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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. Geat report and pic's Rick.Did'nt get to chat too much,BUT, I did finally get to meet you
  2. Congrats DouG, The RLG[?] will surely let you go up again next year Good job ya doing up there Kevin, but, no help from the MNR?.........figures
  3. Happy B'day Chuck ! Good to meet you and Shelley at L'air. Keep it going Pal.
  4. Sorry I did'nt spend a bit more time with you Bernie,but that was a big crowd to try to round to meet. They are a hell of a bunch of people are they not? See ya next year!!!!
  5. Thanks to all you Guy's and Gals I met for the first time at Lakair. My first attendance at a G2G, so I have only ever met a few of you. I cant remember the last time I had such a great time.Tho' cool, the weather held up for us,and I got to meet so many INTERESTING people,too many to remember all the names.But at least I can put a face to most of the Post's now. My thanks again for a great 3 days, its a long time to next year.
  6. Glad you Guy's got home safe and sound. Great to finally get to meet you,and put a face to all your Post's. The cap fits good,thanks!! Sorry to hear 'bout the throat Joe..............fish bones????? Might just drop by in a couple weeks!
  7. Nice going Steve. Nothing like a goods fishing to make you honestly tired. Did ya have to take ya shoes off and chase 'em, or are ya going Hillbilly??
  8. Well..... I guess I'll have to take my Silk Jammies out and pack my Furlined shoelaces Heading up tomorrow . ForecasterS are rarely on the ball.
  9. Hope you can get it fixed Tom, or find a way to get there. I've been looking forward to meeting you a long time now. Sounds like Maureen may be knocking onya door
  10. Buckhorn , Peterboro area covererd and heading up Hwy #11 in a coupla days to Lakair. These sons a *itches, when and if caught should have their hands cut off.[Old English cure]
  11. What goes around, comes around Bernie ! Found out while in Trailer Parks and now living in the Boonies. Its no big thing doing favors for Neighbors as it almost always comes back to you. Good on ya Cobber ! [Aussie talk ]
  12. I've fished for Bass for a L O N G time and have always tied my line, be it Mono or Braid directly on the lure,Spinnerbait or Worms. The more connections you have, the more weak links. IMO the Bass, being ambushers dont see the line anyway
  13. Way t'go 'Girl. Go get 'em. Back with a vengeance EH!
  14. Good to hear all went well Cliff,smart move going to Emerg. Great places when ya need 'em. After my Hernia fix, they said ,no heavy lifting also. Even told me to sit down for a pee Take it easy and get well soon.
  15. Cubs, Scouts, senior Scouts, fell just short of Kings Scout,due to a badly written log of a w/end trek.Learned a H*** of a lot of things,mainly I think, self diciplin[?] If all the youngsters today were in these organizations, there would be less problems in this world. I then went on to Army Cadets, reached Regimental S/Major, then failed the Medical for the real Army. Go figure. Then I met my future lifes partner.........................
  16. Definately Pollen, dont know where from, but its the worst I can remember.It's covering the lakes, cars, my White window trims are Yellow.Tired of cleaning it off.....hope it rains soon LOL
  17. I was advised last night in Chat, that ya cant go wrong with Red Devil and 5 o' Diamond spoons. Reel and flutter, reel and flutter!! Gonna get me some, I'm itching for Lakair too. Seeya there!!!
  18. Lol!! We will be passing thro' Viginny in a few weeks time,and if we smell that cooking, I'm gonna be sorely tempted to veer off for a visit. Looks sumptious....slurp !
  19. Here's an idea Kevin. Keep all the Pike you catch, and clean 'em for our Fish Fry. We will replace them for you, ready to clean for the next bunch of misfits that come to your Lodge!
  20. Board Name.................Nanook Real Name...................Jack # Persons.....................2 Nanook and Bassmastermike [Mike] Camping...Tent trailer. Lot unkown! Bringing boat [Mikes] Dinner on Thurs and Fri at restaraunt.
  21. Hey you Guy's, ease up a tad. I think Tom's getting a bit shaky
  22. Will be going to Layzee Acres on Dalrymple,camping for 3 day's Thurs - Sun. I ts a trial run, to make sure everything works in the Tent trailer, ready for LAKAIR Any one gonna be in the area ?
  23. I'm with you Boatman!!
  24. Guess ya need to up ther ,to prove you was born and not hatched
  25. I heard, last week that all boats are required to have Compass on board. After digging around and putting in a few 'phone calls, I got this; All vessels under 6m and out of sight of navigation aids must be equipt with a Compass. Anyone seen this in print. ???
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