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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. the blackflies have mostly given way to skitters here. the bugs are on the down swing from what they were. I was working out of town all week and didnt have to use bug dope.
  2. Another U Waterloo, grad. worked as a bear biologist for a while. Most recently took a job as remediation coordinator for the st. marys river here in the soo with the MOE. I wanna be a full time fishing guide again, season is just starting back up on slave.
  3. Just a suggestion if you do go that route of getting the spray, buy an extra can or 2, expensive yes but a instructional session in a gravel pit or somewhere could very well make a big difference. Knowing how spray reacts will greatly assist in effective safe use. Be sure to instill observing the wind direction before spraying....
  4. Call the district MNR Office and ask for a stocking list....lake names and coordinates. Nice part is most stocked lakes are fairly accessible.
  5. Esox= the genus of pike and muskie. Good luck with the trip I think my suggestions would be too far of a drive....Chapleau area
  6. Good luck. It should be a good one. Enjoy!
  7. I consider myself lucky it only snowed 2 of the 4 days I was out. Mind you it rained the other 2. Suck it up its may long weekend. The federal government pretty much decreed you to camp in crappy weather in stupid remote locations and chase trout. 20km path and paddle in 20 out uphill both ways...this is what drives me the 364 days til next year. Im going next weekend again but nothing holds the mystique of MLW
  8. If you drive through the states you can be up around the Sault in 6 and wawa in around 7-8hrs and this opens up a pile of options. http://www.walleyeheaven.com/wawa-walleye-fishing.htm http://www.ontariowilderness.com/ontario-fly-in-walleye.php
  9. a sad state of affairs....sucks to your assmar
  10. Good job Mike, now its time to fish. Any plans to make it up walleye fishing?
  11. Most local tackle shops can point an person in the right direction. Go buy a lure and stirke up a conversation with owner, this will give you a starting point. Or go to the local MNR offfice and get a stocking list. The backroads map book series is a good helper as well. Theres fish in almost every waterbody, catching them is the challenge.
  12. Great pics! Lots of cool stuff. Heres one from Great Slave last summer... A rainbow I released stuck around, wish I had a polarizing filter for this one
  13. Alot of PPs have can and bottle bans....with draft balls gone from Northern and Steelback bankrupt and not making plastic bottle things are tough. Ever try to portage a keg? Ive prebooked a chiropractor appt for Tuesady the 20th... The Haliburton Highlands/Frost Center was a good spot....decent fishing and nice separation between sites
  14. Thanks for the comments guys Im try to get out everyday either before or after work, lately getting ready for the turkey season has cut down on fishing some. Mike thanks again....I put some Xcountry ski wax on the zippers and that has got them moving better. The pack certainly works nice wading way out in the rapids. I think I was nearly in US waters last night...
  15. The rough part about working in downtown SSM is that Im almost 15 minutes from good steelhead fishing. 2 minutes of driving and a 10 minute walk and theres the rapids. My buddy got 2 tiny bows and 2 whitefish while I caught this fish. Still early yet but with gas pushing $1.30 downtown fishing is pretty good.
  16. Between the soo and sudbury has some tribs, thessalon gets a run. The rapids is gonna start up late this year due to the weather. Few fish but the same catches as through the winter. Though Ive never been there I hear guys fish manitoulin and some fisheries guys I know have done work on rainbow there.
  17. If you are using light leaders be prepared to break a few off during your learning curve. Its takes practice to find the limits of your equipment while trying to minimize fight time on a fish. Like anything you learn what you can and cant get away with. On the bright side youre hooking and fighting fish during this process..
  18. Agreed, also found trying to grab the fish at boatside a challenge, easier to grab then figure the gripper out. The only real use I found was to use as a handle for people who were inexperienced handling fish. I could see the salt water application for toothy fish with bony mouths.
  19. If the leafs only knew how to fill a net as well.... good job on the fish. please send warm weather.
  20. Had no problems with the sheffield, however the raven reel seemed to startup a little easier for me. The sheffield really seemed to improve for winter use with little or no oil though I suspect this would hold true for any reel. I can't wait til some rivers open up here. Com'on melt
  21. another vote for 6lb p line. nothing but good to say about it. Although I do use 6lb fluoro for leaders on my dropper rigs
  22. Ahh the days when wednesday night at the heuther meant midweek strip club. have fun, i miss lion lager
  23. I get so frustrated watching improper handling of fish. Sure you need to show the camera what you caught but to hold it up for no reason for a minute while you talk about the structure or what a great lake you're on, thats crap. Show a positive example to viewers ie fish in water while removing hooks and getting the camera ready. I find musky and fly fishing shows seem to stress this most. Favorites: Linder and Sportfishing BC
  24. The hidden costs of Aflac premiums...
  25. Im not gonna say what I have done is implicitly right, but this is what my family has done for 75+ yrs. If the MNR allows bowfishing for certain species there may be some scientific basis for this.
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