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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. Solopaddler, I could not agree more, many many times I have gone behind people float fishing and caught fish bottom bouncing. Its what my dad taught me when I was young. From what I understand, cleos and koplexs caught a pile of steelhead before spawn got popular (up here any ways). When fishing its not unusual to see someone casting spoons off shore and doing as well as the float guys. Deep fast rivers around here are perfect for spoons. For rods I have a 9'6 St Croix wild river that I use for spoons, spinners and bottom bouncing, its worked well for me. Luck with winter steel Zib
  2. Im heading out, rivers are up but so are the winds...luck to the other brave souls
  3. All the best to you for a speedy recovery. fall is a good time of year to have some extra fishing time...
  4. That was pretty freaking hilarious. It wouldve been a tough day on the ice in sneakers. hahaha BOOTS
  5. thank you very much sir
  6. Has anyone done any walleye fishing in this PP or area? How is it? Im going to be in the area this weekend and thought Id bring the canoe along hunting to try for a last kick at the walleye can until ice. Any info is appreciated especially a suggestion of a lake. Thanks folks
  7. two words (wow x 2) thats an amazing day fishing good job fellas
  8. Ive been out the last week or so fishing the tribs for rainbows. With the massive rains we've been getting for the last week the fishing had been prime. Ive been going solo for the most part but coaxed a buddy out of school this afternoon and managed to get pic of a nice fresh female. Just got a float reel 2 weeks ago so Im learning how to use it and its a blast fighting fish on it! Luck to you all with the fall runs I cant wait til the morning to go back out.
  9. I believe that Canada's got one of the highest per capita gun ownerships going....
  10. I hear ya I cant wait to ice fish for trout. hope the 1st time out on the splake lake has more ice than last year. That got a bit sketchy.
  11. I too find throwing a rope over a branch in the bush pretty frustrating. Most of the lakes I camp on have dead cedars or spruce leaning out over the water on the shore. After dinner we paddle a 100m or so down the shoreline and hang it on one of these trees. Have had no problems yet doing this even seeing bears in camp during dinner. My opinion its worth it to be cautious, every year you hear about some encounter involving campers and bears.
  12. i found there were certain spots that i lost signal consistently with that unit. but move a few feet and its back in business. never more than a minor inconvenience in my experience. ive been happy with it especially considering i got it at CT for half off last year. not the best unit but good for the $$.
  13. Great Slave Lake when it finally got dark
  14. Howdy all, well im back from a summer on great slave lake and wish i didnt have to leave. Fishing was unbelievable to say the least. Lots of wildlife sitings as well. What a cool part of the country for sure. Ive been bass fishing a few times down around waterloo and its a big change having to work for fish. cheers and good luck with the fall runs
  15. Dont give up on the local rivers too quickly. It takes a bit of trial and error to figure it out. But some fantastic smallmouth fishing in the area. Tube jigs and grubs on 1/4 oz weights. Pumpkinseed or similar...do some walking and find some deeper holes. luck
  16. Honestly its not a great deterrent, for the most part if youre not really paying attention to the wind you have a better than not chance or getting it on you or someone youre with. Ive seen video and talked to guys that have sprayed it on bears in a fairly controlled situation where the bear wasnt aggressive and it had little effect. Im not 100% sure but I believe the pepper spray used by law enforcement is around 10% active ingredient. I wouldnt worry too much about bears, just keep a clean site food as sealed up as possible and inaccesible. Ive found they wont come around much if theres a fire. If youre really worried leave a radio playing while youre sleeping. An air horn I believe will work just as well. Have fun and dont worry about bears youre more likely to get bit by a fish or blackflys this weekend.
  17. I totally agree with the pike fishing and the availibility of other waters to fish in the area. Just a heads up most of the property on the goulais river is private land. You'd have a tough time camping close by. If youre up that way Id suggest echo bay theres a few campground right there and prime pike fishing from shore or cheap rental boats. luck with your trip
  18. check out the top ten list on tsn sportscenter today. A refresher course in why Carter's a joke. Go Raps!!
  19. beagles arent too heavy so you could easily lean to offset movement. Just dont make the first time you test your dog in the canoe in the spring...wait til the summer and go out with no gear and ready to swim....
  20. or possibly the pickeral
  21. go with the galvenized. then if they change the regs you are still fine. the flex pipe accumulates lint way faster anyways.
  22. hats off to you for sticking it out. some nice fish too
  23. Heres a recipe ive used a few times. I usually make half. but dont skimp on the hot peppers. Possibly the most underrated bar food. Scan001.pdf
  24. I wish I had your luck I can catch suckers at the drop of a hat. its uncanny. Icefishing for specks...suckers. Trolling for specks...suckers. Trolling for lakers with a rapala...suckers. I digress, Ive found suckers start to run heavy a week or so after the bows are up in numbers.
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