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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Did it say somewhere that he was fat? What I read said he was emaciated.
  2. Apart from size and quality, you need to think about the features you want. e.g. I find that 2 doors with a small vestibule outside eah to be a very desirable feature. Little mesh pockets inside are also very convenient. OTOH, I don't care at all for 'mesh lofts' for putting damp clothes overhead.
  3. Does anybody know if you can buy a keyed chuck for that type of DeWalt drill? I checked their site and a couple of more online (Home Depot etc) and could not find anything. The piece of wood is, I admit, not the sleekest looking solution to prevent losing the auger but it's easy and it works.
  4. Wow! If I caught 1 half that size I'd be happy!!
  5. Check out the MEC website and the Eureka site and you'll see a whole variety of good quality tents.
  6. The hole saw shown had a hole on opposite sides that allowed me to insert a bolt slightly smaller than the one that came with the drill. I just put a U-bolt thru a piece of wood about 9" long i.e about 3" longer than the 6" bore of the auger. It fits loosely on the shaft and be easily removed for storage. I tested it on about 10" of ice and it went thru easily using a DeWalt 18V. The problem I had was the drill coming off the hole saw even though the shaft on the saw is hex. The chuck on the drill is tightened by hand rather than a key.
  7. I haven't read thru all the posts, but would the boat somehow get damaged from freezing temps? People fish from boats in freezing temps.I know it can be done, but it just seems like a lot of trouble and expense to insulate the garage.
  8. I paid the Ibycus guy $20 and he sent a DVD to me with topos for all of Canada. I guess I could have done it myself if I'd spent some time figuring it all out, but it didn't seem worth the bother.
  9. Yeah. He's doesn't like it much when the shoe is on the other foot. He's so used to being the bully. If, in fact, he was 'bullied' I'd say it was a taste of his own medicine!
  10. Agreed. Like 1 of them said, he's just a bully. No class---he didn't apologize for showing up very late at the time, just the next day. Then he too a page from Ford's book with his half-assed apology. Out with the bum.
  11. Wow! And he didn't even have a fluoro leader---just got lucky I guess!!
  12. That's an alternative method of finding out if someone is a vegan. Usual method: How can you tell if someone ids a vegan?? Don't worry, they'll tell you!!
  13. I'm glad they added that bit.....in case some of us were wondering!
  14. The advice I've gotten is that if you go on 1 of those really adventurous trips you should always take a vegetarian with you. In a real pinch you'd eat them first!!
  15. My opinion as well! What an embarrassment he was to Canadians on his trip to Israel!!
  16. Has anybody tried 1 of these? Seem a bit simpler and a lot cheaper than the Clam kit. http://www.basspro.com/Ice-Master-Ice-Auger-Conversion-Kit/product/102242/
  17. The saving grace is that it's probably too ugly to breed. It'll get rejected in favor of other good looking walleyes---yeah, good luck on finding those!!
  18. A more extreme example---On 1 of the so-called reality shows the challenge was for the contestants to eat what was, for most of us, a disgusting looking bug from the S pacific. One of the women at work ,from the Phillipines I believe, was wathing it and drooling at the nice juicy bugs that she wasn't able to find here in Canada!
  19. Three virgin sisters were all getting married within a short time period. Mom was a bit worried about how their sex life would get started and made them all promise to send a postcard from the honeymoon with a few words on their first impressions of marital sex. The first girl sent a card from Hawaii two days after the wedding. The card said nothing but: "Nescafe". Puzzled at first, Mum went to her kitchen and got out the Nescafe jar. It said: "Great from beginning to end". Mum blushed, but was pleased for her daughter. The second girl sent the card from the Maldives a week after the wedding, and the card read: "Rothmans". Mum now knew to go straight to her husband's cigarettes to read from the pack: "Super strong King Size". She was again slightly embarrassed but still happy for her daughter. The third girl departed for her honeymoon in New Zealand. Mum waited for a week. Nothing. Another week went by and still nothing. A month passed; still nothing. A card finally arrived from Auckland on which was written with shaky hand, "Air New Zealand ". Mum took out her latest travel magazine, flipped through the pages fearing the worst, and finally found the ad for Air NZ. 'Ten times a day, seven days a week, in all directions.' MUM FAINTED!
  20. Too true. Food choices are very cultural. Just as 1 trivial example,pickled herring on a bun is sold like hot dogs on the streets of Amsterdam, but probably would not be a bi hit in TO. People turn up their noses at blood pudding, but what do you eat when you eat good steaks? Yep, blood!
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