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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. .......WOW !!......
  2. When we lived in Mississauga I would go every year, but even then I noticed a downward trend. Was intending to go down this year for a looksee,but I think you 've talked me out of it.Thankyou People
  3. We sure d have some artistes on this 'Board. Very nice work!!!
  4. Painting the Living room
  5. Oh!! Yuk Yuk Yuk
  6. Now thats a boat and a half Art, lotsa holidays in that one. If ya ever decide to do the Trent system, give us a shout!!!! Kudo's to ya.
  7. Get well soon Doug. Took me 10 days to start feel better,but then. I was slow getting the Quacks. Drags ya down a bit, so rest up, plenty of fluids. Cya !!!
  8. Sorry to hear of your loss Julie. Please accept our condolences.
  9. Hope Sheri heals up fast Lew ! Shame it hag to happen,but. Ive said it befor and I'll say it again. Too many idiots out there believe all the Advertising out there. Super Duper tires, all wheel drive,ABS brakes, Blah Blah and they show people driving like idiots,or getting giddy inside the car.I think the Powers that be should investigate the advertising aspect. Some people believe anything
  10. I think I remember that bear ! A big Grizzly? Was'nt it Ben along with Dan Hagerty the actor from the film I dont remember the film title.
  11. Great new's Rob. Like Big Ciff, Ive been in the dumps for a while,Hearing about Chris. shook me out of it. Hope thing's keep on improving for him.
  12. So Duckblinds are Public !! Had a Buddy who built a blind on his lake, when he went out to it,he found a guy in it. Buddy; My Blind! Guy; My spot ! Buddy put rope on his blind,saying I'd better move it then. He did.......with the guy in it If I built a blind, I would'nt consider it Public !!
  13. Way to go Girl! Shout his praises from the rooftops! We shoud all be proud of our Guy's and Gal's doing their jobs over there. Hopefully they can all come home soon.
  14. Cant seem to get that Link to work. I've been doing some repairs on the S'blower, fuel line,starter rope and an auger shearpin. Sounds like I got 'er done just in time
  15. Join the 'Old Farts Retirement Society' then ya wont need one
  16. Wow !! those paintings are out of the top drawer. I dont wonder she sells them. Really nice.
  17. Had me guessing too Roy Lol!!! I checked out Home Depot last year for a 40Gall tank,Code says you now have to have a Temperature control valve[so ya cant make it too hot?} $249 for the tank+ this new valve? +Traveling expense to inspect, then come back and do the job + instalation + $980. yeah right ! Still got the old tank!! I would still buy my own............but not at those prices
  18. Steve, its true! we would have enough SMALL split-shot on the line to keep the tip of the Quill float just above the surface. When the Roach picked up the Maggot[s[ the float rose up.Time to set the hook delicately. Now THAT is finesse fishing !!!!!
  19. Being from the UK also, Maggots were the 'go to' bait for freshwater fishing. We would use a # 16 or smaller hook under a float. The trick is to get the hook into the flat end, just under the skin,and you wont get too much juice. We had a fish in the UK called a Roach,beautiful fish, up to 3LB. It could suck the juice out of a Maggot,without moving the float.
  20. Nice job there Lew,Carpenter on the side ,eh! So you're not only a pretty face
  21. Wow !! Accolades indeed ! I just like to help people out whenever I can,and the Lab head was a good exercise for me,so I got something out of it as well. Thank you all for your comments,you've made me feel REAL good about myself,gave me a lift just at the right time...............Winter blahs
  22. Thats tough Cliff ! but the truth wil come out when decisions have to be made,and he cant make 'em. Jackie went thro' the same thing yrs ago. Had to train the Bosses daughter,then had to quit because of the lies ect.The Govt closed them down 6mths later YEAH!!!! Chin up Pal, nothing stands in way,you will come out on top eventually.
  23. Glad they all got out OK, seems like lotsa help there. Now I know why I dont ice-fish, cant stand the cold either
  24. Thank you to all the Bro's and Sis's who posted pic's for me. This is the result, its a cane head for one of our Bro's who lost his dog last year
  25. Any Post of yours I've read, seemed OK to me. Keep 'em coming Buddie! Any Post of yours I've read, seemed OK to me. Keep 'em coming Buddie!
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