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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. ....Browns have a fairly high tolerance to warm water, far more than other trout species. If you start having trouble catching them in low warm water conditions start night fishing.
  2. ....Welcome and you're welcome.
  3. ....A wonderful a and loving tribute to your brother Lew, thanks for taking the time to write and post it. I was so looking forward to meeting Ed this year as I'm sure he was every bit the gentleman you are. My condolences to you and your family and Ed's family.
  4. ....Oh I'll have something again, this time it's big!
  5. ....LOL, somehow I imagined it happening just like that!
  6. ....Always nice to meet new angling friends and I guess I'll be meeting you and Bly at Lakair. Won't be long now.
  7. ....Ah, the green monster strikes again.
  8. ....Sweet, nothing like fresh whities for dinner.
  9. ....Nice to have you on board Rob.
  10. ....No problems before and none now. Bell Sympatico for those wondering.
  11. ....Okay Beats I hope I can offer some useful advice. It's been a few years but I've fished out of Temagami Riverside Lodge (north camp) a few times. Loved the area and the accomodations fishing however was tough. I think the lake sees a fair bit of pressure and due to that we did all are walleye fishing in the evening and on through the night. Night time was very productive with some fish in the 5-7lb range. Typical walleye locations such as neck downs, saddles and rocky shoals all produced well especially if current was a factor and in the north arm it was common. Throwing slim minnow crankbaits and mepps 3's and 4's did the job. Oh and this was always the first week of June when bass were out of season, go figure cause we nailed some beauts.
  12. ....I have a couple of times and will give you some general information in the next day or two as I now have to ruuuuuuuun........
  13. .....Looks like you are all having a blast TJ. Me I'm still trying to wrap my head around that plane landing at a PetroCan for fuel?
  14. ....Now there's a combination of fish I can't say I've ever encountered, nicely done. My first thoughts on that second fish was that it might be a buffalo but I think Solopaddler hit the nail on the head. (quillback)
  15. ....Suck it up girly man you'll need to have a strong wrist for that new float rod I'm building you.
  16. ....Nice to have you on board.
  17. ....I'm certainly looking forward to another great OFC weekend. I should be there Thursday through to Monday.
  18. ....Thanks all. It truly is a gem of a creek considering it's close proximity to my house and that my buddies house backs onto the creek. and Tony I'd like to tell you but..........................................................................
  19. ...Well I finally found a few hours to get out to a local creek for some trout action. No this is not a steelie report but rather a speckie report. This stream I've been fishing for several years now typically coughs up plenty of fat specks in the 12" to 17" range. But as in previous years when the opener is cold and water temps have yet to reach 50 degrees the fishing can be painfully slow. And it was slow, my buddy and I only managed to land three fish with two lost in the two hours we fished tonight. I will however endeavour to get back after the warm weekend (if it happens?) time permiting and try to improve on the numbers. In the mean time here's the a few pictures of the creek and the fish.... It's a tough little creek to fish ! Snags are quite common. But the rewards are well worth it as seen here in my buddies hand. Some times well worth it As for me well I couldn't by a speck but I did get this little beauty.... and I now know where his mama his hiding
  20. ....LOL, I don't think I got my thoughts across to clearly Lew. What I meant is I'm the guy catching some of the remaining 10%. Guess there's room for improvement.
  21. ....I often get to see the sunrise Lew. Mind you it has to be a clear day and I'm usually on my way home form nightshift....lol Great pics though, nothing like a morning sunrise over water unless of course it's a sunset over water.
  22. ....Being in the 10% category I've always believed it to be true.
  23. ....God speed Gary and thanks for taking the time to let us know Alan.
  24. ....Yep, that was very funny, I near choked on me coffee.... Glad to see you got it all worked out Wayne.
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