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Everything posted by troutologist

  1. I managed to get out both yesterday and today to fish on the Red River. Was trying to get organized for a tournament out here but couldn't nail down a partner. Anyhow, high winds and a bit of a cold front made fishing yesterday tough a few sauger and a couple small walleye. Today was a different story, got out really early (before the boat launch olympics) and started hitting fish right off. Never had to move as fish seemed to be moving upriver in waves, action was steady with some greenbacks in the 5-7lb range finding their way into the boat. After last weekends poor photography I was all set up with a borrowed tripod for some better efforts. Tough to take pictures when the camera is at home....I'll get it right one of these weekends. Called it an early day today to finish some yardwork etc. The boat launch was about as bad as I've seen it anywhere. 3 or 4 collisions boats falling off trailers, I sat out in the river for 30mins until the rush of 1pm launchers subsided. Im by no stretch a pro getting the boat in and out of the water since I usually am alone, but jeez when I take half the time as groups of guys its bad. It seems like the greenback run in manitoba is similar to the great lakes salmon run, brings those with common sense out of the woodwork. THE TIP (you guys have probably figured this out well before me...) Here is a tip that worked very well for me today. I was anchored over a drop off and with the current and wind the boat was moving from 18 to 21 fow. Lots of fish were suspended up at 18-19' off the edge of the drop. I was catching fish pounding a jig into the bottom but wasn't sure I was catching the fish up off bottom. Tied a hook up 24" from my jig and used a 5/8oz fintech zon'r (cuts the current very nice). A modified dropshot. My indication this was working was I got fish on both hooks (not at the same time). Pounding the bottom has been the best jigging method and this rig let me continue this and catch a few bonus fish.
  2. I wouldn't worry about the Blue Green Algae warning, it is prevalent in many Eastern Algoma Lakes. Though blooms can occur all year (even under the ice) its is unlikely there is an active bloom at this point. Not very familiar with the lake but some people do well for walleye. From what I understand the weed edges go quite away out from shore.
  3. Watch MEC for sales....best ones I've ever found. Take these Liner Gloves Wear them inside these Mercury Mitts My hands get cold easily and these are far and away the best system for ice fishing, sledding and higher activity things like snowshoeing. You have a few options on how to wear them.
  4. Dude why are you at home? Shouldn't you be fishing everyday with no work?
  5. Touche. Though I like to think of that Im up to as mirth vs. havoc. Ever want to be entertained? Go to a "town hall meeting" regarding resources in SSM. The aforementioned contingent is present and vocal. I had the pleasure of hosting and moderating many.
  6. Caught my first decent sized channel this summer (~15lbs). They fight like heck. No jumps obviously but they sure pull and are tough to convince to leave the bottom. I'd still rather steelhead fish, but cats are quite a fight.
  7. Ya Dave should take some driving course or something. The 1 wheel peel mazda made it up there a few times. Including a Bo Duke style culvert jump in front of a camp of tree planters. Motorhead was a factor... I'll jump in on the name of the lake. Since one of our best lakes got too much traffic all decent lakes, ponds etc are renamed. Search gangbang song by kenny cheecho on you tube.
  8. Is that last bass pic with the boat and motor from Ach?
  9. Does the MNR stock Atlantics in Lake Huron? Science sucks lets continue to let the party in power make kneejerk reactions to lobbiests. The best way to ensure better long term fisheries management is to take all the money from any scientists and give it to CO's. The CO's will be happy as their job will get real easy due to the lack of fish. Seems like enrollment should be up in biology faculties at Ontario Universities. Since the currently trained group of biologist can't seem to manage our fisheries appropriately, most of you will be wanting to take courses to make a difference yourself, armed with actual scientific training and tools versus, the word of a TV personality. Cheers to the volunteers who provide time and resources to ensure these programs continue, they are the ones who deserve a hats off. They lead by example and so should be applauded.
  10. Without really looking into this I can tell you activation of the stress axis in fish (or any higher vertabrate) reallocates energy to deal with the stressor. This basically is taking potential resources away from reproductive related activities. Now there are obviously a number of variables, time between angling and spawning seems to jump out to me, maybe bass can recover from this event in x days or maybe it has an effect. I am curious to hear how the growth rate after the bass is hatched and begins to feed on its own is retarded. Assuming an effect on the female from a prespawn event I could understand eggs in poorer condition. Would the feeding thus growth rate of a YOY bass not be independant of a single life event in the mother, gaining more for her genetics and its personal feeding ecology? Aside from the general stress stuff is purely speculation on my part.
  11. My setup is the 6'6 Avid ML Fast action with a 2500 stradic. I love it. No complaints at all. Use mostly 1/2-3/4oz jig lately and it handles it nicely.
  12. Those underwater shots are very cool. Especially like the first one.
  13. Put a minnow trap out and see what you catch. Some minnows are more silver, some golden, others have red markings. Also crayfish varying in colors. See whats in your lake and try to find a bait that looks similar. If that doesn't work try something that is vastly different than the forage base...sometimes your bait has to stand out from the pack. Most of the basic colors of rapala type baits will catch anything that swims, for my money its where you cast not so much what you cast.
  14. STC is still rife with fresh cohos
  15. In the charges there is no mention impeding hunting/fishing or something to the effect of that verbage. Is it not an offense to impede those lawfully carrying out hunting or fishing activities?
  16. Be a few weeks yet. Did you check the water temps? Even with low flow there seems to be a magic number for the hwy plaque... By the looks of things Grandma K. didnt get dinner?
  17. Man they really need to shut down Maq to fishing for a year or 2 or make it a no kill lake. I think that 1 over 40cm and 1 under just makes people keep those trophies. Its amazing the pressure it gets on opener and closer. Not many lakes I've seen that produce consistent size like that once did. On a side note. Nothing like a nice 5km walkon the snowshoes to weed out the crowds and resource abusers eh? Fish all winter and see a few other folks, maybe Roger will stop by for a heli-visit. No sleds, no litter sometimes a broken trail that goes to the right place!
  18. Fished the red a number of times for cats and walleyes. Also been to Lac du Bonnet on the Winnipeg R system lots of sauger and eyes, saw a few sturgeon caught there too. The more I look into things the better fishing opportunities look. Im anxious to get out towards the Duck Mtns and get after some tiger trout. I also hear some great things about laker fishing in clearwater lake (by the Pas). If there's one thing that makes me mad is exploring new lakes and streams only to find there are quite a few fish in them!!
  19. Thats a bit general for an area the size of 10. Just like many lakes are stocked, there are many lakes that have solid natural reproduction. I (and the Dr.) fish many lakes that aren't or have never been stocked. Lakers from inland lakes, having a greater proportion of their diet made up by aquatic inverts are definitely not greasers, as fine eating as specks.
  20. I was trying that out today, still trying to figure out where I need to stand to incorporate the fish and cut my ugly face out of the pics. Somewhere at work I've got a mini tripod that would balance nicely on the front seat, my small digi cam seems to want to tip over taking good pictures of the sky and seat fabric.
  21. So Americans are the problem with lake trout numbers in zone #10? I'd be quite enamored to hear the reasoning behind this. My experiences are that uneducated local people who feel it's their right to take what they want whenever. Though its in your legal right (maybe not possession limits mind you...) to take a lake trout limit twice a weekend or every weekend the entire winter. It still doesn't mean this is right in my mind. I don't begrudge anyone a fish lunch or dinner but watching the same groups do this on the same lakes every weekend seems like the harvest is not sustainable. Never understood why people want to freeze fish and not eat it the same day anyways, but thats a different story all together. Take no more than you need. In LSPP I've run into US folks only a handful of time and they have always treated our resources as a privilege versus a right. No doubt both residents and visitors need to be reminded of what we have to enjoy in our backyards.
  22. I agree the possession limit should decrease. My feeling is that they will do something with the season to reduce angling based mortality in the winter. Hope they don't cut off any time in the spring or fall though. That would change a few annual trips
  23. Out in the boat again today. Fishing was great and the weather was decent as well. At the end of the day at the launch there was a big lund somewhat conspicuously sitting above the launch with out a trailer. 3 lads were lingering looking obviously impressed. No pics of that, didnt want to rub it in. Ended up with around 20 sauger and 4 walleye Biggest eye weighed 10lb 4 oz Big fish. All my fish came in 20-22fow. Some people were catching shallower. Jig and minnow. The view Nice eater Big fish. This basically is the poster shot for needing to buy a tripod Heading back out tomorrow. Cant wait!
  24. No ice fishing just yet! Made it out this afternoon after getting the boat all set up. Problem free maiden voyage. Lost one greenback at the side of the boat because I was in such a rush to leave I left the net at home. Got checked by the cutest 2 female CO's EVER then made it home for the tail end of the leafs debacle. Out tomorrow morning, only freezing rain tomorrow, hardly poor weather at all.
  25. Thanks for the comments folks...its my first decent boat thats not a canoe. Was hoping to take it out tomorrow morning but the 4" of snow and 40kmph winds aren't making it easy.
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