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Everything posted by Grimace

  1. Yup. Kobe Bryant is trying to get Brad Richards to sign in LA. Iginla is trying to get him to sign in Calgary. Burke is in Afghanistan. Nice gesture but what in the hell?
  2. Awesome. Your reports are always a treat.
  3. What a tank!!!
  4. Happy Canada Day. The Firefighters in my town put on quite a little event every year. I am taking my wife and little boy down to it.
  5. Well done. I think kickingfrog was the one to say it here not long ago and I couldn't agree more - some of my proudest moments as a parent has been watching my child play with his grandparents (or something like that). Cheers to you.
  6. Looks like an incredible day. Well done.
  7. With all do respect Eddie, the longer this went the better Mike looked. Moderation is not in question here I do not think. I think the intent to disrupt was pretty self evident here. Your camp has looked better than fine here. Has gotten rave reviews before and after your advertising. It is safe to say you guys are looking pretty sharp and benefitting from this site. As far as Mike goes, I think his reputation for helping people speaks for itself. Whoever this dude is with the problem it would seem pretty obvious he us just punching people in the dark. Don't sweat it. I hope to get up your way one day. Sounds awesome.
  8. That is fantastic. Congrats. A great cause.
  9. Don't be a weiner. It is a cowardly act to imply something without coming right out and saying it. I am not saying you should air any laundry here, what I am saying is that you should probably take this up privately. I asked the guy about my parents trip to Alaska and he took a great deal of time to let me know of plenty of options for them. As it turned out my parents didn't fish the Kenai River but did some camping in the area. They went after Halibut. I still always appreciated the time he took. I am sure there are plenty on the board with similar stories. So there you have it.
  10. Interesting. Thank you for posting that.
  11. That is my understanding of it as well.
  12. Maybe the boys parents are incredible people. None of the mistakes any of us made were because our parents wanted us to make them. The kids parents are probably destitute right now thinking "why the hell did he do this?". Or maybe they are crappy parents who do not give a crap, but I doubt it. This is truly an awful situation. My sympathies lie with the officers family. It is absolutely awful that those young children will grow up with out a father and his wife has to raise them with out his love and support. His parents must be completely distraught. I just have a hard time thinking that when I was young and let's say I get caught doing something wrong and they drag my mom and dad off to the can. Does not make sense. None. Sometimes people make really stupid decisions no matter what their parents taught them. Why would you make those people pay? If this was me my mother and father would be distraught. It goes against everything they had ever taught me. Now they have to pay? I do not get the reasoning.
  13. Apparently red is visible down to 12 or 14 feet or something like that. So the red would be effective in shallow water.
  14. Yup. I have read plenty of articles on it, however I do not recall exactly where. A couple of them were fishing magazines and actually one science magazine that jus happened to be doing an article on the subject. I would have to do some googling to find en again.
  15. The red does not disappear it just ceases to be red. It would look like a grey or black. It does not go invisible.
  16. Awesome. I love the work scientists do.
  17. What a tragedy. Too kids to grow up without their Dad. A woman has to go through the trials and tribulations of raising children without the love and support of her husband whilst dealing with the loss. Horrible.
  18. I do not doubt for a minute that there is some truth to it, perhaps a lot of truth to it, but when you see a jerk on the water or road and mutter to yourself 'citiot' you are perpetuating that stereotype and confirming it in your own mind without ever knowing if you are correct. Same goes for an out of towner who assumes he just got buzzed by a local who doesn't want him on 'his' lake. I do know one thing, that is the Kawartha region would have a much different economic climate without 'citiots' visiting every weekend.
  19. Awesome. Nice fish.
  20. I knew there would be a Tillsonburg nut on here. Lol.
  21. I love how everyone blames Toronto Crazies. I am not from the city but always get a chuckle from people who blame things on people that they do not know and assume that they are something that they do know. Those guys could have been from Tillsonburg for all anyone knows. Damn Tillsonburg crazies. They have never been the same since the tobacco industry gave way to soy bean. Weirdos.
  22. That is a giant. It must of put up one hell of a tussle.
  23. I always enjoy your monster Quebec bass reports.
  24. I agree. I hope Nugent-Hopkins has a son that marries girl named Wilson-Smith and decide to keep all names. Nugent-Hopkins-Wilson-Smith. I hope everybody does the same thing and everybody has 20 last names.
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