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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. My sentiments EXACTLY Lew!!
  2. Well, Thank y'all for the best wishes. Spent the day stripping walls in the kitchen and painting the cieling.Then Wifey took me to the 'local' fish/chip restaraunt, always good there. I tell ya................... getting up to 'plenty nine' aint for sissies [beansies favorite quote Thanks again. See ya'll at Lakair, Yeah !!
  3. Just word from Leslie at Lakair, I've been accepted for temporary residence. Will be there 21,22 23rd June. Finally I will be able to put some faces to some names. Looking forward to it
  4. This Winter ? Redecorate the whole house top to bottom Get on with my carvings Find that damned Honeydo list and destroy it!!!!!!!!!!!! Think I might JUST try Icefishing again
  5. I just booked in at Lakair for the 21,22,23rd. Waiting for confirmation. My first time and will be seeing all for the first time.Cant bring the boat,but at my age it will be just R & R anyway LOL
  6. In for a penny in for a pound Just sent my application. I'll be all by myself tho'.Wifies letting me loose
  7. Coming up on 49 for us, I guess sump'n worked out right
  8. That reminds me; I wonder if Irishfield got his refund on his rearview Camera? Are you around Wayne?
  9. Who the H*** dreamed that one up? Definately got more guts than me! or?
  10. Found it, and Yakked a bit.............Ithengyou!
  11. I seem to have lost the links to the chat room,have there been any changes I missed?
  12. You make a good point Kemper,but dont get over confident. Good for you, to take the 'course,but that only makes you aware of situations.Each journey out should be a learning experience,and,you should be learning for a long time.
  13. We had some 80' Pine trees taken down last Nov.They were alongside the drive,and too near the house. In Winter thay would get top heavy, and sway like crazy in a wind. Wifey got too squirly about them, so down they came.Three were hollow due to woodpeckers and sqirrels,so I guess they would come down soon anyway
  14. I like to think ya came back 'cos we needs ya Pal!!!!!
  15. My car has anti-lock brakes, superduperxx tires,auto allwheel drive,all the latest gizmos. does that mean I have to know how to drive as well? I put the blame on stupid advertising................some people believe all the see. Good post Lew!
  16. The story I got is that it was found at the side of the road last spring,no mother around. Zoo's were interested in it but it went to a wildlife rehab. farm. Thanks Roy !!
  17. 21 yrs as an Instructor on the TTC.Training Students to drive 40' busses.trolly coaches,street cars. worst part was coupling up disabled streetscars,handling steel bars in -20 and salty slush. Loved every minute of it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yeah, right. Been out of it for 12 yrs now and dont miss it one bit.!!!!!!!
  18. BINGO !!!! Who needs Google when you've got OFC? The Pics are exactly what I've been looking for.Thanks a lot Nauti and Wayne[sorry 'bout the memories] Rick, made a note of that Link,thanks I bow to you all And Les LOL
  19. I'm stuck!; Been trying to find good pics of Labs to no avail.Been Googling most of the Kennels,but no good Pics. Any Lab. owners out there have good pics you would like to share? I need head shots,showing the eyes VERY clearly. Full frontal and side shots would be ideal. Its the eyes that are important. I'm trying to get a carving of a Lab. head done, and the eyes have got me beat. Any help would be greatly appreciated. You can send them by PM or e-mail or post them here of course
  20. Now THATS what I call a dedicated fanatic
  21. Wayne: check out the stores return policy. A lot of stores have a policy,that if an item goes on sale within 30 days,you can get a refund. At Zellers and Crapped out Tire. Try it ,ya might like it
  22. Just going thro' the process.Got the Forms filled in,getting the Documents signed tomorrow,and in the mail on their way.Had an argument with the Photog. he insisted EVERYONE had to take spectacles off due to to possible glare on the pic..................now...THATS what I call a true likeness.What a load of BULL!!!! By the way: Why would anyone leave passport application 'til the last minute?
  23. I started fishing 50yrs ago on Doctors orders,to relieve stress and avoid a "breakdown". Did'nt think you actually had to catch fish. Its worked for me ever since.Fishing is the most relaxing thing you can do[except sleep LOL]If ever I feel uptight,working on this retirement, I try to go fishing to relax. Works for me anyway !!!
  24. Not too sure I'd want you in my boat..... But I DO know I want to get ME in MY boat
  25. Thats my resomalution for this year as well Terry
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