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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. You're an animal my young friend, braver than I for sure. Good to see an update from you. Merry Christmas
  2. He would not have hit her Craig if she had not have stopped for the ducks, a violation in itself. Is he (the motorcycle driver) at fault, tough call but he would not have collided with her had she not stopped for the ducks. I still say she should serve the sentence graciously and be grateful it was not more severe.
  3. Given the severity of her actions and what I would call a more than fair (extremely light sentence) she still feel's it unjust and is appealing the conviction. I think she should accept the decision, serve it accordingly and shut her pie hole! If she appeals I hope they hand her a more severe sentence. Appealing would to me suggest she is without remorse.
  4. My name is "Chris," I says while drooling all over myself..... Nice outing guys! Very envious.
  5. Bull! If they have a car and insurance the cost of winters is easily offset by the reduced mileage on their summers. I'm on a disability pension and can manage to swap out three vehicles twice yearly. Your rebuttals ring hollow with me.
  6. We can't legislate "bad drivers" that's already a given and proven! The incompetency with the MTO and licensing is abysmal at best! But we can legislate the incompetents with better tools for the job. Lord knows I value my life, my children's lives and yours as well along with your families. It's a proven fact that all season radial tires are not designed to perform in temps much below ..... brrrrr, cold!
  7. You've just made made hungry for a TJ fish fry Lew. Given the distance from here to TJ's I'm not happy!
  8. I have a complete set of 4 winter tires on rims for 3 separate vehicles (mine and my daughters), several years ago I had never driven with snows. The difference is night and day, if you believe differently you are not as informed of the difference between "all season" and "winter tires" as you should be. The life lost because of a poor and uniformed decision could be one of your own family members or even yourself. Mandated, slippery slope but I will give my daughters every advantage available, cost is not a factor!
  9. I'm a steelheader and wouldn't you know it, they taste great. My children and I enjoy fresh steelhead over most any fish but the ones on the plate are "selectively harvested." We haven't tasted Musky yet but hey, there's still time.....LOL
  10. I never go out on the ice without mine. It's how I learned to fish Simcoe and it's the method I was using to land my biggest laker on Simcoe to date. Absolutely nothing like it when you set into one!
  11. Yes same department, I worked with F. Beattie and G. Love for the short time I was there under the direction of J. McKeag (sp). Oddly enough I ended up training McKeag's daughter a few years later on the plate mill cranes. But that aside I'd bet I recognize you before you would me.
  12. You missed a good one JD. Aaron Shirley was our guest speaker (he did a great job!) for likely the largest crowd we've had to date. Hope to see you at the G2G.
  13. I can make either date, I'm sure I can get Fish Farmer to come along....Hello Dave!
  14. Last nights outing had my daughter and I out to see the Sam Roberts Band. It was a great show, full on energy from start to finish with a flawless execution (near as I could tell). I'd highly recommend seeing them to anyone who has the opportunity. Goofing off with the daughter..... Oddly enough I can't find any uploaded footage of last nights show as of yet but here's one to give you an idea of what was heard....
  15. A day late and.....well you know. Belated "best wishes" Lew.
  16. Not exactly what I saw last night in Oakville but darn near....
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