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A morning of Carp fishing


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Well, it all started off with a phone call to Slowpoke(Brian)last night....How about some local carp fishing Brian ??? His responce, a big "Hell Yaaaa"......

So I go and pick him up the following morning and off we go !!! He didin't really know where it was I taking him but the promise was it will a sweet spot I used to go to when I was a kid.....We got there and did some exploring around and found that a picnick area was added to the area and a nice dirt road from there to the river,how conveneint and we were also able to drive the jeep within meters of the river as well.....Got to love that.....

Heres the Jeep parked with Brian rigging up his stuff by the river....or is it Brian ????Hard to tell :lol:


Finally we get our poles rigged up,pool chumed up and ready for action


Within minutes my pole goes off. I set the hook and the first carp is hooked up !!!!!!


He fights well and within minutes is landed and awaits release





Some time goes by as we wait for another hit.We figure that the last fish spooked all the others out of the pool so we continued chumming in hope it would bring our friends back into the pool for another go at the baits.

Brian pole goes off and he is quick to set the hook !!! I reach for the camera and look up to see Brian with the pole doubled over. I turn on the camera and get ready to start taking pics and just then there was a loud snap as Brians pole whips straight up with slack line everywhere......Ahhhhhhh crap.hte tank broke me off !!!!!Well,appears his drag was set a little tight :whistling:

Anyhow Brian, got his pole all set up again and we were ready for action !!!!!


We waited again for what seemed and hour.....My pole all of a sudden doubles over and I set the hook....Fish On !!!!


Boy they fight well !!!!\


Another nice carp to be released back into his pool.......


Well,that pretty much sums up the day,2 for 3.....It was a great morning overall.

Brian and I have already made plans for round two next weekend and this time we are going to come more prepared !!!!Lawn chairs and a Hibachi and a few cold drinks since we are in a picknick area right ???? :thumbsup_anim:

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Pretty neat rod pod / alarm (??) ya got!! B. P. S. or Home Depot? But . . . . . . it obviously works very well. One of the few areas around I don't recognize . . . . . it just doesn't look like a good carp spot. Likely why there's still fish there . . . . nobody around to educate 'em on takin' free food and the penalty!

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You did better than Crappieperchhunter and I did this morning...Three hours of nadda over at our "swim" at Carp Point...


The carp are sure slow coming back after the die-off in the Kawarthas but we saw some more "jumpers" today so that is a good sign that there are some swimming about out there...I know mid-summer is not the best time but we normally get a couple between us...we won't give up on them yet...late August / early September should produce some...


Congrats on your catch !

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Pretty neat rod pod / alarm (??) ya got!! B. P. S. or Home Depot? But . . . . . . it obviously works very well. One of the few areas around I don't recognize . . . . . it just doesn't look like a good carp spot. Likely why there's still fish there . . . . nobody around to educate 'em on takin' free food and the penalty!


Brian and I were laughing at ourselves today talkin about the mickey mouse set up we had going. We also discussed evolving as carp fisherman and aquiring top notch equipment to better pursue these finicky tankers......Perhaps starting with a couple of reels with the clickers on them.....

Suprisingly enough there were carp rising in this pool most of the morning.....Me thinks its a sleeper spot gone unnoticed....... :whistling: I think if this new carp adventure fishing thing is going to fly we will have to consider visiting other holes nearby just for the scenery factor cause I can only take sitting around staring at the same river bank for so long :huh:

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If you are going to stick to carrying those cement blocks around you might consider one of these...




This is the handy dandy deluxe model of carp barrows... :lol:


I wonder what people must think when we walk by with our gear...


Crappieperchhunter got a large baby stroller from FreeCycle and it holds everything he needs...


I use a luggage carrier with a large white bucket bungee corded to it to carry two pvc pipes about 4'long, 2 horseshoe pitching spikes, 1 camp chair (folded) 1 small steel mallet, 2 banksticks, 1 metal pole about 1/2 inch dia. (for making holes for the banksticks if the ground is hard)...I use the bag for the camp chair to hold the pipes and metal pieces from bouncing around and the drawstring goes around everything to keep it all tied together plus my tackle bag gets shoved down in front to brace the stuff...


In my other hand I carry my rod and another white pail that my bait, lunch, and water goes in...


Phew...no wonder I'm tired after a day of carp fishing...


I gotta take a pic of us one of these days...


See down further for pictures

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Thanx for all the great tips. Brian and I basically went there with my tackle bag and the rods..The cement blocks were there already waiting for us. They even had grooves in them for us to put our poles in,go figure :clapping:

I'm thinking of making some kind of a modified sling shot to shoot out chum cause man, my shoulder hurts from throwing that stuff around all day. :blink:

Anyways, next step is to go out and buy a Shimano Baitrunner.I hear they are the cats meow for this type of fishing. Just got to figure out which one to get,the 3500, 4500 or 6500 ????

Got any sugestions ????



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Pretty neat rod pod / alarm (??) ya got!! B. P. S. or Home Depot? But . . . . . . it obviously works very well. One of the few areas around I don't recognize . . . . . it just doesn't look like a good carp spot. Likely why there's still fish there . . . . nobody around to educate 'em on takin' free food and the penalty!


I know squat about carp fishing. I've caught several over the years but this was the first time targeting them. What is it about this spot that "just doesn't look like a good carp spot"?


When we happened upon this spot it looked to me like a gold mine... muddy/pebbly shallows with overhanging trees transitioning to a muddy/weedy deeper channel with very slow pools and faster current sections.


When we arrived we spooked a bunch of them in another spot, very shallow and muddy. Maybe a foot of water. They took off upsteam leaving a pretty sizeable wake.


Another cool site was watching a peregrine falcon doing fly-bys for us. The speed of a jet fighter with the abilty to change directions like a moth near a steetlight, just incedible! Then it did a low level fly-by just inches above the water, probably 50+ mph.


It was a great morning but I really suffered at work tonight! I making a checklist for our next trip to that spot...

-slippers, patio furniture... LOL



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Oh ya...I forgot my corn/boilie flinger I just recently made from a $3 metal scoop from the Home Hardware and the bottom part of a spinning rod...


Glued the scoop on the rod then duct taped it lots... :lol:


picture below...

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Anyways, next step is to go out and buy a Shimano Baitrunner.I hear they are the cats meow for this type of fishing. Just got to figure out which one to get,the 3500, 4500 or 6500 ????

Got any sugestions ????




Chris...as you might have read I just aquired a carp rod and baitrunner reel through the generosity of a fellow OFNer so I can't give you any advice on the reels you mentioned but I'm sure our resident expert (Photoz) or the carp meister who just joined us recently (Rodpody) have all the answers to any questions you have about carping...


Here are some pics for your amusement...


My homemade corn/boilie flinger...




Both our improvised carp gear carriers...




And here I are all packed up and ready to leave...



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Great report and pics. Looks like a very scenic place be and relax.


Anyways, next step is to go out and buy a Shimano Baitrunner.I hear they are the cats meow for this type of fishing. Just got to figure out which one to get,the 3500, 4500 or 6500 ????

Got any sugestions ????




As far as the Shimano baitrunner is concerned, I've been happy with my 4500b. It's about the right size for use on most carp rods. The 3500b will go well with most salmon/steelhead rods. My only gripe with the reel is the poor line-lay but if you're not distance casting, you won't notice it very much/if at all. If you opt for the 6500b, take your rod with you to the store and make sure it fits...I know of a few cases where the purchaser bought the 6500 and found out it didn't fit the reel seat on his rod. Smooth drag and very durable...Never had a problem with the baitrunner feature on my reels.



Hope this helps

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Thanks for the heads up on the Shimano baitrunner. Just how big is a 6500 anyhow. Is it a huge spinning real ???? I think I'm going to really have to have them in front of me to figure out just which one I want I guess ???? The pole I'm using at present has the rings over cork for the real seat so I can fit just about any real on that pole I want....

Hey Beans,

Love your carpin set up bud !!!! I think I'm going to go with a sling shot with a good sized pouch for shootin out my boilies.....I'm not quite shure what the true definition of boily is but I'm guessing it means "big whad of chum" :blush:

Anyways.thanks to all who gave responce and tips to my thread cause heaven knows Brian and I need all the support we can get to get this Carp fishing extravigansa off the ground.......



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I don't have the dimensions of the 6500b on hand but if you have those sliding rings as your reel seat, it should fit. I've heard complaints that the reel foot of the 6500 was too long to fit inside the reel seat and others have complained that it was too fat to fit into the reel seat hoods. In either case, you would want to make sure that the reel would be able to fit into the rings before you buy it.


Boillies are round baits made out of eggs, cornmeal, oils, flavourings, etc and boiled to make them hard. They're good when fish are rejecting corn. They also shine in areas with gobies and other small fish which eat corn and bread.


Here are a few pounds worth of mine...Currently getting them packed for my trip to the St. Lawrence.


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Wow,those are sweet lookin little baits. Kinda reminds me of stealheading exept its for carp instead....Lots of colour !!!

So let me get this straight,you make these out of cormeal with speacial ingredients added and then boiled thus they are called boilies....I get it !!!!Thanx bud....

One more question about the boilies....how do you get the colour into them or shall I say what do you use for colour ????

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Wow,those are sweet lookin little baits. Kinda reminds me of stealheading exept its for carp instead....Lots of colour !!!

So let me get this straight,you make these out of cormeal with speacial ingredients added and then boiled thus they are called boilies....I get it !!!!Thanx bud....

One more question about the boilies....how do you get the colour into them or shall I say what do you use for colour ????



You can make boillies out of pretty much anything provided that they can bind together into a dough when you add eggs. There are lots of recipes on the net (some better than others though). Technically you could use food colouring if you wanted to, to get them different colours. I find that various ingredients and/or flavourings (like scopex, strawberry, pineapple, etc) also add colours. I stopped making my own boillies when I figured out it was just as cheap to get quality boillies from the local shop. The last 4-5 years, I've been using boillies with formulas developed to provide a high nutritional value to the fish and have been doing well in most of the waters that I fish (even ones where they've never seen boillies before). I can't explain why but perhaps fish know a good thing when they see it.


The ones featured in the pic are some that my fishing buddies from the UK gave me during their trip to Canada last year.

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For those of us on a limited budget (retired pensioners etc.) it would be too expensive to "chum" with store bought "boilies" ($7 per 500 grams)...


Much cheaper to go to a feed store and pick-up a 40 kilogram bag of maize and either boil a couple of days worth for 20-30 minutes or soak some for a day or so...I like to add a handfull of brown sugar when it comes to a boil and 1/4 of a small bottle of anise from Bulk Barn after it cools some...others use strawberry Koolaid etc...


I like to thread a boilie plus a couple of kernels of the maize to my hair rig...


:oops: Now you got to google "hair rig" to find out how to tie and use one...and then there's ground bait and method or spring feeders to consider...it never ends let me tell you... :lol:


It's just like starting to fish all over again...great fun though...

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