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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. I never go out on the ice without mine. It's how I learned to fish Simcoe and it's the method I was using to land my biggest laker on Simcoe to date. Absolutely nothing like it when you set into one!
  2. Yes same department, I worked with F. Beattie and G. Love for the short time I was there under the direction of J. McKeag (sp). Oddly enough I ended up training McKeag's daughter a few years later on the plate mill cranes. But that aside I'd bet I recognize you before you would me.
  3. You missed a good one JD. Aaron Shirley was our guest speaker (he did a great job!) for likely the largest crowd we've had to date. Hope to see you at the G2G.
  4. I can make either date, I'm sure I can get Fish Farmer to come along....Hello Dave!
  5. Last nights outing had my daughter and I out to see the Sam Roberts Band. It was a great show, full on energy from start to finish with a flawless execution (near as I could tell). I'd highly recommend seeing them to anyone who has the opportunity. Goofing off with the daughter..... Oddly enough I can't find any uploaded footage of last nights show as of yet but here's one to give you an idea of what was heard....
  6. A day late and.....well you know. Belated "best wishes" Lew.
  7. Not exactly what I saw last night in Oakville but darn near....
  8. At 17 years old with two years of rod building experience behind me .... LOL Mid 80's at Honey Harbour cleaning bass, yes that's right Bass! My first boat from late 80's, not my kids as I wasn't married.
  9. There's some great pictures here, love 'em all. Due to the limited technology of the time this would be the oldest picture of me I have......LMAO I will try and find some fishing related ones though when I can find a few free minutes.
  10. I'd rather catch the Sheephead over those over grown non fighting, non edible walleye .... LOL But you know me, when it comes to fighting silver I prefer Steelhead hands down, every time!
  11. Thanks Lucas, again it sounds just yummy!
  12. I'm aware of the "Novemburger" event and hope to sample a few. before months end. In fact I was at the Fool and Flagon this past Saturday for a friends retirement party and asked our lovely hostess Christine about it. She gave me all I needed to know to convince me I'll be back to try theirs. But if you would Lucas give me your thoughts on their Novemburger entry. It sure sounds yummy!
  13. 3....? Nah! Two knots, one at the hook and one at the leader to main line. I subscribe to the KISS theory and it's worked for 40 years . Oh and congrats Brian, another technique in your arsenal.
  14. In a word, "WOW." Great post Mike, hope one day I'll be in the pictures instead of saying "WOW" from the sidelines.
  15. First a great "BIG" congratulations Bernie. I knew you had all the prerequisites nailed and kudos to HH for helping you get it on paper. I'm not at all surprised that you landed the job. I've no doubt that the challenges will be met by you with a full head of steam every day and at the end of the day a great deal of satisfaction in your (well deserved) accomplishments. I hope you find it truly and fully rewarding every day for as long as you choose and eventually a route to a comfortable retirement. Again congratulations.
  16. This is indeed the way it works as history has proven time and time again, like or not the world is over populated.
  17. Absolutely! But not before we rid the great lakes of Pacific Salmon.
  18. A few more pictures from my daughters camera, finally.
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