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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. Never was a big fan of "Krusty the Clown" but he has really come into his own this playoff season. Bring home the cup Danny Boy,bring home the cup!
  2. I live very close and have never seen the ponds either. I thought the only fishing was in the Grand there? Hmmm?
  3. Sounds like you guys had a blast. I think they've earned some "Fishergirl" shirts. My nine year old boy kicked my butt on the weekend. He caught about 26 perch and a few were really a good size. My daughter said the only reason she only kicked my butt by a little was because she stopped fishing ....... she could be right LOL. Anyway,good on ya. Times to remember.
  4. That was an awesome thing you did. . If nothing else you've at least scared the crap out of these guys. I'm sure it's happening everywhere. It's kind of sad really,that a country as rich in natural resources dedicates so little of it's monetary resources towards it greatest asset.
  5. Have a great trip. I can't wait to see your report when you come back. Lots of pics please. I'll live vicariously through you. Stay safe. 8000 posts... HOLY CRAP!!!
  6. Congratulations. If Nicholas is the first child, their lives will never be the same. It's a good thing, believe me. It's instantaneous. Once that little one comes out something comes over you. It's the strongest sensation I have ever experienced. You will do anything to make sure he/she is safe. Oops,I'm letting my soft side show. Kids do it to me everytime.
  7. I've had a little success when the water is like glass using a green/white hula popper or a BPS top knocker in black/silver (really noisy rattle) . I think alot of it is the noise (vibration) they create. Usually the hit will come as soon as it hits the water or shortly after. Make sure when the lure lands to wait for a five count. Five ,four,three,two ........... BAM. Have fun.
  8. Very well put Brian! I agree. Even if you wanted to restrict image viewing is requiring 10,20, or even 50 posts going to be that much of an encumbrance? Seems kind of pointless to me.
  9. I think you hit the nail right on the head. I remember I while a ago I heard that Dale Earnheardt Incorporated is worth over $1.5 BILLION dollars and I'm sure that's climbing.
  10. Wow Wayne!! You are an artist sir.
  11. I agree to a point, but I too am worried that posts like this deter people from posting at all. I am learning all the time from this board and suck up as my much info as my tiny little brain will hold. I guess that posting exact locations may be wrong I still don't see anything wrong with pics (within reason). For example I love hearing something like "I was looking for gators on the south west side of the island, throwing a flame tiger husky jerk in a #13 all morning (nice day by the way,water was like glass), but had more success with the silver/black HJ-10 ". To me that followed with a pic of the guy(oops, or girl) holding a gator with the HJ#10 hanging out of it's mouth and the Toronto skyline behind them would be perfect. If he happens to get a rock or tree in the picture, oh well. If someone can differentiate between rocks or trees on the island they know it well anyway. From a distance using the skyline (CN tower) as a guide you'd have a hard time telling precisely where they were standing or at least I would. You may get the general vicinity (within a half mile), but that's not exactly GPS coordinates is it? If that's not acceptable, what is? How close should we come in describing an area we're fishing in? Who gets to set the guidelines? I'm not trying to be an arse, just that so much of acceptability is in opinion and perception. I understand and agree with the general principle, I'm just not sure where the line should be drawn.
  12. Is that the same intelligence agent that said there were WMD's in Iraq ??? Saw this story on Yahoo this morning and watched the video too. What a joke!
  13. Me too. Actually I'm wearing the Extrasport in my avatar. Great for paddling or fishing.
  14. No, I didn't see you Misfish. well, maybe I did. There were still about fifteen or so boats around us all afternoon. I can't believe I didn't notice a "red boat with a little orange guy standing at the back". That makes you sound like an "Umpa Lumpa" ....... LOL. Were you the only guy out there with a survival suit on?
  15. Hate them both (I bleed blue and white), but GO SENS GO!!!! Bring that cup back where it belongs!
  16. Oops, I didn't know that the $2500 had been caught. I guess the $5000 is still out there. I think the sponsorship must be down now or something. My Dad caught the "big tag" a few years back I think he got approx. $23,000. Not that there is anything wrong with $5000. I'd gladly take that!!! Oh Misfish, don't feel bad. I missed my brother out there??How'd you do out there?
  17. Me and my buddy LJ went "perchin" yesterday in Orillia. It was a pretty nice day,14 degrees and sunny. The fishing was fairly slow from what I'm told and strangely enough so was the boat traffic (although it was enough traffic for me). We caught about thirty fish each (a wide range of sizes ), all perch and all on minnows except for one,which LJ caught on a worm. More importantly it was our maiden voyage with my new (to me) 12 ft. Sea King tinny. The boat didn't sink (or crash,but it does seep a little) and the 9.5 Evinrude runs like a swiss watch. All in all a good day, but no tags darn it. I would have loved to get one as my Dad and stepmom usually get at least one tag every year. They got the first one of the derby this year, but have been skunked since.Only 9 of the 60 available tags have been caught as of last night and none of the big ones only $500 (I wouldn't have complained LOL). According to my Dad the perch have moved out and are harder to find (in their regular numbers) than normal. All in all it was a good first day and on the water and using the ultralight some of the bigger perch were fun to bring in. Pike opens next weekend and if the weather is decent I'll be heading back up there. For that I might even remember the camera!
  18. Me and my buddy LJ went "perchin" yesterday in Orillia. It was a pretty nice day,14 degrees and sunny. The fishing was fairly slow from what I'm told and strangely enough so was the boat traffic (although it was enough traffic for me). We caught about thirty fish each (a wide range of sizes ), all perch and all on minnows except for one,which LJ caught on a worm. More importantly it was our maiden voyage with my new (to me) 12 ft. Sea King tinny. The boat didn't sink (or crash,but it does seep a little) and the 9.5 Evinrude runs like a swiss watch. All in all a good day, but no tags darn it. I would have loved to get one as my Dad and stepmom usually get at least one tag every year. They got the first one of the derby this year, but have been skunked since.Only 9 of the 60 available tags have been caught as of last night and none of the big ones only $500 (I wouldn't have complained LOL). According to my Dad the perch have moved out and are harder to find (in their regular numbers) than normal. All in all it was a good first day and on the water and using the ultralight some of the bigger perch were fun to bring in. Pike opens next weekend and if the weather is decent I'll be heading back up there. For that I might even remember the camera!
  19. WOOHOO!!! . I think you've got'er beat. Stick with it. Just about fourteen months smoke free for myself. Sometimes I still want one of the damn things.................. but then I look at my kids and I remember why I quit. I never smoked in my house so they were never subjected to second hand smoke anyway, but they are proud of me for quitting and I showed them that you can do anything if you try hard enough. So,if doing it for yourself isn't enough,just go in and look at your childrens faces and that should do it.
  20. I'm hoping not!! When filled up with water, it'll keep it in ........... so hopefully it'll keep it out ........ otherwise .......... I guess I can swim.
  21. My father swears by Seal All. It's on my tinny. Hope it works or I guess I'll join you and Weeds at the bottom . I repainted just to protect it as well. Here's a link http://www.eclecticproducts.com/sealall.htm .
  22. Just clicked on the link and it works no priblem, but look on the top middle ...... I can't believe Diawa called their reel "SOL". I don't know what that means to you, but it doesn't seem like a good endorsement to me LOL . "Hey Joe", whad'ya catch today?" Reply ..... nothing , "SOL" today".
  23. Looks good on him that he got caught, but two years in jail is definetely retarded. Maybe 30 days and a $5000 fine. Along with the fact that he should never be allowed in a tournament again the guy has to live this absolute humiliation for the rest of his life. I know everyone is following the "Baretta" wisdom here LOL. "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Don't do it!". BUT, what happened to the punushment should fit the crime? I like the community service work. Maybe he should clean up that shoreline every Saturday for the next year (plus a big fine... hit him where it hurts... the pocketbook)?
  24. Nice job . I'm hoping to get there for the weekend . Nice liitle setup you have there.
  25. Only thing I might recommend if your worried is increasing the mixture to compensate. Ethanol is very dry. Race cars that run it use a product called top lube to help lube the valves etc.Also, I don't think you'll notice much difference in the water content in your oil. At 10% at normal operating temps it'll burn off pretty quickly. Now,at 100% it can turn the oil into a milky mess in a hurry. Ethanol burns cooler as well,so if you had any heating issues it may actually help (at 10% I doubt it'll have a huge effect either way). P.S. The current requirement is 3-10% of ethanol (pretty wide variance if you ask me). The content has to be a minimun 5% after Jan 1 2012 . I think they should have made it 5% by 2010 and 10% by 2012. You know politicians though. Instant emission improvements are staring them right in the face .
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