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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. Went to the "bear mountain canoe" site and I love it. I guess it's the "Bob Special". It's rated as a recreational or quiet water canoe. As long as your plans don't include whitewater or bashing off rocks constantly (Grand River LOL) it should be a great canoe.Not only that but it'll be beautiful. I'd say if it's reasonable buy it. As far as the weight, that boat is really light. Just for comparisons sake, my 16' Novacraft Prospector in Royalex (layered ABS laminate that is REALLY TOUGH) weighs 74 lbs. The same 16' Prospector in Kevlar weighs 58lbs. So 45-50 lbs would feel really light in comparison. Actually,that would be a dream although I'm sure the way we've used it your cedar strip would look terrble (thanks to the Grand River) by now. We've had fun it it though. As far as the weight I guess you'll have to figure that out. Mine has a capacity of 1000lbs. It's perfect for solo, but if you're going with only one other person and it wasn't totally loaded down I bet it'd be fine. What are you going to use it for Kevin?
  2. Terry, I never said I was hating anybody. That's out of your mouth,not mine. I never said I like it either. Also my morals have everything to do with my opinion. Sorry, but this is a FORUM, not a court. I thought this was about discussing our opinions Terry? I'm sorry if you don't like my opinion. More about the incident my customer was obviously disturbed my. He is a farmer,hunter and fisherman and loves the sport. He has seen it happen over and over, can do nothing and was frustrated. We get along well,so we were talking about it. Discussing OUR opinions. Apparently they had gutted a bunch of them for their eggs and just left thrown on shore. All I'm saying is although that may be the letter of the law,I'm sure it wasn't the original intent of the law. By the way I have alot of native customers and I would say as a rule that most respect nature or are at least much more aware of it than my average customer. Most would be appalled at the waste. Most are very respectful of their enviroment and nature. A few however take whatever they can get with no care for the consequences and can only see dollar signs. This in my opinion is wrong. I'm sorry if you think it's off topic Terry but to me they are very similar with the same consequences to the enviroment and fishery ........ just one is called legal, which to me is unbelievable. Wrong is wrong no matter who is doing it.
  3. I have a decent projector so I'm interested in home theater.Getting a pro to come to your house can be very expensive. I know there are a few different calibration discs that help you optomize on your own. Here's a link that might help you. http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread....13037&& . Here's another to one of the calibration discs that some of the hardcore guys use http://www.calibrate.tv/patterns/patterns.html . Here's a link to a review on IMHO a "more user friendly" calibration disc http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_6_2/aviadvd.html . Hope that helped.
  4. You really have no choice and although in the back of your mind you know it's a waste, letting it go is the ONLY thing to do.
  5. I just got through talking with a customer that just had a similar experience with some spawning trout and him seeing "them" crossbowing and reeling in all they could take. Not exactly respecting and preserving the land is it? I guess it's legal, but is it right?
  6. I'm not going to complain about the length of the post(s). It was an incredibly well written, very entertaining tale and personally I was sad to see it end. You should write a book of all your fishing adventures. I'll take the first copy. GREAT !!!! Thankyou very much for including me in your journey.
  7. I'm going to add my support here as well. My immediate reaction was "Holy crap!!", but being the guys wife just died and you have to continue to live beside him I think I would have done the same. It was his son that committed the wrong doing and you gave him crap and a warning so I'm sure that'll be the last of it. I'm also sure,had it been a trunkload you would have called. It's kind of like when someone has three beers and then drives to your house. What do you do? You know he's had a few and you know he's breaking the law. Do you call the cops on your buddy? I think not. But much more and you get the keys away from him......... somehow. Tough situation. I think what he did was wrong,but what you did was right.
  8. That was a very cool report. Thanks solopaddler. I just look at reports like that in absolute awe. To be honest I have no idea how to fish salmonidae at all. I just try to pick up little tidbits of info and store them away each time. So, if you could, throw in a little extra help for "us dum dums", like what you caught it on,technique etc. I'm sure judging from your success that even some of those who have experience could learn something from you. By the way,beauty pics too!
  9. I have a customer that brought a mastiff into our store and I couldn't believe the size of the thing. I was a "brindle" colour and looked like a lion at first glance. His dog wasn't fat but weighed a svelt 200 and change. My customer was driving an older Impala (like a taxi) and when he put the dog in the car and it laid in the back seat I swear it went from one side right to the other. It however didn't look as big as the one in the pics. Hey,maybe the people are only four feet tall LOL.
  10. Cormorants for muskie bait???????
  11. I can't wait to see CB4 slamming a dunk on VC! Like "fish4me" said,it's not going to be easy.This matchup has me both excited and scared. I think they'll be okay if they can hit a few shots,get the first one under their belt and settle down. That way all the young guys can get rid of the playoff jitters and get over the "admiration and awe factor of Jason Kidd" (I mean who doesn't respect this guy?). I think in the end they'll win if Bargnani is healthy enough to play like he can and when it comes down to it .... who on the Nets can stop Bosh?
  12. How about "Dancing Pete" in a Johnsonville Brats commercial?? Wonder if they'd go for that. I'm pretty sure you could use it for a hydroponics commercial LOL .
  13. That's a good look bud. You should try it for the show! Not so sure about the dresses though LOL.
  14. Gotta watch!!! Even though the Leafs are out, there is still some good hockey. You actually forget how good it is until you start watching it .......... playoffs are sure different. Wish they were there
  15. Yahoo fantasy sports, ebay and thirdly I'll go with Action Angling as well. Can't wait for new episodes this year. Always a blast !!! Love the Kawartha muskie episode !!!!! I'm not worthy .
  16. That is like a dream come true. You are a lucky man. Enjoy.
  17. Yep,CB4 is incredible. The management really has collected a very nice young core and somehow picked the perfect support players. Attitude is everything. If they let Colangelo do his thing they should only get better over next few years. You gotta love it.
  18. Great job "little angler". That's a sweet fish .You gotta love that "bass action". Thanks for sharing and keep posting pics all year bud.
  19. Nice fish guys! Great report as usual. Thanks for that. Not quite as good as being there, but I still enjoyed it. You guys will be getting your own show next LOL.
  20. I bought one of these after intense comparison shopping at the Spring Fishing show. It s an IM8 rod for a reasonable price. Looks good to me,but I've only used it in the rec room so far LOL. Oh yeah,the Quantum rep gave me a beauty free hat too.
  21. Don't overlook Detroit or Anaheim. They're as good as the Sens or Sabres on any given night.
  22. Classy move Tracker. I have to say if not a beautiful game it certainly was entertaining! I was on the edge of my seat more than once. Montreal versus Toronto to get into the playoffs. It doesn't get much better than that!It could have gone either way, but the Leafs really did deserve the win. It's not like Montreal didn't have any time to come back. The Leafs just held them back. By the way,where was Kovalev tonight?I'd like to say I was sorry we eliminated Les Canadien,but I'm not. All the ribbing we Leaf fans took is only equalled by the whining Habs fans are doing now! If the Leafs get in the playoffs do I think we can beat the Sabres? No, I wouldn't bet my house on it ..... but I'll sure to whooping and hollering for a couple more days . Thanks again Tracker for the well wishing. That really was a classy move. Sorry I couldn't follow suit.
  23. Wow,that was quite the response Marc. Are you sure your glass is half full? First of all I agree with the fact that alot of politicians seem a little overpaid and crooked. I do think part of it is that after serving six months they're already working on getting re-elected. I think maybe all elected politicians should be only one term,then all they'd worry about is getting the job done for four years. As far as them being overpaid that's questionable. Alot of them take pay cuts to go into office, Do you really think these people were janitors before?I do however disagree with voting themselves a substantial raise as well as alot of the unbelievably wasteful things. Some are completely taking advantage of their positions of trust. The same thing happens in everyday situations as well. Factories are closing or in trouble all over because of the protections unions afford to their employees. Foremans are powerless over their employees and the employees know it. I know I'll take flack over that comment so let me explain. A relative of mine is a productive worker and so gets moved all over the factory to different positions where they need to "make up production" He is not well liked because of it. When he goes into an area he outproduces the regulars in the department by a HUGE amount. I remember him telling me about a particular day where he was put into an area (machining) where four employees regularly produce (machine) approx. fifteen pieces each per day. The management assigned my relative because they were behind in production and needed the help in there to make quotas because these guys just were't cutting it. .They needed production of almost double that,but consistently were falling short. They knew this group were "blanking the dog" but had almost given up,because like many areas these guys go at their own pace. Off and on during the day they can't even be found. Anyway,my relative goes in there and made more than ninety pieces in a day. That was almost double what the group of four had produced altogether! This was one example of the MANY things that were regularly taking place as the bosses became more and more powerless over their employees. Guess what's happening now. The place is going bankrupt and my relative is losing his job of over twenty years and because of the bankruptcy no severance.His life is going to be turned upside-down ....... why?? ........ and this is finally my point ............. the people (lots of them) were taking advantage of their situation .............. much like politicians in the same situation do. I'm not saying it's right,just common. I also know that just throwing money at somthing won't fix it,but in this instance they seem so undermanned and underfunded, it's not a bad place to start. I honestly have never seen an MNR official except once and I was on Lake Erie that time . Nowhere else .... and I was out quite a bit. Isn't that like only seeing one cop car all year? It can't be a good sign. They need more people to give them the ability to enforce the laws that are already in place as a start and work there way into policy changes.Also emergency funds should be available for emergency situations (like the upcoming Asian carp situation). More money,more money,more money .... what do you do? Like you said,they're going to take it anyway,so at least they can use it for something productive,right? Anyway,gotta go to bed,I'm falling asleep sitting here. I'll ring in again tomorrow.
  24. A great big thanks "aniceguy" and everyone for representing us to the best of their ability and for actually giving a crap. To Marc Thorpe. I truly respect your fishing ability, but that's not going to stop me from voicing my opinion when you're in on a conversation (I'm sure it does with some people). You're not exactly a "glass is half full kind of guy",are you? Thank goodness for people like "aniceguy" who are trying to keep on top of the politicians and turn the MNR around. Other areas of Canada seem to be doing a fine job and there is ne reason why Ontario can't be among the best. He seems to have really done his homework and should be commended for it not shot down. Actually, I understand your frustrations. We all feel them Marc. BUT, if someone like yourself put his efforts into speaking up about what needs to be done in the MNR instead of just shooting down the government as a whole,someone might listen. You are famous in this community and you could really get people listening and making a difference (especially in your area of expertise). I guess I don't know you but you must be a committed guy to get to where you have in your career and abilities, so how about posting some solutions to the problems you want to see addressed in the industry. You have some weight here Marc,that many others here do not. Put that weight in the right spot and maybe you can tip the scales in our favour.
  25. I've been at the CTC in Brantford and they had totally different deals than the CTC in Kitchener. In Kitchener they have Gulp grubs (chartruese,white) on for $1.69. What a great deal ! They had the "Bob Izumi signature series" Walleye divers (and others) on sale in Brantford but I missed out so when I was in Kitchener I checked and they weren't on sale there? Different stores must have gotten different clearout merchandise. Wish they'd get some half priced Abu baitcaster reels LOL.
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