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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. Obviously local 'loogins have been taking more than their limit (or 2 limits a weekend) from these lakes. The data MNR has in that area for fisheries assessment in the last few years is extensive. Winter angling pressure has pretty much made these put and take lakes even with a reduced season, should easily have closed these for a few years.
  2. In the early morning hours, I don't believe some brand of vigilante resource stewardship was in the front of their minds. Unfortunate incident without a doubt, poor decision by these gents, and an example should be made to clarify the right way to behave for others. As frustrating as it is to watch resource infractions, why take the law into your own hands, someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but this NEVER turns out well. If it comes out of the case that the perceived lack of enforcement was a potential factor here, perhaps the powers that be can be lobbied to pony up some duckets for more CO's....
  3. Right on! Nice fish, way to persist on the open water, no better time to be fishing!
  4. This might be of help in determining what is crown land in ontario. Crown Land Use Atlas
  5. Thanks guys, with that sunflower heater going inside we were toasty and not looking to venture out. The fish were tasty we cooked one up on the ice, feeding on very small minnows and inverts...red meat. Glad to be back in the trout business!
  6. With high hopes of filming some monster rainbows and browns our group of 4 set out from Winnipeg very early Saturday morning. Temperatures were frigid and minds still fuzzy after a late night strategy session Friday. After a few hours of driving time we arrived at our destination for the first day of fishing. Over 12" of ice allowed us to drive the few hundred yards out to a likely spot, as a baymouth dropped off into an expansive flat of 7-10 feet. Featureless for the most part, the soft-bottomed bay held the odd rock and downed tree, access to deeper water made this a prime feeding flat for hungry trout. Holes were drilled and shacks set up. It turned out that the water was crystal clear and we could see jumbo trout cruising by and checking out our baits, this was probably the most fun I have had icefishing. Watching trout up to 10lbs circle your bait and hit was unreal, throughout the day, constant action kept us warm while a broken heater did its best to freeze us out. It was a balmly -35 on Saturday. First rainbow of the day... These things fight hard, many fish were lost at the hole, barbless hooks, 4lb leaders and slippery fish all challenge the angler to land these mirror-sided trout. Fights were characterized by reel emptying runs, quick change of direction and a general lack of interest in coming up the holes. As the ice boomed and cracked, we caught many more fish... Small white tubes and twisters worked to tempt these trout on lakes where bait bans have been institued.... With one successful day in the books we headed off to try to locate an functioning heater, which at 6pm Saturday evening in a town of 800 is not an easy proposition. Stores were closed up tight, however at the local watering hole a couple of beverages greased the wheels and we were able to get in touch with the owner of the Home Hardware in town, he opened up for us and we secured a heater, which was essential to survival as forecasted lows saw windchills dip into the -50C range on Sunday. Small town hospitality saved our bacon for sure! Our shacks set up Sunday in -50....we moved a couple times but were not anxious to be outside. Steam coming of the open water, they aerate the lake to prevent winter kill due to oxygen depletion. The water was much dirtier on Sunday and we couldn't see the bottom, so relied on the flashers to spot the fish. Between the 4 of us we worked up 10 fish on Sunday, all rainbows, none of which were particularly noteworthy. Unfortunately the camera froze and no filming was possible on Sunday...got a few pics on another camera though. The trophy brown trout that hide in these lakes eluded us, 2 very large fish were hooked Sunday but were not seen or landed...I suspect this is why we all decided to make a trip back in January.
  7. Conversely, it is possible however, that the story accurately depicts the event and the officers made a judgment call on the spot, which in hindsight may have not been the best course of action. Respect for the job police officers do, but working with and educating, goes alot further than ticketing in many cases. Perhaps out of this the detatchment in question would be well served to educate local residents on acceptable actions in similar situations.
  8. Right on, some nice fish there for sure. I've had a lot of luck with waxies at various times of the year. This spring in MI they were the ticket.
  9. Watch your step on the Red this weekend. Don't go too far out. Its still sketchy, only 2-4" of ice in alot of places.
  10. Well I'm sold, are these the lakes we've spoken about previously? I must go!
  11. Anywhere I could be the first person to fish a lake with a real chance at a double digit brook trout. Don't think thats an option any more. Maybe TDF floating for those searun browns
  12. Im not a big fan either, but seems like its the way to go out here. Once the ice is 40"+ I might consider it. Dont want to find out if the truck is a good submarine.
  13. With a buddy I would venture out on less than that. Like to have 4+ when Im by myself. Just go slow and check often. Keep your spacing if with someone. By having the appropriate gear, rope, icepicks, life jacket/floater suit you can be prepared for the worst. You have to be comfortable as the one on the ice. Not me. Constantly twitching because of poor ice is not a fun time.
  14. I'm still 99.9% sure me and the wing observed one heading up icefishing a couple winters ago. It was up around that moose kill we were always seeing the wolves at a couple curves before the parking spot for that one lake. Nothing else could have a blunted head and long thin tail like that. Also it covered ground like no animal I have ever seen. From 1 side of the road to the other and over the big banks...2 jumps.
  15. I suspect that thin strip of trees to the left of the inverted V (or the SE coast of the Florida looking open area) would be a travel corridor, as they could stay out of the open, while going from A to B??? Not much help...
  16. Couldnt pay me to use siglon. nothing but issues for me. Granted I tried it early in my centerpin experience first, had break off and twist issues galore. Chaulked it up to not knowing how to cast well etc. Switched to Raven 10lb grey. Which has been awesome. Tried Siglon again this spring and played with multiple swivels and a wallis cast, still crap. 2 spools of 12lb siglon I can break easliy using my hands. Back to Raven after 1 trip. Im confident in it which makes a big difference. Another question, besides watching your line in crowded areas, what is the fascination with Hi Vis lines? That never made sense to me, use flouro leaders and then a hi vis mainline....
  17. One good thing about the move is we alrady have safe (ish) ice. Was out on the weekend after stocked trout, nothing. But -33 windchill this morning is tightening things up. Barely enough snow to cover the ground though.
  18. Maybe I missed this in the fray. But does paying for a guided trip entitle you to clock spots on your GPS. Maybe this is where the only guiding out of town folks comes in. Perhaps if asked some guys will allow this but who knows. Like everyone, using tips and help when fishings new areas is a great starting point but still nothing beats dialing in your own spots.
  19. Another thought on this. Do you folks see things like an application to consume alcohol in the not too distant future? Submit your application (with requisite processing fee of course) wait a month then receive clearance to be intoxicated while taking the 10 steps from a bar to a cab....It seems like the powers that be are doing their best to phase out the consumption of alcoholic beverage. 0.05 limit, persecution for using a DD service, Volstead Act Part II?? Its understandable that there are mishaps and trouble associated with people over imbiding, HOWEVER, nothing burns like me being regulated becasue some loogin can't make a decent choice in life. "That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves. " -Thomas Jefferson
  20. She was a 2 at 10 but a 10 at 2 officer....
  21. Classic! Good work gents.
  22. Again, top tier. Great photos and fishing....the steelhead reports from you and others have forced me to rig up the float rod and stand stupidly in my living room holding it....3 more weeks..... Keep it up Mike!
  23. Theres a movie...Fish Bums: Mongolia...chronicles the search for Taimen on the fly....pretty wild.
  24. Nice fish, TDunn, cheers for getting out on the river still. Can't wait til Christmas. I'll be out in the rapids. You me and the Doc should have a subzero pin session.
  25. Very cool! Congrats, good work putting the cameras on fish.
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