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Everything posted by bowshep

  1. Nice fish. Great Vid. Ken
  2. Good Job Bly. Nice fish. Ken
  3. Nice Pup... have fun... Ken
  4. Have a great trip... it looks like a blast. Ken
  5. Fear its the root of evil or just crapping your pant. Ken
  6. White Capss double s for the 2 sons Ken
  7. Great work Bernie... And putting that boat house on the dock must have been cool, frustrating but when you were done and with a beer in your hand looking at it you must have felt proud. Ken
  8. Glad you got out Joey, you will get your fish. Ken
  9. Set up a mount on the boat trailer it should tuck under the bow and not limit the turning radius because it will be centred... May be... Nice set up. Ken
  10. Great read. Great fishing. Ken
  11. Nice work on the Flys.
  12. yyyyaaaaaayyyyyyyy. This should be your best one yet Maureen. Your Heart and your hard work in spear heading has brought the Fishing For Tyler to a new leavel.
  13. Hey Dave just called you with the number l have. l have tried to get ahold of you through OFC but l dont think your getting them... email me with your email and l will get back to you asap... Ken
  14. Well Texas can send us more storms... Any time we can get water from somewhere else to fill our lakes and rivers its all good. Peace Ken
  15. l recomend a Book Called -- tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. l know what its like to get cought up in the crap of life that l have been missing the truth. We have been programed by our suroundings but it is our hearts that should be our priorities. This man has courage and dignity he will fight it with his last breath but he will not have any bagage. Peace Ken
  16. Well it looks like Sex is a sport and l have to agree and now lm an Athlete... lol and l don't care what the judges say... Peace Ken
  17. No its not a sport. Its kind of like Cooking. They both require knowledge, time and practice. Some have talant and some don't. Some get paid and some don't. But Never Tell a Cook that they have a easy job... Peace Ken
  18. It was my Mom. She didn't fish much but she became a cub leader so we could go camping. Every family vacation involved a tent. l did the whole scouting thing right up to Rangers. Fishing Mentors ? l have two Dave and Mike who are my friends for life. They tought me alot but most of all they showed me the spirit of fishing . They both inspire me to fish and to learn as much as l can. Its amazing how you can bond with out saying a word. Great Thread. Peace Ken
  19. Stoggie welcome to OFC. As long as it is "EXPLOARATORY" then the impact will be small because they want to keep the costs down. But if they find enough for a full opperation you might want to find another spot. The Tailing piles will take out alot of forest which will have run off or the added Prosessing Plant and the ponds. This is not including the damage from the roads or getting power to the mining opperation. The good news is when their done the Tailings has to go back into the mine, the forest replanted and people will have jobs. l was in minning for almost 2yrs and switched to landscapeing for 20yrs. l hope this balances out my Karmma. Peace Ken You can always pray that they hit a Aqua Duct or a big crack in the rock that go's right to the lake
  20. I would have to agree with Solopaddler. Martin River area is nice on the eye's but Nothing like Lady Evelyn. The fishing prospects are alot better as well. l have recomended this place to a few people on this board and have never had anyone complain. Go the extra mile it will be worth it. Peace Ken. If you need info send me a pm.
  21. Cliff is right... so many people go after the all in one's and they just don't seem to do all the jobs well... For your Turf l would get a Wright... its a standup or sit down Turf eating machine with a Zero turning radius its an ugly yellow color (Sorry Yellow Boat) but it should eat that acer up in about 30 min once you get use to useing the machine. Before you go out and buy find out what your spare time is worth to you. For example my spare time is worth $120 an hour thats how much l would charge someone for takeing up my spare time (things l don't want to do). So getting a Mower that will do it faster is worth it to me. The Snow blower l would make sure it can handle 2.5 ft of snow. After all you do live in Barrie. Congrats on the new Place. At the end of March l will be doing a post on Turf Maintenace Just a Pay back for all the people that have helped me on OFC... Peace Ken
  22. Great Job. l dont think l would fish with the first one if l made it its just too Nice. Peace Ken
  23. Great report and nice haul. Peace Ken
  24. Sign Me up... Peace Ken
  25. After last year at the Fishing for Tyler and having one leg go through an unmarked fishing whole. l will never step out on the ice with out spare cloths... even if l left the cloths in the truck l could have been out fishing in a Hour. Instead l became a Elf for Moe. Glad l helped. For the people that have not gone to the Fishing For Tyler l would like to tell you its a blast... Meeting people from the board and seeing a face to the name. I am Glad that everything worked out and everyone is safe. You did have close time with Boooo and she knows that Dad will drop what ever he is doing to help his child. Peace Ken
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