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About ehg

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    Downtown Toronto

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All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. They forgot to mention Simcoe. Saw lots of 20 lb fish when you could fish Talbot river by Gamebridge 30yrs ago. My largest thru ice was there. Wisely they put season back a couple weeks, Fished Quinte as well. Simcoe fish were bigger thru ice way back when you could fish late March.
  2. maybe iconnu or alaskan sheefish
  3. ehg


    Alcohol is by far most addictive and dangerous drug. Its legal Surely most will learn to manage. I have MS as well. Pot does help me, but alcohol is intolerable for my condition.
  4. Dalryrmple by far. Caught crappie on small bass topwaters there. Smallish lake north end better less weed,
  5. Morels are the best. Season is almost over. Google Black Trumpet mushrooms they are found with chantrelles and are same family. Pretty good wild eats.
  6. I have the same disease Paul. Have not fished for 7 yrs. because of it. Power wheelchair with me in it weighs about 400 lbs. I will never fish again. MS is nasty.. Hopefully you get out of hospital. Everywhere here is wheelchair accessible thankfully. MS is very progressive
  7. You will find longest run on the northeast end of back channel new weeds. 12 - 16 ft or so. Back and forth ticking new weeds with worm harnesses.
  8. Ice fished there for decades.Main thing was emerald shiners and stinger hooks On jigging raps small spoons etc
  9. a guy from Orillia. Was 3 yrs. old but remember well
  10. Took a long time to read (SPMS, optic neuritis), thanks for effort in writing. Too much to mention, all excellent. Liked the pop culture allusions (fat bottomed gulls, and then there were six) What a great experience .Polar foam bears. HaHa! Read the whole thing. Thanks!
  11. Completely agree. Once topwaters drop off went to rattlin rap (blk/slv) or Twister tail sassy shad paddletail (blk/slv) jig to cover water at different depths
  12. , caught my first steelhead when 9 yrs old(1978) off orange with black dots in Oshawa Creek. remember forever. Hammered walleyes in Pigeon Lake back channel with it after.
  13. I think it was Italo of Canadian Sportfishing. Anyways, i remember delivering newspapers to the Violas on Wecker Dr. in Oshawa. This was in 1981, i was 12. Didn't know them, thought they were gay. Later found out were brothers opened Barclays off 401 in Oshawa.
  14. Confirmed EF1 tornado at Selkirk, too bad you didn't get video
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