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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. WOW!! Congrats on the beauty wife and beauty job. Life is good,eh? Nice fish by the way.
  2. Beauty fish. What Lake? What bait were you using? Hard to see in the pic. Looks like something red?
  3. AWESOME!! Great fish. Thanks for posting the video. I enjoyed it.
  4. Very nice! I'd like to join that club someday, but I'm not sure I'm ready yet. Seems that Lake St. Clair has it's own colouration for the spotted patterned muskies. Very pretty fish. Congratulations Eh ( I sound like Bob and Doug Eh?).
  5. Never stayed at the park but Long Point is a great spot to fish. Erie is a fish factory and there are sizeable smallmouths in that area. Also great for perch and pike. Caught all three there last week. Happy fishing.
  6. The only one of the parks mentioned in your original query I had been to was Arrowhead. It is a very nice,very clean park. The showers are completely scrubbed and powerwashed every morning. Sw them doing it every day. I'm talking scrubbing everything until it was one big mass of foam. I was impressed. It was nice not to feel like you were getting dirtier by showering LOL. Anyway other than that the trails were really nice. If you go you have to do the Stubbs Falls trail. We canoed Arrowhead Lake and the Little East River to Stubbs Falls which was a short but scenic trip where you should see some resident beavers if you're stealthy enough. We only fished on Mayflower Lake. We caught panfish, but only a few and none of the rainbow trout which are supposedly stocked. The campsites are also very "woodsy" feeling and it doesn't take long to feel at home. I would highly recommend Arrowhead as a nice family camping trip although far from remote. Now Murphy's Point is completely different experience. The pull through sites are not much different than camping on a dirt driveway, but other than that it was a great place to camp. You can fish in Hogg Bay from shore or canoe around and either way you'll catch lots of panfish. The Big Rideau Lake is great. You can catch virtually anything in there. They hold a bass tournament in the area. We've caught panfish, bass and pike in there. Hopefully I'll catch a musky this time. We'll be going there in about a month. The ammenities aren't quite as nice, but the natural enviroment is beautiful. One night we spent a while listening to the wolves howl. It was very cool. There were fireflies every night as well. Now the coons ..... I'm not too sure I like them. Brave little buggers. So I guess I wish the campsites were nicer, but I'm going back this year, so that speaks for itself. Hope this helps.
  7. In the words of Pete Bowman ..... nice piker ...... iker ......iker!!!! Just curious,what spoon was it on? Size,colour?
  8. Very sweet. That would've had my heart pounding. What did you catch her on? Can't wait until it's my turn someday.
  9. Personally, I'd buy an Optoma deep cycle. Great batteries. Ask around. Had a few issues with Interstate when I was dealing them a few years back.
  10. Best investment you ever made though! You should be proud of her and yourself. That is one of the biggest hurdles/accomplishments in life and you've cleared it with flying colours. Good on ya.
  11. Have a great time. Looking forward to your posts Wayne. P.S. You look like one happy papa (and mama) in that pic. That's one heck of an accomplishment for you as well as her. That's now my biggest "mission" in life. Get my kids into and through university. Then we can sell our house, pick out a nice trailer ....... then die LOL.
  12. Seems to me I started at almost the same time, but with all those big wally's you just smoked my butt Cliff. LOL . Even though you were just beginning you were willing to give me help (secret baits LOL). Thanks bud. I really enjoy reading your posts too. You are the walleye/carp hunter .
  13. Does this mean another episode of Action Angling Rich? C"MON!!!! PLEASE!!!!
  14. Nice looking fish. Sounds like a good day on the water. Better than working for sure. What did you catch the walleye on?
  15. Hmmm, beer and wings. You should have somehing very interesting coming out the other end of Carson. Congratulations on having a healthy baby boy. Been a while since we had a baby (ours are 9 & 12 now). Kids are great at every age, but I kind of miss the little ones running around. You lucky devil you .
  16. Seems to me you should throw something that will attract some attention. I'd say a flame tiger or flame perch pattern and slow down your retrieve a little if it's quite murky. Check out a Rapala SSR-7 or 9 in fire perch. These are "suspending" as well, so you can slow it down even more. Try pausing or even letting it sit for a few seconds before beginning your retrieve again. Hope this helps.
  17. The fat lady is warming up her voice.
  18. Glad to hear everything worked out for you young one. Shout that dealers name from the rooftops. Hell. I'd let him put the name on the boat. You should let everyone know where they can get great service . They treated you well and deserve all the accolades.
  19. I think he (fishnsled) was hungry. Looks like two bites to me LOL. Sushi ??? I would wait until I got home at least and cooked him up .
  20. I want the cup back in Canada. I guess there's always next year .
  21. Sounds like a blast. I canoe, but have always wanted to kayak. I have caught a small musky, but never any "biggins". I'm hoping to do at least one this year. Great post.
  22. I'm dreaming of a day like that. Someday, MY day will come (fingers crossed). Those are beautiful clean fish. What gorgeous colours. Awesome post. Just wish it said what lake.
  23. Just thought I'd add that me and my buddy LJ headed out to the Grand again tonight and each got a two pound walleye. There were bugs everywhere and fish surfacing so I threw a blue chug bug topwater and Mr. Walleye thought it looked yummy. In turn we thought he looked yummy. We kept them both. These are the first fish I've kept since I was a teenager (my buddy keeps a few every year, mostly walleyes). I also caught some more rock bass on minnows and another couple pound bass, which I thanked for the good scrap and let go. It was another good night on the Grand. Maybe there is something to these moon phases?
  24. Man those are beautiful fish. They look soooo clean and healthy. It's great that in your description you included what they were caught on and where. Thanks. It's also great to hear someone as experienced as yourself (notice I didn't say old LOL) speaking optomistically about the future of fishing. Gives newbies like me some hope.
  25. Now that's funny. "Fish porn" LOL. Very sexy looking fish by the way. I too thank you for posting pics of the rig. I don't know why, but I would've never looked at that one. I'm just learning, but I just figured green or brass/copper. Obviously AGAIN I know nothing. I've heard wallies like purple too?? True??
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