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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. For the pin, raven mainline in the smoke colour was great in the rapids 10 or 12 lb. I used raven 4.5 or 6.8 fluoro for the leader. With a long rod 4.5 was often enough and the fish seemed to respond better to lighter line in the rapids. For the spinning reel, I like Maxima Ultragreen in 6lb test, it seems to have a larger diameter than XL. Great line in the rapids. Stay away from that hi vis stuff out there. Also make sure you have round shot, not the removable ones. For a big fast flow, it is ultra clear and the fish can be picky.
  2. You've never had the helicopter visit in the winter? They came in via chopper 2x in the last 3 years.
  3. I made it home for some steelhead fishing. Not the best conditions but I was able to get into a few fish each time I went out. Best part was I with a buddy (Dr. S), my girlfriend and my Dad on 3 consecutive days. Made for some great days on the water. Now that my Dad got out he was fired up and took my Mom out a couple of times, they got into some fish since I left. I also hooked and lost a massive fish, havent seen too many like that one in those rivers....I'll have to come back and catch it another time.
  4. was there from 2000-2007 biology how about you?
  5. Alright, you got me I'm just upset I had to take a crap job. By the way its spelled Winnipeg, U of Waterloo, and thanks for paying my salary, you're quite generous with the tax monies. Your attitude about folks from Northern Ontario, among other things, is less than admirable. Good luck fishing.
  6. Stonefly, you're very obviously the goof wearing Patagucci with a matching centerpin. Time and again here you have proved ignorance and lack luster intelligence by tossing out some insults and misinformation. If you can't comprehend the fact that your Lake O ditches are vastly different than the Superior tribs you are dense. Bottom bouncing is a proven and very effective technique up where we alls are imbreds. It doesn't equate ubiquitously to flossing as you seem to gather. To learn to catch fish and save tackle in northern tribs or the rapids, you have to have some skill. Its how all of the people I know learned...though once the horseless carriages made it possible to ship float reels into Northern Ontario (past Barrie for you) a growing number of people are trying because it is a new challenge. I like to think of being a steelheader as opposed to a centerpinner (though I use one alot), Im out there to catch fish on whatever it takes, not just to look the part.
  7. save money for gas and fish where the fish are in. Where the extra money on rods comes in is big water I think. If you fish big, heavy flows alot spending a few bucks on a quality rod thats strong enough to turn fish yet not a war club that is tiring to fish all day helps. A combo I've been happy with is the Raven 14' IM8 with a SST2, good for most situations....fresh manistee steelhead a mile from the lake exempted.
  8. Great trip Mike! Im going to try to coin the term MONUMEPIC for your steelhead reports. Very cool you got your Dad out to fish and show him a different style of fishing. My Dad taught me to steelhead fish and doesn't get out much at all anymore. Showing him how to fish with a pin and getting him into a fish a couple of falls ago was just awesome. I've got to get down to MI again, maybe try to muskegon instead of the big man...powerful fish!!! T-4 days til I steelhead!!!!!
  9. Right on, I was given some free samples by West Jet the other day on the plane, tried it at the hotel and its darn good. I'll be picking some up, when I get back to Ottawa...unless Hall Beach has a Starbucks??
  10. Right on dude, cold keeps the crowds away. I started using an elastic to hold a handwarmer on the rod just at the reel. Stuck in ottawa another night waiting for weather.....
  11. costa del mar with the 580 glass. I've tried smith, dragon, oakley and h20 optics and nothing even comes close. I do still love the polarized rapalas for canoe tripping or other times I know they're gonna take a beating.
  12. I was completely unaware the Susan Irving - Cogar was a biologist/fisheries manager, this puts a whole new spin on things, lets concede scientific rigor by the FMZ and MNR et al. and go with her science and precautionary method. Insert peer reviewed publications here______________ Honestly, if it is not clear to the public and city council, someone using "buzz words" like precautionary approach can attract alot of attention and following, without proper information from cooler heads this could be a tricky situation.
  13. Again another, amazing trip. Good work Mike and Bill. What a teaser.....the time draws near, I will wade again!
  14. 2 places this past year where I really saw scents make a big difference were. 1. Late fall trolling for muskie and pike. We experimented and ran a 2 naked baits with 1 scented, all the same lures, tuned as close as we could, same amount of line out. The scented bait was nearly 4 times the catch rate of the unscented over 2 days of fishing (a buddy wanted to do this for a sponser) 2. Jigging hardbaits for walleye (livetargets and chubbys). Again substantially more hits throughout the season. I see fresh spawn fish better than heavily cured stuff, sometimes procured skein is the only ticket in the fall.... Ben hit it, use what works for you. If you can't catch a fish on a swimbait, why continue to use them because Doug Stange catches fish with them.
  15. Maybe but I'm looking for something in a remotely deployed GPS tag, so not to drug them. Community approval I could use....
  16. I hoard (its tough not to eat them....)those silica gel packs from electronics stores and shoe boxes etc. Toss a couple in each tackle box and they seem to keep rust free. Also I believe there are commercially available alternatives, I think Remington has something for gun cases or the like.
  17. You ever try to tail a walrus without a glove? Not a 2nd time....
  18. Thats very close to the spot, where it pushes left. Sun is brutal there with no leaves on the trees...
  19. Luc did you find that hole I was talking about? You can fish it from the high side but its an easier cast and the evening sun is less of an issue on the other side. Great mid afternoon hole too, thats where they seem to drop into coming up or if the big hole gets worked hard. I can't wait to go steelheading!!!
  20. Do you keep a fishing log? Each outing you go take note of weather, winds, temps cloud cover. More importantly, water temp, clarity and colours. This will put a database of when fish move into your favourite rivers and when they are more catchable. Fish a few rivers and get to know their moods, I can tell you right now from 1500km away how certain rivers I used to fish look, check out the flow gauges, befriend an MNR fire employee and they can get you better precip levels, away from Environment Canada weather stations. The Dr. and I spent a lot of years with little success learning on our own how to figure out steelhead, resources are great but keep on fishing. 2 last thoughts, are you sure you're in the right place at the right time or just a convienent one? Want to catch fish, go to the flow that is prime conditions, alot of guys are driving 8 hours or more to fish prime conditions. If you're not catching and the fish are there its time for a complete revamp of your rigging, line, shotting pattern/amount etc. Start over with something out of your comfort zone.
  21. I disagree with the term properly played fish...a properly played fish (in close proximity to its spawn especially) should be one played quickly and brought to hand far before exhaustion. Im my opinion, the beaching of fish in mud, or worse, sand and allowing it to flop around and get debris in its eyes and gills is far worse than a tailing glove. A glove or better a net, will allow for a fish to be landed and controlled much more effectively. I don't think a wet glove of wool or cotton would do extreme damage.
  22. Stay off my rock! I'm coming back to claim it next week.
  23. Not sure if it is set up yet (was in the organizing stages when I left ON) but monies from fines such as these (by the MOE only I believe) go into an environmental damages fund. Then they are applied for by groups for conservation efforts in THE AREA that the fine was levied. This is separate from the remediation required by the landowner.
  24. They are stopping the "glamorous" slaughter that hunting and fishing present....no worries about the slow affixiation of an ecosystem, not enough conflict or media attention. Imagine if they championed ecosystem issues like this? What a lobby group the environmentalists and sportsmen could be if aligned to a common goal of protecting the natural world....alas they are often sensationalists with little information on the topics they spout off about (just watch a lady denouncing the seal hunt get hakapiked at a conference a few weeks ago...the fine DFO folks came armed with facts and not ignorance and a loud voice...) I digress, good on the gent who is taking action, all of us should be so dilligent and do our part to be stewards of our lands and waters.
  25. Right on man, looks like a nice day to walk there. Nice fish!
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