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Everything posted by icedude

  1. WOW--admire your specificity here-have a renewed respect for your moniker lunatic-haha Kinda narrows things down Like the birds singing this morning--it's a passage of spring for you and yours perhaps Every success with your search here dude Cheers Paul
  2. Very sorry to learn of your loss here Lew-my condolences to you and your family Paul
  3. Agreed Grims -easy shot to criticize after the fact to be sure--the silly OMNR buggers should have known a lot better to suspect our very own Terry from any violation ,intentional or otherwise. Stupid MNR Enforcement Unit -raise the bar on their training maybe ? Paul p.s. Extremely unusual you'd ever meet a- US Marshall on that body of water-looks like you were an exercise that day--Good for you to take it all in stride
  4. Clearly your call Sir If your wallet can support it-- suggest at this time you secure the services of a professional You have until March 15th as you know Play it by ear maybe Paul www.perchinforms.com
  5. LTF was near WB this morning--surface is lumpy-cold and windy Not a great day to be moving an ice shanty imo see www.sailflow for wind conditions YES both cars and 4 x4's running the ice bridge to Georgina Island Play Safe Have FUN Cheers ID1
  6. UnBelievable Awesome Stuff Thanks for sharin Paul
  7. Never knew you left Happy to learn you all had a good event Saturday-nice pics--nice winning fish @ Ty's gig
  8. Your all on your Own with the Fish Fear me Thang Trust the Woman Folk find you attractive hahaha Lots of standing Water in Vaughn Sir-to be sure ! Your Question Tune 'Sometimes In Winter' Blood Sweat and Tears Play Safe.......Have FUN
  9. Hope it stays on Hey guys. When the cats away. The mice will... Never mind. Lol. hahaha All good here thanks for asking Roy Maybe you're on a fragile grid ? JK Have a safe weekend All WEAR CLEATS
  10. Good on Yah
  11. LMAO Just got off Shift--stand by............. Moxie .............. OK --you gotz--spelling intentional--the NEW SPY Rod and Reel Combo yet? If you colour match it with the new ROD gloves--fashionable and -devastatingly effective ! You may catch FISH ON Safe is always a sound concept The solo Characters out THERE ?] Can purchase WF @ LOb LAWS as i understand it Happy Valentimes Day All ID1
  12. x 2 DANG ! Patience and determination paid off
  13. Thanks
  14. x2 Amazing -- Congratulations William and Crew All thru an 8 inch hole Perfect Cheers Paul
  15. Cool Shot Lookin up field guides here--Is that a "Barred" Owl Thanks in advance Paul
  16. Wonderfull Pic WSB Appreciate you sharing this Have Fun Play Safe ID1
  17. Sure--i'll take the bait What is a FF ? OFC Family getting all cliquey ? Thanks Paul
  18. good thinkin dude Paul www.perchinforms.com
  19. Keep it a 'Balmy' 17 here as well--Fuel oil in a 2500 square foot living space was running us approx $3K a year-albeit not a terribily well insulated century home Converted to high efficiency gas--halfed the cost roughly Shop has a wood burning stove and supplemental heating when required It's a damn cold winter on the south shores of Lake Simcoe--Good for making ICE Paul www.perchinforms.com Stay Warm All
  20. Here yah Go ! Percussively yours, Paul
  21. Appreciate your update here ch312--food for thought--thanks for the linkage Cheers Paul 'Take A Kid Fishing'
  22. Appreciate the photo J-M..like minus 20 here on the rear porch-on South Lake Simcoe--haven't a clue as to the wind chill dynamic--early ice Fisherman--got a ferrel pussy cat looking at me with longing eyes---YUP--he's indoors tonite by the looks of it.lol Even if it hits 4 on Thursday S. --hopefully this ice will stay Play Safe Have Fun Paul
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