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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. Good stuff Mike. Awesome colours there on those fish. I can't wait til the weekend now!
  2. thanks for the replys guys...ended up picking it up. machine looks mint and the price was right. should open up some new lakes beyond snowshoe distance
  3. Hey folks, Im going to look at a 2000 Tundra longtrack at lunch time today and was hoping someone could throw out a few pointers on what to check out when buying a used sled. I've had a few older ones before but they were free and the condition didnt matter... The reason Im rushing on this, is this type of icefishing sled lasts only a few hours here. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
  4. This time of year pink is rudely effective for me. That said, it seems that pink is really catching on though and it not as effective in some of the more heavily hit spots any more....time to find the new steelhead kryptonite
  5. It would certainly be appreciated for you to report this. The tumor rate is used to determine if the contaminant load in an area is adversely affecting fish/wildlife. In many cases this incidence rate is gathered through angler reporting in conjunction with scientific study.
  6. Great job on the report Mike. What a trip!! I can't wait to get back there, I might head down next month if time permits. Great meeting Dave and Mike and fishing with you. I'll second the need to make this an annual trip.
  7. Stanleys Ice Off Paste. It works fairly well though if its any colder than -10C you need to reapply about every 30mins. I usually just use it on the first few guides
  8. I wade year around and have no problem with my feet getting cold. I wear stocking foot breathables mostly but neoprene in the coldest temps. First a pair of dress socks followed by a good pair of either burton snowboard socks or similar wool. Best tip is when youre going to be fishing in an area for a while, loosen your wading boots right off, then tie em back tight when you need to hike to the next hole. My hands are what limits the fishing time in the winter rivers... Also by putting some cayenne pepper in your socks improves circulation to the feet....
  9. Sweet prelude Mike, I can't wait to see what part 2 will bring. You certainly captured the intricacies of the experience in the text here. Pursue the writing this is much more interesting that what I see in the mag's (not just cuz I was there either!) What an amazing trip!
  10. I run the raven (grey) in 10lb and have been thoroughly impressed with it. Chose that color since it blends into the waters I fish when they are clear and low. I actually found I had better results (more hits in clear water) than when I ran siglon (yellow), I dont run a shot line just main --> leader, which could contribute to my findings.
  11. Not sure if this helps you but after see reels break many times I found it worth while to shell out some more cash and buy decent stuff. Dont need to go crazy but mid range shimanos, diawas as mentioned will stand up more consistently than other. Guiding for lakers in NWT I watched every imaginable piece of gear get blown up. I brought 2 baitcasters up and let many guests use them all season with no problems just some boat rash. Both reels had braid coupled with inexerienced users and both (diawas) are still working great. I disagree with not using the drag and winching fish in, as I've seen alot of rods break with braid. However if it works for you why change it?? Most products are meant to last only so long, consistent and hard use will expedite the wear process.
  12. Hope the family is alright Mike. Best wishes!
  13. Another beauty day Mike. Good work. Man am I getting primed up for the trip in a few weeks. Keep it up!
  14. Looks like a beauty day there gents. Keep up the good work!
  15. I just got the photos from a fairly involved 2 day venture to the GWA (Greater Wawa Area) The plan for day 1 was to go bird hunting under the guise of scouting a remote speck lake for icefishing season. Obstacles were abound during the hike. There were some good views to be had as well. Success!! we found the lake and it looks like a good one. I know where I'll be Jan. 2nd this year. That portion of the trip amassed ~20km of walking and netted 2 fat partridge. We stopped on the way north and caught a few of these characters. They were smacking gold/orange cleos on outside bends. The winds off the big lake were intense at this stop. Day 2. We got serious about steelhead fishing. A new locale and no one around. Caught lots of these guys... Then eventually got a few better fish. Til next time. Good luck to everyone this weekend. Im heading back to catch some steelies tomorrow morning.
  16. You guys had me going for a minute with MOE...I though the ministry of environment was involved and I got to go! Can't wait to see the results
  17. 2000-2006. Msc in Bio spent 5 days a week on the grand at kaufmanns. My dog chased rabbits and I caught bass. miss those river bass.
  18. Interesting comments here....obviously if this animal had the imminent potential to cause harm to people of property it must dealt with. Conversely, some discretion must be employed as people to act as stewards for the animals we have displaced and strive to preserve. Saskatoon is home to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine which employs some of the best wildlife vets in Canada if not the world. I personally know these indiviuals and have watched the safe tranquilization and handling of large mammals. Polar bears will be immobilized anywhere from 1-5minutes. If this was an animal at rest whose adrenaline was not up it could have been a fairly safe procedure. Not knowing all the circumstances the officers found one must incline to trust their training to preserve public safety. Just adding that killing is not always the preferred option...
  19. They come up the bigger Superior tribs and more frequently stage off the mouths. Ive caught them in the stark and snowdrift rivers up by you drifter....thats a blast in current on the 'pin
  20. Mike, Let me know if you head to Michigan. I might meet you down there. I've had a cold coming on for some time now. tight lines
  21. I anxiously awaited the finale to this series. You certainly have had a busy summer. A full time job those camps are, albeit an enjoyable venture. Kudos to you and your wife for living the dream. I can only bide my time (and live vicariously through others!) while amassing sufficient resources to buy my slice of heaven. Cheers Wayne, you definitely experience a spectacular part of the province.
  22. double post
  23. To add to the good info already. When you fish a pool that you know, strongly suspect or just really hope holds fish, drift it with a number of baits and even shotting patterns. I like to start with spawn with a lighter rig, and fish from your feet out. Then add a couple small shot and use more control on the float-hold it so the tip is pointing upstream. If no takers I go to a single egg, bead or globug. These generally require a bit more weight closer to the bait to dampen the presentation. If nothing a larger fly like an egg sucking leech or wooly bugger. Then down to smaller flies like the michigan wiggler or nymphs. Next are the jigs with less weight. Followed by the pink worm...best advice I was given on this bait "fish it last fish it fast". Still nothing. Throw on a half or 1/4 live worm under the float with little weight. If that doesnt work. remove the float and add 2 small shot a foot from the worm and try that. This may not work for you or your style of fishing, in the lake superior tribs I fish there is often a short stretch of water and holes between the falls and the lake so maximizing the output from each spot is beneficial. Last when fishing a tailout, cast to the far side and hold the line creating an arc along the tailout. This seems to produce fish with all baits for me...jigs are #1
  24. Wait, you can catch steelhead on spawn? This changes everything... On a serious note eggs are in early development stages long before the spawning season. At this time of year the rainbows will have small, immature eggs on the skein. Similarly, I kept a walleye 2 weeks ago and it too had immature eggs.... Pink worms for life!!
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