thoughts...

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All I know is that I've been stopped by OPP or COs four or five times in last five years, and they have all been very professional. I also didn't give them any reason not to be, I was polite, answered their questions, and that was that.


And for what it's worth, I thought TG posted his story just to let everyone know that they should never get careless (putting a fish in the cooler or livewell without measuring), because you never know when you are going to be checked. Good reminder for us all.



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Canadianguy33 .... I make it a point not to argue on the board but I knew some people would take the comments personally. The world is filled with different folks .. some even think poaching is OK. I never said I wouldn't question the rules but this isn't about right and wrong. He was over the size limit and yes it would have been nice to get off with a warning. But then where do you draw the line ... give an inch take a mile.

"Many of my fellow anglers on this board feel that ..." have you looked at how many people are on this board? A few posts are not MANY???


Tommy Douglas, David Suzuki ???? that's a stretch of about a 1/4" LOL


Just goes to show light does travel faster than sound. :wallbash:


The majority of Canadians subscribe to the view that it's more important for law enforcement to play fair then it is to win. Our laws aren't setup to be perfect and we don't expect perfection. Let's man up and admit that we've all broken the law at one point in our life. I mean, who hasn't went 55kph in a 50kph zone?


Our law enforcement officers can and do exercise discretion. The exercise of discretion isn't a problem; the abuse of discretion is. With that said, I hardly think any reasonable person would consider letting the 1/4" offender go with a warning, to be an abuse of discretion.


However, a reasonable person could think that it is unfair to fine a person for what was a questionable/minor offense and an honest mistake.


So I guess what I'm asking is, do you subscribe to the generally accepted notion that it's more important for the law to play fair then it is win?

Edited by canadianguy33
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I have been away from this sport for awhile. But, if I remember accurately Solo, the rule was that any fish planned for packing, had to have the skin on for identification purposes. Also, if fillets are packaged/ wrapped for storage to be transported at a later time, they must be packaged so they can be counted even while frozen. If not, it is considered illegal, and can be seized with charges laid. Not sure if it has changed, but if I remember correctly, that's the standard. Hope that answered your question..



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Well sir your blood alchohol level is .09 but awwwww I guess thats only over by .01 the limit so I tell you what

Just this once I am going to let you go

But you be sure to drive straight home now ok



lol. If you want to discuss the current drinking and driving laws I'd be glad to oblige if you start a new thread. ;)

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I am sure we can all agree that the A@#$holes that were caught with 31 walleye over there limit are getting off easy 3-5 years come on.......... they shouldn't be allowed to fish in Ontario again

Guys like that should be drug out back and beaten

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Well sir your blood alchohol level is .09 but awwwww I guess thats only over by .01 the limit so I tell you what

Just this once I am going to let you go

But you be sure to drive straight home now ok




Well Put!


Regs and laws are there for a reason. If Co's start letting people off for the 1/4" then everyone else is going to think that they can keep one a 1/4" over. Then it's 1/2" then 2 inches. We all make mistakes but we just need to keep up with the regs and learn from our mistakes.

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Well sir your blood alchohol level is .09 but awwwww I guess thats only over by .01 the limit so I tell you what

Just this once I am going to let you go

But you be sure to drive straight home now ok




I think I know what you are getting at but, there are ways around it and the situation must be looked at on a case by case basis... such as.



"Im going to ask you to park your car, have a taxi pick you up and let you off with a warning. If you come back and try to drive within 2 hours, you will be arrested."


Not too mention that the breath-alizers can be off by a point or so.



There is no reason that the guy should be fined $180 for a quater of an inch. That is rediculous. Im 6foot but if Im on my tippy toes, Im 6'1. So, should I be fined for fraud because my driver lic. says 6ft but its really 6'1 ????


At most, it should have been a warning and a request to surrender the fish. or maybe just kick the guy off the lake for the day. He will learn his lesson and seems like the exact type of person who deserves a warning and not a fine. He was not abusing anything.


I think that the laws apply more for poachers and idiots and from the sound of it. A guy who obides by the laws and was over by a quarter inch doesnt deserve a $180 fine.


As for the poachers, thats a totally different ball game and they deserve the maximum fines etc.


Just remember guys, practice what you preach and the next time you J-walk, litter, swear, drink too much, spit, pee in the bush, let your car idol yada yada yada.... expect a ticket because the law is the law and there are no excuses right?


I think these types of things need to be handled on a case by case basis and it really bothers me that this guy got the $180 fine for a quater of an inch.


Really, what was gained by the $180 fine? Maybe there is a quota someone needed to fill?


Everyone needs a bit of slack once and a while.


thats just my 2 cents

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Well Put!


Regs and laws are there for a reason. If Co's start letting people off for the 1/4" then everyone else is going to think that they can keep one a 1/4" over. Then it's 1/2" then 2 inches. We all make mistakes but we just need to keep up with the regs and learn from our mistakes.


I don't understand why this is so hard for some of you to grasp. Punishing the people that try to abide by the law only denigrates the law and those who enforce the law.

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A sharp lesson learned. From watching the FLW television show Redfish tournaments, you see how important an eighth or sixteenth of an inch can be. 26.9" is a keeper, 27" is a throwback with $50,000 on the line.


I feel for the guy, bad luck to be sure.



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A quarter inch does not make him a poacher, nor is someone driving 55k in a 50 a law breaking street racer. Donny is a dick, no doubt about it. He is however a consistent dick and its kind of nice knowing that there is a CO motoring around with a hard-on for poachers! Sometimes you get pulled over by a fair cop sometimes you don't. Hey Donny if you are out there, feel free to chime in!

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I don't understand why this is so hard for some of you to grasp. Punishing the people that try to abide by the law only denigrates the law and those who enforce the law.



We are voicing our own opinions here. We do not need to be told that our opinion on this matter is WRONG! Please don't turn this thread into Lew's Boater thread. CG33 i'm pretty sure that if these replies keep coming Roy will close this thread. So let's just let people voice their opinions on this matter! :Gonefishing:

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Thread was started to show that major violators are being punished and to inform members not to become careless as my friend did by not measuring a close fish. The two fish that were over 18.1" seemed small compared to other walleyes being caught that day. Don't guess. A few members found out about the tail pinch technique used in measuring fish.


Remember there was no intent by my friend to gain an advantage and he has no complaints about the $180 lesson. He'll be heading back up north with me in about five weeks. We'll be eating 15" walleyes and releasing huge pike. Lots of huge pike. Donny may visit us during our stay and he'll be welcome in our cabin for a walleye dinner.


Another CO may have looked at the fish and not measured them, but this time they were measured and two were over.


1/4" isn't much. Certainly not enough to do me any good where I need it the most.







I still wouldn't be able to dunk a basketball.

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Thread was started to show that major violators are being punished and to inform members not to become careless as my friend did by not measuring a close fish. The two fish that were over 18.1" seemed small compared to other walleyes being caught that day. Don't guess. A few members found out about the tail pinch technique used in measuring fish.


Remember there was no intent by my friend to gain an advantage and he has no complaints about the $180 lesson. He'll be heading back up north with me in about five weeks. We'll be eating 15" walleyes and releasing huge pike. Lots of huge pike. Donny may visit us during our stay and he'll be welcome in our cabin for a walleye dinner.


Another CO may have looked at the fish and not measured them, but this time they were measured and two were over.


1/4" isn't much. Certainly not enough to do me any good where I need it the most.

I still wouldn't be able to dunk a basketball.



Thanks for the reply Connie...and I have to assume you need that 1/4" in height?!?.. I am certainly hoping so!



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We are voicing our own opinions here. We do not need to be told that our opinion on this matter is WRONG! Please don't turn this thread into Lew's Boater thread. CG33 i'm pretty sure that if these replies keep coming Roy will close this thread. So let's just let people voice their opinions on this matter! :Gonefishing:


We're on a discussion board my friend.

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