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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. A well managed sport hunt is one of the most effective ways to control predators. The nature in which wolves were killed in the last 150 years or so in Canada resulted in very low wolf numbers. Ecosystems adapted a new homeostasis, once these natural controllers of ungulates and smaller prey species were removed. Recently, conservation efforts, regulations and general lack of harvest have brought back wolf numbers to much higher levels. With little or no control on these species there will be a natural cycle of boom followed by bust, through which nature will find a new equilibruim for wolf numbers and prey numbers. The abundance of deer and moose are of great concern to resource managers, particularly due to the resource user demands (hunters) for abundant game. To agument this natural cycle, the use of hunting as a management tool is extremely effective and if done properly quite humane. Think about this if you would, if there is an overabundance of wolves in a particular area there is inherently increased competition for resources, which are generally present in a limited amount. Younger wolves are forced into new territory with the outcome of conflicting with other dominant wolves or humans, both scenarios are usually detrimental to animal health. Further, once an area surpasses its (wolf) carrying capacity, there is a die off through starvation or disease. Granted both natural methods for keeping populations in check. High densities will yeild a lower overall population health and may have long term inpacts of a diluted (or less fit) gene pool. Due to the nature of human interference in natural systems, we cannot ignore the responsibility to manage nature. Often a well placed bullet will provide a more humane end than the potential suffering I mention above. I would love to debate this topic with others, I'm curious to hear thoughts on it. However, often these issues require a bit more investigation and deliberation that a quick google search or a wikipedia ctrl-c/ctrl-v....
  2. I'll have to take the colts primarily because of Manning. Though their pass protection had better be on point. I suspect you'll see a bit less spread and they will keep a back or 2 in the backfield to pick up the blitz packages tossed at them by Greg Williams. Saints running game (with Bush) plays into the speed of the front 7 for Indy, downhill runners give the colts more problems. Colts 34 Saints 27 I also believe I will be challenging Drifter as the most northern contingent from OFC during the game....either Igloolik or Iqaluit depending on the weather.
  3. OOD and Infisherman are the favourites. Salmon Steelhead Journal is another good one. I wish I had more, I read them cover to cover as soon as the I get them then I have 28 days to review and memorize.
  4. Let the powers that be know this issue is of utmost importance. I wrote the MPP and MP of my former home in SSM, further their counter parts in Michigan. I also contacted OFAH to ensure this was on their radar and they were taking lobby action. These letters need not be lengthy nor hold cited literature, they simply need to convey that this is an issue to critical importance to resource users on both sides of the border. The ramifications of this species in the Great Lakes could be huge. No one but fishermen/outdoorsmen are going to bat on this one for us. Where are all those tree hugger groups on an actual environmental issue??? Make yourself heard. At this point it is a lobby battle.
  5. Right on dude, great song for the background too, I havent broke that disc out in a while. Got a view of your tracks from the plane today, clear skies over that area and I got the binos out to check things out. Keep it up.
  6. Well its decent in Winnipeg right now but check out where I'm spending next week.... Hall Beach
  7. haha luc...have fun trail riding buy the trail permit and leave your icefishing stuff at home sally. funny thing about having icefishing gear is you dont need a permit. Sell your boat and buy a seadoo if all you want to do is burn gas.
  8. I got a coffee cup and some gasline antifreeze/injector cleaner for my troubles....pretty good service from Toyota. Team Tacoma
  9. Well congrats buddy Im glad you got one that can get the family involved in icefishing. Don't be so quick to put down the power auger though, I was a skeptic myself but after using one for a while theres no comparison for mobility and covering water. CT has them like 50% off at the end of the season. Also let me know if you need a trail broken to a back lake
  10. For the first time in a few weekends I haven't made a trip into Ontario to ply shield country lakes for trout. With an impending blizzard in the forecast, we ventured far out on to Lake Wpg. in search of some greenbacked walleyes. The driving conditions were pretty good, the general lack of snow made for smooth driving and only a few deep drifts. As we picked our way through the ice ridges and drifts it was apparent a working GPS was in order to return safely, as a heavy fog settled around us, visibility was down to 50yds. We got lucky, just barely making it through the ice without an extension (conveniently left at home...) over 3' of ice. Arriving at the first spot the action kicked off quickly with a few smaller sauger and 'eyes, then a few chunky 20"ers joined the party. As it did numerous times throughout the day, the bite died and we were off to a new location. Mobility was key, nothing was gained by trying to wait the fish out. Deadsticks only accounted for a handful of fish, jigging was the ticket. Also, a flasher seemed to be a key to this bite, fish came in at all levels, and using the electronics we were able to tempt suspended fish. Rattles of some description called in fish, who often refused the calling bait and nailing a smaller more subtle followup offering, it pays to have 2 or 3 rods rigged and close at hand to turn retreating red-marks into snowcovered walleye. A few of the average fish from the day. What a fishery, these fish were all well fed and aggressive. Looks like this fella tangled with a net, I figured he deserved to swim another day
  11. Right on Ben, some nice fish there for sure. Cool pics I like that on ice fire set up and the Lac Seul chopsticks.
  12. As someone who has and still does facilitate meetings across numerous special interest groups on issues of this type, I applaud the MNR and FMZ 17 council. Must have been a good one! Thankfully it goes up on the EBR and you have your chance to comment, I find articles of this nature odd, why didn't you take up your issues at the appropriate time? As far as ice safety, people icefish much further south than rice lake, be it in the far north or rice lake, there will always be issues with ice safety. The lowest common denoninators seem to prefer to test first and last ice.... Bycatch during sport (or commercial) fishing is a toucy subject, worked on for many years. How do you prevent it? A good first step for easier handling would be mandotory barbless hooks (Province wide!) With increased instances of a fishery open for one species and not another, by catch related mortality can be mitigated through the use of barbless hooks. Far be it for me to begrudge someone their limit of 300 pannies, I could never subscribe to that thinking personally a) just don't want to clean that many b ) I refuse to keep more fish than I can eat that day or the odd extra that I give my grandparents. Frozen fish doesn't taste as good. Its unfortunate that the author of this letter was afforded such a forum for opinions that are less than veracious. Though I'm not a resort owner, I suspect a good business plan would be to jump on board for both the extra revenues during what was previously a down time and taking every step possible to reinvest into my product which in this case is the health and divesity of rice lake and its surrounding ecosystem for the future.
  13. I went through this in the fall, moved to MB from ON and looked into things Bell doesn't have coverage here.... Called Bell and their suggestions were either paying 360 odd dollars or signing my contract over. Was not happy and asked to speak to the superior, he said we would allow them to charge me a low low fee of 15/mo instead of the full fee. Only way I got out of it was at the time I signed the contract there was a provision to allow lateral transfer between Bell and MTS with no charges. 3 Months prior to my request to terminate the contract they removed this clause. I documented this...7 people later, and after some extremely pushy behaviour on my part...2hrs 15min later. I was out for $50 processing fee and had my longdistance charges while using my Bell phone in MB credited. They upper level people have a great deal of authority to fix these issues. Lessons learned in dealing with Bell, explain your situation to each person you talk to (its recorded) document names, times and numbers of all the people you talk to. "I don't find your resolution acceptable, please let me speak with your superior" It worked for me....the extreme level of frustration of the call, and the restraint taken to calmly deal with absolute idiots was worth the $300 or more it saved. Just call and raise hell with those asshats, tell em I sent you.
  14. I use my vex alot this open water season for jigging walleyes. It was really good in the Red and Wpg rivers when anchored or holding position with the trolling motor. Just like icefishing, I had the flasher and my finder side by side and the flasher was more sensitive and seemed to be ahead of the finder in response. Just think about jigging summer lakers
  15. Good luck, if you have the time, I would be interested in seeing/hearing how it goes.
  16. Thats crazy the king of wanting to go laker fishing missing out on a trip. Cant let that massive williams speck rig get rusty
  17. Cool video Luc....I guess you can take it for granted that it is rough terrain, the snow paves a nice hiway over obstructions in most years. Seems like there is a nice fish or 2 in there after the events of the past couple years. To bad about your buddy Mephitis mephitis and his lack of luck.
  18. As the parking lot nears and the snowshoes are getting strapped on....Overkill by Motorhead. Metallica, anything up to and including the black album. NOFX, Against Me, Bad Religion Also another great is Uncle Tedly's Fred Bear "If some of our teenage thrill seekers really want to go out and get a thrill. Let them go up into the north west and let them tangle with a Grizzly bear or Polar bear or brown bear and get that effect that will cleanse the soul"
  19. Most guys I talk to in the older Jiffys run Opti 2....the little package in 1gal of gas = 80:1. Been fine in mine and others successfully use this as well.
  20. LOTW is no more than 10hrs from SSM and from what I've seen its amazing. The Soo offers a good mix of amenities in town and outdoor experience, Mockingbird farms has hayrides, there are a number of hut operators there. Also there are a number of more accessible lakes in LSPP that have been stocked with specks. You don't have to go crazy to catch a fish...its easy to get away from the crowds there.
  21. Good camp coffee acts as a toothbrush...you folks are fancy, just a perc or a pot, grounds are welcome. Though a splash of baileys is required to kick start the day.
  22. Good job, nice speck for your efforts. Keep it up.
  23. Customer service is quite good in my opinion. As the dr stated their 7' med does seem heavy in action, though lightweight. Overall very good rods though.
  24. For that rough hiking , breaking trail too the new ones have crampons, which make life so much easier that the older wood ones. Also there is very little pivot side-to-side for you foot, makes turning quickly and tight manuvering much easier in my opinion. Im a big lad as well and have to problems with the new style.
  25. Ive got the GV widetrails and they have held up so far in the park for around 5 yrs...a buddy has them too, broke a binding and no questions asked warranty through Joe's. I like em.
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