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Everything posted by ehg

  1. That is a remarkable story! Looking back at this must make you so proud of your father. As time goes on you will see these great things appear within you. Let him know....
  2. The fishing reports with pictures and some explanation seem to be the heart of this board. There were way more reports shared a couple of years ago, didn't seem to be detrimental to any fisheries. After many years of seeing this and sharing some, it seems most folks use the right discretion without having to be constantly bantered at, or ruled. It is not like directions and waypoints are being shared like on some more viewed TV shows. The public nature and lack of 'exclusivity' helps all on this forum. Not often you will have pro fishermen and beginners frequenting the same forum.
  3. Looks like you found a decent spot for fishing while attending school. The post below should be paid attention too as proper landing and release tools will help in future battles with musky. Hope you got that musky catching on film Crazyhook...
  4. ehg

    For Ehg

    That by far is my favorite painting i have seen from you Thanks for posting it for our pleasure. Could imagine the sound of water and wind as i casted that pool below the small falls for what surely would lurk there. Thanks again. Oh yeah haven't painted for 5 months or so but will. Fishing and painting will be lifetime passions. Cheers!
  5. Energy drinks are a recent fad. Through the history of mankind sleeping well and eating much have always done the trick. Food=Energy
  6. Nice work there Bushart! Really like the avatar painting, do you have larger version of avatar? The fall colours are appropriate now.
  7. Great report Cliff! People enjoy fishing all around the world.
  8. I like the picture of the walleye from that angle, shows the big teeth and gives a true idea of the size. No wonder they are a top predator in the waters despite their poor fighting returns. Congrats and thanks for report.
  9. They are pretty young, a good talking too from parents or CO would put a few off. The thing that bothers me more are the dudes in Simms waders with float reels and the best equipment 'flossing' for these things. Sometimes serious steelheaders will sharply pull there lines at the end of a float drift hoping to snag a follower that could be eyeing there roe. Kinda akin to snagging as well...
  10. Nice job on the Quinte fish I remember you from the past and your ability to catch multispecies from many different lakes. Thanks for posting this.
  11. What bothers me the most is seeing these guys with expensive float reels, rods, roe etc... blatantly flossing in relatively shallow water. Noticed that even more serious steelheaders do a little snap at the end of there drift just in case a steelie is about to mouth there bait before they re-drift, kinda akin to snagging. 1. doubt it 2. Yes 3. Suckers when i was about 10 yrs. old 4. It is illegal already 5. Not me
  12. Have read early historical reports of brook trout and Atlantic salmon being quite abundant at the mouth of creeks and in the Lake Ontario maybe 200 to 150 yrs. ago. Especially the Don River.... Here is the link started last year about this large Brook Trout w/ picture. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=24835&hl=
  13. Interesting post! What strikes me is the lack of parental or MNR presence. Certainly gutsy for them doing that, obviously they know they can get away with it.
  14. Looks like a good day of fishing there GCD Lots of fish and some big ones in what sounds like tough, debris filled waters. Nice going!
  15. Good bunch of videos Seems the CRAA has done some good work there, not bad considering most of the river flows through heavily populated areas. Lots of work by a few has made a big difference, hopefully in the future the MNR could take some credit.
  16. Well written story/report. I remember being tucked in some rocks while fishing and having them fly overhead. They would have been a few feet overhead and i heard the feathers buzzing from vibrations as they quickly flew by. The average lifespan of these birds is over 70 yrs. Intelligent big birds.
  17. Very impressive bunch of smallmouth caught there! Looks like the new boat got some good use.
  18. Another great report by you Seems that allowing once in a lifetime opportunities for others is as beneficial for yourself as well. This report is so full of 5+ lb pickerel and 40+ inch pike it is mind boggling. Get the feeling that being in that place with all that wildlife (like caribou) and pristine waters is best for the soul. Well done!
  19. Congratulations to Crazyhook! I am sure this will be a funny and interesting urban angling show. After seeing this which he posted shows some toughness as well. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=31247&hl= Jamie has come a long way from posting photoshopped pictures of ChrisS. That was pretty funny stuff.
  20. I caught a gar on a jigging rap while icefishing on Quinte off of Trenton years ago. Have seen them there near the surface off Twelve o'Clock Point many times, which could be an hour and half down the 401.
  21. If you look at the Joe Bucher moon charts the bite always dies as soon as the moon rises. The best bite is always an hour or two before the sunsets and the moon rises. Over many years of fishing i've seen it and believe it. Fishing shuts down while the moon is visible.
  22. Those pike and perch look a bit different over there. Really like the picture of the mantis and lizard. Thanks for sharing the pictures from this distant place rich in history and culture.
  23. Thanks for the reminder. A lot of great people lost their lives that day, in an undeserving way.
  24. Have been fishing for a long time and caught many decent fish over the years. One day i checked out moon phase calendars and was surprised to notice that most PB's and exceptional fishing days coincided with the full moon phases. Made me a believer I will go fishing any time i can anyways. Looks like you had a real good day! It is tough to fish for muskies by yourself, have done it but will try to never do it again. Great report!
  25. Real nice fish! Let me guess around 44-45 inches?
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